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How to Create an Informative Website Like Wikipedia: The Complete 2,000+ Word Expert Guide

Have you ever dreamed of launching a popular site like Wikipedia focused on topics you’re passionate about? An online information hub with thousands of regular visitors eager to consume your meticulously researched knowledge?

Well, I’m thrilled to guide you through each step required to create your own informative community site—from picking the right niche to attracting an engaged audience and even monetizing your platform.

With over 7 years under my belt planning and executing digital campaigns for brands, I‘ll arm you with my hard-won expertise to develop content and growth strategies designed not just to attract visitors but keep them coming back.

Here‘s a quick overview of what I‘ll cover in this comprehensive 2,000+ word guide:

  • Choosing the Right Niche and Domain: How to select an evergreen focus area primed for growth
  • Installing WordPress and Themes: What it takes to get your informational hub off the ground
  • Developing a Content Strategy: Guidelines for crafting irresistible educational posts
  • Site Promotion 101: My 7 proven tactics to drive an initial stream of visitors
  • Advanced Monetization Plans: How today‘s top Wikipedia clones generate over six figures in annual revenue
  • Continual Improvement: How to build trust and consistency with your community

If you‘re ready to tap into my insider knowledge and kickstart your journey today, let‘s begin!

Why Launch an Informational Platform Like Wikipedia?

Before we get our hands dirty building your website, let‘s briefly discuss what makes informational sites so uniquely positioned for growth and consistency.

Wikipedia receives over 15 billion visits every month for a reason—people intrinsically crave learning and expanding their perspectives around topics that interest them.

And with over 40% of all Google searches seeking to complete basic informational needs like definitions, facts, data or "how-to" advice, there exists immense upside in becoming a definitive destination around your niche.

For instance, a site focused on astronomy could produce beginner-friendly explainers around:

  • Key concepts like asteroids, panets, solar systems etc.
  • Background on influential astronomers and discoveries
  • Reviews of telescopes for amateurs
  • Stargazing for beginners guides

The beauty lies in picking a narrowly focused niche you enjoy where people lack accessible resources. Then, leveraging your genuine curiosity to produce educational content filling those gaps over time.

In fact, industry analysis reveals informational sites focused on specialized topics drive 86% more traffic from organic search results than those covering random ideas. Their domain authority in connecting audiences seeking niche knowledge pays dividends.

Now that you understand the immense potential, let‘s get tactical on site launch logistics!

Step 1: Pick the Perfect Educational Niche (And Domain)

Your journey begins with an evergreen niche aligned to your interests and expertise that balances viability with projected growth.

I recommend compiling a list of your top 3–5 candidate topics, then comparing them across factors like:

  • Existing competition: Input niche keywords into Google and scan types of current sites popping up
  • Search volume estimates: Use Google‘s Keyword Planner to validate demand
  • Your personal knowledge level: It‘s crucial you evolve into a niche expert over time so pick accordingly!

For instance, between “20th century poets” and “astronomy”, you likely have more existing context around—and can grow skills quicker—in the former if poetry is a lifelong passion.

Whereas new pursuits like physics require deep, sustained effort to establish credibility.

Once your niche is confirmed, acquire a .com domain name encompassing your focus like or

.com sites statistically outperform others by driving 29% higher search traffic on average per Click Miners data. So ensure your domain communicates niche relevance clearly.

Step 2: Install WordPress (And Pick a Theme)

With a niche locked down, we progress to platform selection.

I recommend WordPress hands-down since it powers over 40% of all websites—including this one!

Reasons why WordPress is the best CMS for informational sites:

  • Open-source platform makes it 100% free to install
  • User-friendly backend enables quick launch and updates
  • SEO-optimization out the box via sitemaps, metadata etc.
  • Thousands of free templates and plugins to enhance functionality
  • Easy customization and scalability as your audience grows

Let‘s install it rapidly:

  1. Choose web hosting with SiteGround and connect your domain
  2. Login and click "Set Up Website" followed by "Start New Website"
  3. Select "Wordpress" and follow the prompts to launch it!

Pro Tip: SiteGround‘s knowledgable 24/7 support can assist with any hiccups during launch.

Once your WP backend is running, pick a fast, mobile-friendly theme like GeneratePress. It‘s lightweight yet extendable as your site evolves.

Click here to grab GeneratePress at 20% off exclusively for SiteGround users.

Now let‘s customize it to reflect your brand!

Step 3: Customize Your Informational Site‘s Design

With WordPress and a theme installed, tailoring your platform to resonate with audiences seeking knowledge on your niche is crucial for long-term loyalty.

Consider customizing these elements:

Site Identity

  • Logo: Free logo makers like Namecheap‘s Logo Maker are handy for DIY images conveying your focus
  • Favicon: The tiny icon shown in browser tabs can feature your logo or niche imagery
  • Title and tagline: Keep it clear! "Astronomy Hub | Explore the Cosmos" says it all


  • Color scheme: Consider feelings conveyed and visually impaired readers when picking palette
  • Typography: Sites like Google Fonts offer 1000+ free font pairings optimizing readability

Page Layout

Check your theme‘s settings panel to:

  • Adjust site width for comfortable reading
  • Set sidebar placement and width for accommodating widgets
  • Enable breadcrumb navigation so visitors can trace section hierarchies

As you tweak elements, continually test site speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights aiming for scores above 90 mobile and desktop.

With branding aligned to what you‘ll publish, we‘ll cover content creation next!

Step 4: Craft an Informational Content Strategy

Thus far, we‘ve aligned technical site foundations to the educational niche we‘ll immerse visitors in.

Now, effective content planning ensures you:

  • Attract and retain visitors by consistently publishing material fulfilling knowledge gaps
  • Establish domain authority via copious interlinking and site architecture
  • Scale your platform through organic growth channels like search

So what compelling informational content should you create?

Conduct Extensive Research

Whether it‘s scientific phenomena or artistic movements, deeply understanding what you explain around your niche is crucial for credibility.

Carve out 5+ hours weekly to:

  • Read seminal books on key figures, discoveries, techniques etc. related to your focus
  • Review academic papers and journals bringing clarity on evolving ideas and data
  • Take detailed notes around interesting facts, perspectives and resources worth sharing

Aggregate these learnings into a living document guiding future articles.

Identify Audience Knowledge Gaps

During research, continually ask:

  • What terminology or concepts would newcomers find confusing?
  • What niche basics aren‘t explained clearly online already?
  • What background context is needed to appreciate certain ideas?

Scan Google for phrases like "niche explained" or "niche glossary" to pinpoint areas ripe for new guides.

For poetry, this could mean defining unfamiliar words in famous works or explaining poetic devices.

Fill identified gaps with helpful, original teachable content.

Craft 10+ Content Types to Publish

Beyond one-off explainers, build authority through diverse educational material like:

  • defining key terms
  • biographies of influential figures
  • evolution of niche concepts
  • step-by-step tutorials
  • comparing product/tools
  • curating related resources
  • current event analysis

Repurpose research into shareable blog posts, videos and quizzes based on formats above keeping value high.

Ultimately, informational sites thrive through extensive linking between posts enabling discovery.

For example, an article on "Types of Telescope Mounts" would link out to your Beginner‘s Guide to Backyard Astronomy.

Weave connections highlighting your existing expertise.

Step 5: 7 Tactics to Promote an Educational Website

With a solid initial library of educational content seeded, acquiring an early stream of visitors via promotion is pivotal.


Because more exposure means:

  • Improved Google visibility as visitors engage with pages, share links and return
  • Direct feedback to enhance and expand content
  • Momentum to publish confidently knowing people crave your info!

Now, let‘s discuss my top 7 launch promotion strategies for informational sites:

1. Share Content on Social Media

Promoting your articles consistently on networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest introduces them to potentially interested readers.

Experiment with catchy, benefit-driven captions like "Master astronomy terminology for beginners in 10 minutes" to capture attention fast.

2. Guest Post on Niche Websites

Reaching out to industry sites accepting contributor posts expands your audience significantly.

Make sure to research submission guidelines thoroughly first and provide articles tailored to what their readership would enjoy!

Securing a guest post on an established site earns trust, backlinks and visitors.

3. Create Forums to Connect Experts

Launching discussion boards around your niche allows visitors to post questions while interacting with each other.

You can build community while sourcing ideas for new explanatory articles when members get stuck on concepts.

4. Live Stream Q&As

To humanize your expertise, host ask-me-anything sessions on Instagram or YouTube to field niche questions.

Summarize key takeaways after in a blog post!

5. Refresh Old Popular Discussions

Check platforms like Reddit and Quora for dated discussions with lots of upvotes around your topic from a few years back.

Politely provide updated information and link to your guides to pique interest.

6. Run SEO Experiments

Improving organic visibility happens through continual tests around:

  • Featured snippets optimization
  • Guestographic outreach
  • Link inserts

Track your site‘s search traffic weekly to see impact.

7. Survey Your Audience

Create a short, 5-question survey asking what informational gaps site visitors still struggle with.

Incorporate feedback into your next batch of explanation articles!

Stick with the tactics above for 6+ months fueling consistent visibility and visitors before assessing whether to adjust or add new channels.

Patience pays off.

Now let‘s explore ways to earn from your expertise long-term!

Step 6: Advanced Monetization for Informational Websites

You‘ve put in the hard work creating an invaluable educational platform around topics people crave guidance on. Time to reap monetary rewards!

But first, a disclaimer:

Monetizing too early before solidifying your audience relationship can backfire by implying profit-seeking rather than pure value provision.

I‘d advise waiting until 10k+ monthly visitors before executing advanced models.

Now, lucrative options once you‘ve achieved traction include:

1. Advertising Networks

Displaying highly targeted, non-intrusive ads on site margins earns income from ad clicks and impressions without compromising user experience.

Top ad networks include Ezoic, Mediavine and Google Adsense:

  • Ezoic: Uses AI to optimize ad placements for 2-5X higher RPM than Adsense
  • Mediavine: Premium service with high CPM rates given qualified traffic levels
  • Adsense: Google‘s network works for new sites but payouts are lower

With Ezoic‘s free tools, mature informational sites can drive over $60,000 per year exclusively from optimized ads given significant traffic volume.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Once established as a trusted source on a topic, recommending niche-relevant tools and services you‘ve used allows you to earn lucrative commissions between 5-30% per transaction.

For example, reviewing the 10 best telescopes for amateurs and leaving helpful purchase links would earn you money on referrals.

Top affiliate programs today enable over $72k+ in annual earnings alongside other monetization streams.

3. Paid Memberships and Courses

Superfans eager to support and unlock additional resources like:

  • Specialized online courses
  • PDF guides/templates
  • Exclusive forum access
  • Priority email support

Would happily invest monthly or yearly to access VIP, premium educational materials published directly by you!

Use platforms like MemberPress or LearnDash to quickly sell digital packages leveraging your expertise.

As your visitor base expands, mixing the options above allows informational sites to consistently hit 6-figure+ annual revenues.

Now that‘s worth toasting to! 🥂

Moving Forward: Build an Audience That Sticks Around!

I sincerely hope this 2,000+ word blueprint outlining every aspect of launching an informational authority site leaves you feeling equipped, eager and bursting with niche knowledge ready to bless visitors with.

Just remember—staying power and consistency set thriving educational platforms apart from short-lived attempts.

Be patient. Iterate based on user feedback. Keep refining both content depth and promotion tactics over 3+ years.

If you found immense value in this guide, don‘t forget to share it so others can benefit as well!

Now over to you. Let me know if any other questions pop up in your journey to inform, educate and inspire communities hungry for specialized knowledge.

Onwards and upwards!