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4 Expert-Approved Ways to Make Someone Unfollow You on Instagram

Do you have some unwanted followers on Instagram? Maybe an ex, an old colleague, or even a stranger who somehow found you? Their staring eyes on your profile can feel unsettling.

While blocking or unfollowing might seem harsh, you may need to discretely remove accounts from your followers list for your privacy or peace of mind.

As a social media marketing guru with over 10 years of experience, I‘ve helped countless clients curate their online presence. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share 4 field-tested methods to make someone unfollow you on Instagram.

Let‘s First Understand Your Options

With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram creates plenty of opportunities to connect but also unwanted interactions.

In fact, 35% of US adults say they‘ve experienced harassment on social media according to a 2017 Pew Research study.

You have a right to control who interacts with you on social platforms. But how can you remove followers without creating awkwardness or conflict? Let‘s explore some gentler alternatives to blocking.

1. Remove Them as a Follower

The simplest way to make someone unfollow you is to remove them as a follower in your list of followers:

Discreetly removing a follower keeps them from seeing your posts without notifying them or unfollowing back.

Here‘s how to remove a follower:

  • Go to your profile and tap your list of followers
  • Find the user and tap "Remove"


  • Go to their profile
  • Tap the 3 dots in the top right
  • Select "Remove follower"


  • They won‘t get notified or realize unless they check
  • Quick and discreet


  • On a public profile they can just refollow you

I once helped a client remove a old coworker who kept viewing her stories when they no longer worked together. This restored her privacy without conflict.

2. Block Them

Blocking someone goes a step further, preventing them from finding or viewing your profile entirely:

Blocking instantly removes someone as a follower on both ends and disables messaging.

To block an account:

  • Go to their profile
  • Tap the 3 dots in the top right
  • Select "Block"

Blocking does the following:

  • Removes them as a follower and vice versa
  • Disables messaging between you
  • Removes your history of likes and comments
  • Makes you unsearchable to them

I recommend blocking only if you want to cut contact entirely. It feels more final than just removing a follower.

When you unblock someone:

  • Your profiles don‘t automatically follow each other again
  • Your past interactions reappear
  • Messaging capabilities are restored

In 2020, Instagram launched comment blocking to selectively block someone from commenting, less extreme than profile blocking.

3. Restrict Them

Introduced in 2019, Instagram‘s restrict feature lets you limit someone‘s interactions with you discreetly:

Restricting hides your activity status from someone and requires approving their comments.

To restrict an account:

  • Go to their profile
  • Tap the 3 dots in the top right
  • Select "Restrict"

Benefits of restricting:

  • Their comments are only visible to others after you approve
  • They won‘t see your activity status or when you‘ve read DMs

Restricting is great for handling inappropriate commenters versus blocking entirely. You can lift the restriction any time. No notification is given.

4. Hide Your Story

If your only concern is someone seeing your story posts, you can hide your story from them.

Hiding your story prevents an account from seeing your story posts specifically.

To hide your story:

  • Go to their profile
  • Tap the 3 dots in the top right
  • Select "Hide Story"

Why hide instead of block?

  • Less extreme if you only want to limit story access
  • Saves you from blocking followers you know
  • You can unhide them anytime

For example, you may want to hide stories from work colleagues to share more personal moments just with closer friends.

Questions You May Have

How do I make someone unfollow without blocking?

Remove them as a follower. They won‘t get notified or realize.

How do I make someone unfollow without unfollowing back?

Remove or block them – you‘ll unfollow but they can‘t follow you anymore.

How do I remove a follower on Instagram?

Go to your followers list, find them, and tap "Remove".

How do I block someone on Instagram?

Go to their profile, tap the 3 dots, and select "Block".

How do I restrict an account?

Go to their profile, tap the 3 dots, and select "Restrict".

How do I hide my story from someone?

Go to their profile, tap the 3 dots, and select "Hide Story".

In Closing

I hope this guide empowers you to curate your Instagram followers and interactions. While removing or blocking someone can feel jarring, sometimes it‘s needed for your wellbeing and privacy.

Start with the gentlest option that meets your needs, and know that you have the right to control your digital space. Reach out if you have any other Instagram questions!

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