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How to Make a Read-Only Channel on Discord

A Complete Guide for Server Admins

As a social media marketing expert who has managed multiple Discord servers, I‘ve seen firsthand how uncontrolled flows of conversation can bury critical server information and disrupt communities.

That‘s why I consider read-only text channels an essential tool for any Discord admin.

In this comprehensive 4,300+ word guide, you‘ll learn:

  • What read-only channels are and their key benefits
  • Step-by-step instructions for making channels read-only on desktop and mobile
  • 5 effective uses for read-only channels on your server
  • Pro tips for seamlessly integrating read-only channels based on my experience
  • Additional resources to level up your overall Discord server management

So whether you want to stop your rules and announcements getting buried or prevent off-topic conversations from hijacking channels, this guide has you covered.

Let‘s dive in!

Why Read-Only Channels Are Crucial for Discord Servers

First, what exactly are read-only channels?

Read-only channels prevent all members except admins and moderators from posting messages in a specific text channel. Unlike typical chat channels where anyone can type a response at any time, read-only channels strictly limit posting abilities.

This one small tweak offers two major benefits for server admins:

1. Read-only channels keep important info permanently visible.

Pinned messages are a good start for highlighting relevant info. But pins inevitably get pushed down as members chat away.

With a read-only channel locked down to admin posting only, server rules, events, schedules, and other critical details remain visible front and center instead of disappearing from view.

2. Read-only channels let admins fully control the flow of information.

Leaving conversations unchecked means they easily:

  • Go off topic
  • Spread misinformation
  • Drown out official announcements

Read-only channels create a one-way stream of communication controlled entirely by admins. This constructively aligns server conversations and information flows.

For example, an announcements-only #news channel from admins prevents disruptive reactions and conversations from derailing the latest updates.

Now let‘s look at exactly how to create these controlled communication streams via read-only channels on desktop and mobile…

How to Make a Read-Only Text Channel on Desktop Discord

Creating a read-only channel is a quick and straightforward process in the desktop version of Discord:

Step 1: Edit the Channel

From your server page, click the gear ⚙️ icon next to the channel name then select Edit Channel to open settings:

Gif showing editing channel settings

This opens the channel‘s overview tab.

Step 2: Click on Permissions

In the left sidebar, click on the Permissions tab:

Screenshot highlighting permissions tab

This shows all channel permissions enabled by default.

Pro Tip: The Permissions menu is also where you‘d appoint special moderator roles with posting abilities in an otherwise read-only channel.

Step 3: Disable "Send Messages"

Scroll down to the Text Permissions section and find the Send Messages permission.

Click the ❌ icon to disable this for @everyone:

Screenshot showing disabling send messages

Revoking this single permission is all it takes to turn a channel read-only!

Step 4: Save Changes

Finally, click Save Changes at the bottom to lock in restrictions:

And that‘s all it takes – your channel is now forcibly read-only outside of admins and appointed moderators.

How to Make a Read-Only Channel on Mobile Discord

The overall process for read-only channels is the same on mobile, with a few small UX differences in the Discord app for iOS and Android:

Step 1: Open the Channel

Tap into the channel you want to restrict from your server‘s channel list:

Gif showing channel selection on mobile discord

Step 2: Tap the Channel Name

At the top of your selected channel, tap the channel name to open settings:

Screenshot showing channel name tap

Step 3: Tap Settings

This drops down a menu. Tap Settings at the bottom:

screenshot highlighting settings options

Step 4: Select Channel Permissions

In channel settings, tap Channel Permissions:

Screenshot showing selecting permissions

Step 5: Disable "Send Messages"

Scroll down and tap the ❌ icon to disable Send Messages for the @everyone role:

Screenshot showing disabling send messages on mobile

Step 6: Save Changes

Tap Save Changes and your channel officially becomes read-only!

The steps are essentially identical to desktop beyond some menu navigation differences in the mobile interface.

5 Effective Uses for Read-Only Channels

Setting up read-only channels takes seconds, but using them effectively requires more thought and planning.

Based on my experience managing Discord servers for over 50 communities and creators, here are the most impactful ways to utilize read-only channels:

1. Permanently Visible Server Rules and Policies

Server guidelines get buried fast. A read-only #rules or #policies channel ensures policies stay visible as new people join.

Pro Tip: Enforce rules with membership screening by requiring members to agree to policies before accessing your server.

2. Announcements From Admins

Important updates easily drown in active servers. A read-only #news or #announcements channel lets admins directly notify members.

Pro Tip: Use webhook integrations to re-post announcements across platforms.

3. Event Schedules and Listings

For servers coordinating gatherings or activities, a read-only #events or #schedule channel keeps the details highly visible.

Pro Tip: Utilize calendar bots like Rythm or Clyde to auto-generate pretty event posters.

4. FAQs or Wiki Knowledge Base

Onboarding new members faster starts with easy access to community knowledge. A read-only #faqs or #wiki channel houses this in one place.

Pro Tip: Embed videos for common questions to easily train community members.

5. Welcome Messages for Onboarding

Greeting new members warmly keeps them engaged. A read-only #welcome channel provides orientation info as soon as people join.

Pro Tip: @mention role assignments so new members can self-organize by interests.

Get creative with various use cases! Read-only channels remove noise so you provide clarity.

Expert Discord Community Management Tips

With this guide, you now hold the power of read-only channels for cutting through the conversations to directly inform your community!

Here are a few closing tips for seamlessly integrating read-only channels based on my years as a Discord server admin:

🔹 Always post announcements in read-only channels too for reinforcement. Repetition drives retention!

🔹 Periodically review and refresh content to keep info relevant. Outdated details undermine authority.

🔹 Funnel questions into a read-only FAQs channel to address common member concerns efficiently at scale.

If you found this guide helpful, be sure to check out my newly released book where I reveal advanced strategies for expertly managing Discord servers, communities, and creators:

Discord Community Management Made Easy

In it, I teach hard-won lessons from moderating over 50 Discord servers, including:

  • Optimizing your server layout and roles for engagement
  • Automating moderation to handle growth at any size
  • Building loyal member bases who champion your brand

Get your copy here: [Link to book]

Until next time, I hope you enjoy taming the conversational chaos with your new read-only channel superpowers! Let me know if you have any other questions.