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How to Make an NSFW Channel on Discord

As an experienced social media marketing guru, I often get asked how to create adult-only channels on the popular chat app Discord. With over 150 million active users, Discord has become a go-to communication platform for all ages^1.

However, with large user bases come challenges around mature content. Discord allows server administrators to mark certain channels as NSFW (not safe for work) to contain inappropriate discussions. But this feature is often misunderstood.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn how to properly create and manage NSFW channels on both desktop and mobile Discord.

Defining NSFW and Its Purpose on Discord

Before diving into the how-to, let‘s start with the basics: what does NSFW mean and why do you need it?

NSFW stands for "not safe for work," a designation for adult-oriented content. On Discord specifically, NSFW really means "not suitable for Wumpus" – Wumpus being Discord‘s family-friendly mascot.

Marking a channel NSFW places a warning prompt for anyone trying to access it. This prevents underage users or those at work from accidentally seeing mature material.

Server admins may want NSFW channels to:

  • Contain sexual, violent, or other graphic conversations away from general view.

  • Provide a space for potentially controversial legal topics that some find inappropriate, like LGBTQ+ issues^2.

  • Post nudity, pornography, or gore that violates Discord‘s terms elsewhere.

Of course, NSFW channels come with risks around inappropriate use or illegal content. As an admin, you take on the responsibility to actively moderate these spaces. More on that later.

Now let‘s get into the step-by-step process of creating an NSFW channel.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Desktop

Discord only allows enabling NSFW channels through the desktop app – not mobile or web. You‘ll need to follow these steps:

1. Download the Desktop App

If you aren‘t already using it, download Discord for Mac or PC. Log into your account once installed.

2. Create a New Text Channel

In your server, click the + next to the channel list and choose "Text Channel". Give it a clear NSFW name like #nsfw-chat.

3. Open Channel Settings

Right click your new channel and select "Edit Channel", or click the gear icon to open settings.

4. Toggle on "NSFW"

Under channel settings, enable the toggle for "NSFW Channel". This designates the channel as 18+.

5. Save Changes

Be sure to click "Save Changes" at the bottom to make the NSFW designation official.

6. Confirm the Warning

When you now open the channel, you‘ll get a warning popup. Click "Continue" to proceed.

And you‘re done – that channel is now marked as NSFW! Any under 18 users won‘t be able to join.

Here‘s a quick recap of the steps:

  1. Download desktop Discord
  2. Make a new text channel
  3. Open channel settings
  4. Toggle on NSFW
  5. Save changes
  6. Confirm warning

Easy enough, right? Now let‘s look at how to create NSFW channels on mobile.

Enabling NSFW Channels in Mobile Discord

Unfortunately, the Discord mobile app for iOS and Android does not support designating channels as NSFW natively. However, you can still enable it through the desktop site on your phone‘s browser.

Here are the steps:

  1. In your mobile browser, go to and log in.

  2. Using the hamburger menu, switch to your server and channel list.

  3. Tap the gear icon by the channel you want to make NSFW.

  4. Zoom out and rotate your phone to landscape orientation.

  5. Find the NSFW toggle under channel settings and turn it on.

  6. Hit save to apply the changes.

  7. Confirm the warning when you re-open the channel.

It‘s a bit of work, but this lets you create 18+ channels even when in mobile-only Admin mode.

Troubleshooting Problems

If you‘re having issues with the mobile browser method, try these tips:

  • Allow desktop site viewing in your browser settings to avoid mobile layouts.

  • Tap around and scroll carefully as buttons can be misaligned at certain zoom levels.

  • Turn your phone fully sideways for landscape mode to properly see the site.

  • Try a different browser if you can‘t find the NSFW toggle.

  • Double check that you hit save after toggling the setting on.

With some finesse, mobile NSFW channels are definitely possible on Discord.

Responsible Management of NSFW Channels

Giving members access to adult content comes with moderation responsibilities. As an admin, you must keep your NSFW channels above board.

Here are my top tips for mature channel management:

Inform Users

  • Set a channel description that clearly labels it as NSFW and 18+. No surprises.

  • Pin a message reiterating community guidelines and Discord‘s ToS.

Limit Access

  • Restrict the channel only to members who need it using permissions.

  • Ban underage users from joining to prevent exposure.

Moderate Actively

  • Frequently check in and remove illegal or harassing content fast.

  • Don‘t be afraid to delete the channel if members abuse privileges.

Set Ground Rules

  • Remind members not to post adult content anywhere else.

  • Enforce server rules and use mutes/bans if needed.

Make it Private

  • For sensitive legal topics, make the channel private to limit access.

  • Only allow members you fully trust to view and post in private NSFW channels.

With great power comes great responsibility. Avoid brand and legal risk by keeping tight control of NSFW content.

In Closing

While NSFW channels require extra care, they can serve a valid purpose on your server when properly managed. Just be sure to use the desktop app and follow my handy tips for staying on the right side of Discord‘s rules.

To recap, you can:

  • Easily create 18+ channels on desktop
  • Work around mobile limitations by using the browser
  • Keep mature discussions safe via active moderation

Now get out there and start building adult spaces that enhance your server instead of risk it!


^1: Discord – "Company Profile for Discord"
^2: The Verge – "Discord is rapidly expanding beyond gaming, attracting suitors like Sony and Microsoft"