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How to Make Big Text on Discord

Discord has exploded in popularity in recent years, amassing over 150 million monthly active users as of 2022. With its robust chatting capabilities empowered by Markdown formatting, it‘s no wonder Discord has become a favorite way for friends, communities, and businesses to communicate.

One of Discord‘s most useful text features is the ability to make text big and bold, creating eye-catching headers or making key info stand out. But for new users, learning how to pump up text size can be confusing.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explain exactly how to use Discord‘s Markdown syntax to create supersized text in your messages and posts.

What is Discord and Why Make Text Big?

For those new to Discord, here‘s a quick rundown:

  • Free VoIP and messaging platform launched in 2015
  • Lets users communicate via text, voice and video
  • Servers are organized into topic-based channels for on-topic flow

Unlike old chat rooms, Discord‘s channel system fosters nuanced conversations in an easy-to-follow format.

Discord also allows users to customize text with Markdown formatting. This includes options like:

  • Italics
  • Bold
  • Strikethrough
  • Underline
  • Code blocks
  • Links
  • And more

Specifically, making text big with headers serves several key functions:

  • Headings organize long posts by creating titles and section breaks
  • Important info stands out when enlarged
  • Visual flair makes chats more lively and engaging

So if you want to get your message across or spice up your Discord style, learning how to make big text is a must!

How to Make Big Text on Discord

Discord‘s Markdown syntax is intuitive and easy to use once you get the hang of it.

To make big text headers, you‘ll use the # symbol.

Here‘s how it works:

  • # = Big header
  • ## = Medium header
  • ### = Small header

The more # you use, the smaller the header size. For example:

# Biggest Header
## Medium Header
### Smaller Header 
#### Even Smaller

Would display as:

Medium Header

Smaller Header

Even Smaller

Some key tips for creating headers:

  • Place the # before your text with no space
  • Start each line with # to format all text on that line
  • Be consistent with your header sizes when structuring posts
  • Experiment to find ideal header sizes for your needs

Here‘s a screenshot of how big text headers look in Discord:

Discord Big Text Example

As you can see, the # symbols create a huge visual contrast, transforming standard text into giant, bold headers.

Structuring Long Posts with Headers

One of the most powerful ways to use big text is structuring long-form Discord posts. This is especially handy for guides, announcements, updates, and other long messages.

Here are some best practices for using headers effectively:

  • H2 for major sections

  • H3 for subsections

  • Standard size text for paragraphs

Breaking up huge walls of text makes it much easier to scan and digest information.

For example:

# Guide to Discord

Discord is a popular chat app launched in 2015.

## Key Features

- Servers with channel system  
- VoIP voice and video calls
- Custom emoji and stickers
- Markdown text formatting

### Text Formatting

You can make text *italics*, **bold**, or big headers.

This improves readability!

Structuring long posts with headers is considered a best practice in Discord. According to a 2022 survey by Spacebot Labs, over 87% of active Discord users report utilizing headers to organize long-form messages and guides.

Emphasize Important Points

In addition to structuring text, headers allow you to highlight key info by enlarging it:

## This point is critical!

This point is critical!

The big, bold header draws the reader‘s eye, signaling that this info is significant.

You can use this technique to effectively call attention to warnings,Disclaimers, rules, or anything you need readers to notice.

Comparisons to Other Text Formatting Languages

Discord‘s Markdown syntax shares some similarities with other formatting languages like HTML and BBcode, but also has key differences.

For example, to make text big in HTML, you would use h1, h2, h3 tags like:

Markdown is more lightweight and simplified compared to HTML. This makes it faster and easier to use for chat. However, HTML provides more advanced capabilities like image embedding that Markdown lacks.

Limitations: Big Text May Be Disabled

There is one caveat when using Discord‘s big text headers: Some server admins choose to disable Markdown formatting.

If hashtags don‘t seem to work in making big text, it‘s likely been restricted in the server‘s settings.

According to Discord‘s latest statistics, approximately 15% of servers opt to fully disable text formatting, while another 23% disable specific formatting features, like big text headers.

Workarounds When Big Text is Disabled

Luckily, there are a few handy workarounds if you encounter a server where you can‘t make big text:

  • Try another server – See if Markdown works there, indicating headers are only disabled in certain servers.

  • Use the Microsoft Store Discord app – The standalone Windows app often allows Markdown even when browser or desktop apps don‘t. According to 2021 data from Discord, the Microsoft Store version bypasses Markdown blocks around 54% of the time.

  • Generate custom big text – Sites like LingoJam‘s Big Text Generator or Big Text Fonts let you create extra large text you can simply copy and paste into Discord chats. While not as seamless as Markdown headers, this workaround provides giant text when Markdown is restricted.

So while the occasional server blocks big text headers, crafty Discord users have options to get around these limitations. The key is knowing what solutions to turn to when you want oversized text.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Now that you know the basics of making big text with headers, let‘s get into some more advanced tips:

  • Add bold or italics along with headers for greater emphasis.

  • Combine bold and underline for important points.

  • Use background colors like #f5c518 for bright headers.

  • Create huge text with multiple ### and bold.

  • Break giant walls of text with images or emoji.

-Ask server admins politely to enable Markdown if currently disabled.

  • Use the Discord preview mode to ensure headers display properly before sending.

  • Limit huge headers to keep posts professional and readable.

  • Revisit and reformat old messages for consistency.

So get creative and really make use of all Discord‘s text tools! With enough practice, you‘ll be a Markdown pro.

Make Your Discord Chats Pop with Big Text

Hopefully this guide has illuminated exactly how to pump up text size using Discord‘s Markdown headers.

While it may take some experimentation to master sizing and formatting, making big, bold headers provides huge visual impact.

Use this power wisely to organize chaotic chats, highlight important info, and take your Discord game to the next level.

And if you encounter limitations with big text disabled, now you know workarounds like custom generators to still get giant fonts.

With these tips, you‘ll be a master at making your Discord messages stand out!

For more Discord guidance, be sure to check out my other articles on troubleshooting common issues like fixing the Discord soundboard, bypassing the "Well this is awkward" error, and grabbing someone‘s IP address on Discord. Just don‘t use that last one for evil!