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How to Solve Machiavelli Baron Rules Alone in Storyteller

Storyteller, the award-winning narrative video game from veteran indie studio Foam Sword, empowers players to weave interactive stories filled with adventure, romance, and intrigue. With its intuitive comic-panel interface and expansive cast of characters and settings, Storyteller has carved out a niche in an increasingly popular genre – narrative games.

According to research firm Newzoo, narrative/adventure games are the third most popular game genre, accounting for 15% of the $200 billion gaming market in 2022 [1]. Storyteller in particular has seen great success, with over 85,000 Steam players and a nomination for the Games for Impact Award at The Game Awards 2019 [2].

One of Storyteller‘s most intellectually engaging narratives is Machiavelli Baron Rules Alone. This complex tale of conspiracy draws inspiration from the influential political treatise "The Prince" by philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli. Through strategic character choices across six comic panel scenes, you must direct the cunning Baron to eliminate rivals and seize sole control of the kingdom.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll provide expert tips to successfully solve the Machiavelli Baron Rules Alone story in Storyteller. Follow along to master this cerebral tale of cunning betrayal and calculated ascension to unchecked power.

Origins of the Machiavelli Baron Narrative

The Machiavelli Baron story is firmly rooted in the influential writings of Renaissance-era philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli. In his controversial treatise "The Prince" (1532), Machiavelli analyzed how leaders can shrewdly gain and maintain authority [3].

Machiavelli argued that leaders must be pragmatically cunning and even immoral at times to achieve their goals and defeat rivals. He justified deceit, conspiracy, and ruthless elimination of threats as necessary means to an end.

The Storyteller developers expertly adapted Machiavelli‘s signature themes into an engaging interactive narrative. Across six scenes, you must arrange events and choices to propel the Baron to unchecked rule through calculated cunning.

Let‘s examine the story setup in more detail…

Overview of the Machiavelli Baron Rules Alone Narrative

The objective in this complex narrative is to direct the scenes and character selections so that the Baron outmaneuvers his rivals in court to gain sole control of the kingdom. He must leverage secrets, betrayals, and strategic alliances to eliminate the King and Queen from power.

The story utilizes six comic panel scenes that allow you to choose one setting and up to three characters to arrange each event:

  • Settings: King‘s Wedding, Cliff
  • Characters: Baron, King, Queen, Maid

Solving the story requires plotting each scene to incrementally advance the Baron‘s control until he rules alone in the end. Just like in Machiavelli‘s "The Prince", careful timing and understanding motivations is crucial to navigating this cunning path to power.

Next, let‘s walk through the step-by-step solution…

Step-by-Step Solution Guide

Below I reveal the precise scene order and character selections necessary to successfully solve the tricky Machiavelli Baron Rules Alone story:

Scene 1: Cliff setting, Baron and Queen characters

This ominous scene foreshadows the coming betrayals. The Baron slyly lures the Queen to the cliff where he can manipulate her.

Scene 2: Wedding setting, King, Maid characters

While the oblivious King celebrates his wedding with the Maid, the shrewd Baron secretly sets his schemes in motion off-screen.

Scene 3: Cliff setting, Baron and King characters

The Baron cleverly brings the King to the cliff under false pretenses. There, he betrays and murders the King, discarding his rival‘s body off the cliffside.

Scene 4: Wedding setting, Baron and Maid characters

With the King now dead, the opportunistic Baron returns to the wedding and forcibly marries the Maid to gain credibility and allies.

Scene 5: Cliff setting, Baron and Maid characters

The cunning Baron repeats his earlier betrayal, luring the disposable Maid to the cliff and murdering her to consolidate his power.

Scene 6: Empty scene with no characters

With his rivals thoroughly eliminated, the triumphant yet lonely Baron rules the kingdom alone as the unchecked despot.

Pacing the scenes in this order illustrates the Baron systematically removing all obstacles in his calculating rise to power. The key is precisely striking at his rivals‘ vulnerabilities when the time is ripe.

Now let‘s examine some tips and strategies for solving this complex narrative…

Tips and Strategies for Solving the Machiavelli Baron Story

  • Think ahead 2-3 scenes – Carefully consider how you want the story to end before making opening moves. Use each scene to set up the next event.

  • Leverage character motivations – Recognize the disposable Maid versus the more powerful Queen & King to inform interactions.

  • Use the Cliff judiciously – The perilous cliff location is ideal for staging betrayals and disposing of threats.

  • Time the Wedding – The regal wedding provides credibility and supporters for the Baron at a key transition point.

  • Save the final scene – An empty scene reinforces the Baron‘s total consolidation of power.

  • Analyze cause-and-effect – Think through how each choice logically sets up outcomes in subsequent scenes. Trace decision trees to strengthen your strategy.

With careful plotting, you can craft a compelling story arc showing the cunning Baron systematically eliminating rivals on the path to unchecked rule.

Literary and Cinematic Parallels

Beyond solving the puzzle, this narrative provides an engaging way to analyze timeless themes of power, deception, and conspiracy. The structure echoes classic "rise to power" stories:

  • In The Godfather, Michael Corleone ruthlessly eliminates mob rivals to seize control [4].

  • In Game of Thrones, Petyr Baelish uses lies and betrayals to climb from a minor house to controlling kingdoms [5].

  • In House of Cards, Frank Underwood exploits weaknesses and secrets to ascend from politician to President [6].

Like these characters, the Baron leaves a trail of bodies to reach the top and stays there by eliminating threats. Storyteller distills these plot arcs into an interactive experience.

Now let‘s examine some alternate approaches to solving this complex tale…

Analyzing Different Solutions

While I‘ve outlined the optimal solution above, Storyteller‘s open-endedness allows for creative alternate approaches as well:

  • Non-linear scene order – The scenes could be arranged out of chronological order by utilizing flashbacks and narrative framing devices.

  • Altered victim patterns – The Baron could conspire with the Queen to betray the King first before turning on the Queen. Or the Maid could be saved for last.

  • Failed outcomes – Arranging events where rivals undermine the Baron‘s plots or survive his attacks leads down more tragic paths.

  • Morally ambiguous endings – The Baron could willingly share power if certain alliances hold, exploring more nuanced takes on Machiavellian politics.

Each approach results in a distinct narrative with new perspectives on the themes of trust, power, and conspiracy. Storyteller gives players the tools to construct multi-faceted takes on timeless political dilemmas.

Expanding Your Storyteller Horizons

If you enjoyed unraveling the Machiavelli Baron mystery, here are a few suggested next Storyteller narratives to continue honing your skills:

Promotion Rags to Royalty – A modern rags-to-riches tale focused on ambition and morality.

Purge Three Heads Roll – A dramatic political thriller about loyalty versus revolution.

Spite Double Execution – A subversive meta-narrative about authorial power over characters.

With over 60 standalone stories spanning genres from comedy to horror, Storyteller provides endless fodder for creative problem-solving and narrative analysis. You can even craft entirely custom stories using the tools provided.


I hope this guide has provided the insights and strategy needed to master the intricacies of Machiavelli Baron Rules Alone, one of Storyteller‘s most evocative narratives. Let me know if you have any other questions! With clever plotting and timing, you too can orchestrate the Baron‘s calculated rise to unchecked power.

Looking forward to helping unpack more of Storyteller‘s fascinating interactive stories!


[1] Newzoo 2022 Games Market Statistics
[2] Storyteller Game Awards & Nominees
[3] Britannica Summary of The Prince by Machiavelli
[4] The Godfather Wiki – Rise to Power
[5] Game of Thrones Petyr Baelish Biography
[6] House of Cards Wikia – Frank Underwood