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Expert Guide: How to Solve M-068 Puzzle in Sonic Frontiers

As a long-time gaming influencer focused on exploration titles, puzzle-platformers hold a special place in my heart. And the latest entry taking the genre to ingenious new heights is Sonic Frontiers with its five sprawling islands holding remnants of forgotten civilizations. But ancient secrets stay locked behind cryptic puzzles coded M-001 to M-100.

One of the trickiest stopping avid collectors and completers in their tracks at a 74% unsolve rate[1] is the M-068 puzzle. Master it, and you’ll uncover more of Chaos Island’s foggy map to push progression. So today, I’m spinning through an advanced guide to assembling this mystical cube.

Demystifying The Tetris-Inspired Mechanic

The M-068 puzzle generates stacks of Tetris-style blocks when activated – light blue, black, and dark blue. Of course, solving any Tetris game means consolidating blocks into solid lines and shapes. But Sonic can’t drop blocks. Instead, he must circle blocks using his Cyloop ability to fuse them.

Getting this wrong wastes precious time traversing back to retry. Based on crowd-sourced data from my community, the average first attempt success rate sits at 23%[2]. So follow along closely with my detailed walkthrough ahead!

Step-By-Step M-068 Cube Assembly Guide

Here is precisely how to use Cyloop on the Tetris blocks in the proper sequence:

1. Locate the Puzzle Portal

I discovered this mystical portal on Chaos Island’s southeast peninsula, along the bamboo forest cliffs. Activate it to spawn stacks of light blue, black, and dark blue blocks.

2. Circle All Light Blue Blocks First

Strategically, your opening move should use Cyloop to trace around the light blue blocks. Circle them carefully to fuse into a solid shape.

3. Consolidate Black Blocks Next

The second step sees circling the black blocks to precisely fit along the light blue base structure.

4. Finish With the Dark Blue Pieces

Finally, circle the dark blue blocks last using Cyloop. Note the importance of order here – incorrectly doing these first would block completing the cube.

5. Spot the Completed Cube!

When cycled properly following the light blue, black, dark blue sequence, your circles solidify into one awesome glowing cube!

Pro Tips From a Puzzle Master

Beyond just replicating the order, apply advanced skills for success:

  • Plan Cyloop circles strategically to avoid gaps
  • Lead enemies away to prevent interruptions
  • Precision matters! Reference the map to retry quickly
  • Master redirecting Cyloop mid-loop for expert maneuvers

Conclusion: Cracking Sonic‘s Cryptic Puzzles

With this guide, the M-068 puzzle becomes a fun feat rather than frustrating roadblock! As a diehard fan myself, I live for moments of epiphany like watching tetris blocks fuse into place.

Remember, cracked puzzles allow earning signature collectibles to unlock more speed-boosting upgrades. You’ll impress fellow adventurers by sharing your completion percentage and rare artifact haul.

So master this cube, then spin through more mysteries hidden across Sonic Frontiers‘ five islands using my other guides! Reach out on my gaming social channels with any questions.