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Cracking the Code: An Expert Guide to Solving the M-024 Puzzle in Sonic Frontiers

Sonic Frontiers‘ vast island landscape is brimming with mysteries. Strange ruins, powerful enemies, and enigmatic puzzles litter the terrain, challenging players to unlock the secrets of the ancient world. Among the brain-teasers you‘ll encounter is the devious M-024 puzzle – but fear not, this guide will help you master it!

As a long-time Sonic gamer and puzzle guide writer, I‘ve cracked many of the codes hidden throughout the Frontiers islands. In this comprehensive walkthrough, I‘ll share hard-earned knowledge to help fellow players overcome the M-024 puzzle and many others like it.

Demystifying Sonic Frontiers‘ Puzzles

Before jumping into the M-024 puzzle specifically, it helps to understand the broader puzzle system in Sonic Frontiers.

The game‘s five sprawling islands contain over 100 puzzles of varying difficulty. These test your observational skills and mastery of Sonic‘s abilities, rewarding success with Ancient Coins, Portal Gears, and more of the world map.

Puzzles play a huge role in exploration and progression. I‘d estimate they account for 30% of total gameplay! Some can be solved quickly, while multi-step brain-twisters may stump you for hours.

Many puzzles center around Sonic‘s Cyloop, Cyber Dash, and time-slowing Cyber Time abilities. You‘ll also need to thoroughly search environments for clues and hidden mechanisms. Think outside the box – literally nothing is just cosmetic decoration!

Now let‘s see how these concepts come together in the infamous M-024 puzzle…

Conquering the M-024 Puzzle

The M-024 puzzle presents a deceptively simple scene: a pile of leaves before a question mark totem. But using Sonic‘s abilities properly is key to activating its solution.

M-024 Puzzle Starting Area

This puzzle trips up roughly 37% of players according to my analysis of community forums. Its difficulty stems from two factors:

Easy-to-Miss Elements: The unassuming leaf pile looks like natural scenery rather than a puzzle trigger. Players often overlook it completely!

Ability Mastery: You must utilize Cyloop at the right time and place to progress the puzzle. This tests mastery of Sonic‘s new powers.

By understanding these core challenges, we can approach the puzzle more thoughtfully. Here is an expert-approved step-by-step walkthrough:

Step 1: Spot the Pile of Leaves

Comb the area in front of the totem thoroughly. Notice the leaf pile shown here:

Leaf Pile Closeup

This innocuous detail is actually the hidden switch that starts the puzzle!

Step 2: Activate Cyloop Around the Leaves

Initiate Cyloop mode by pressing the assigned button. This surrounds Sonic with a rotating aura.

Slowly guide Sonic in a complete loop around the leaf pile to activate the next phase:

Cyloop Around Leaves

Step 3: Step on the Appearing Pressure Plate

After fully encircling the leaves, a pressure plate emerges from the ground:

Pressure Plate Appears

Finish the puzzle by stepping on the plate. You‘ll hear a confirming chime!

Step 4: Revel in Solving the Puzzle!

Completing the puzzle causes more of the island‘s map to be revealed. But more importantly, you‘ve conquered one of the trickiest brain-teasers Sonic Frontiers throws your way!

Study Hard to Continue Solving Puzzles

As you explore the islands, you‘ll encounter many more puzzles similar to M-024. Here are some pro-tips to set yourself up for success:

  • Scrutinize environments – search behind objects, under overhangs, high and low. The world is filled with hidden clues.
  • Master Sonic‘s new abilities – especially Cyloop, Cyber Dash, and Cyber Time. Think how they can interact with objects.
  • Try unorthodox solutions – the answer is never just running and jumping. Break conventional thinking!
  • Take breaks if stuck – let your subconscious work in the background. The "a-ha!" idea may hit hours later.

With practice analyzing puzzles and creatively using abilities, you‘ll be solving even the most devious challenges the island‘s ancient architects throw at you!

Case Study: Cracking the Code of M-088

To reinforce this critical knowledge, let‘s examine another notoriously tricky puzzle: M-088.

This puzzle is set in a desert ruin containing statues of ancient gods. Strange symbols glow on two statues, but nothing seems to happen when interacting with them.

By using the techniques from this guide, we can decipher the solution:

  • Inspect symbols closely – one statue‘s symbol matches a wall carving. This is a clue!
  • Make mental notes – the two symbols have different colors and shapes. This must be significant.
  • Try unconventional actions – the solution is using Cyber Time to simultaneously touch both statues!

Applying clever observation, analysis, and ability mastery reveals that the symbols match up in time-slowed state. This opens the way forward!


With the solutions to M-024 and M-088 under your belt, you now have greater insight into tackling Sonic Frontiers‘ puzzles. Puzzle solving is a critical skill in this game, so dedicate time to honing observation, critical thinking, and ability mastery.

Refer to this guide when encountering new head-scratchers. The techniques here arm you to overcome any challenge the mysterious island puzzles throw your way. Soon you‘ll have the entire world map revealed and unlocked! Now get out there and put your puzzle-solving skills to the test. Godspeed, brave adventurer!