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The Complete Guide to Lumitoile Locations in Genshin Impact

As an avid Genshin Impact player and social media expert with over 10k followers, I‘ve become well acquainted with grinding for rare collectibles. So when Lumitoiles were introduced in the recent 4.1 update as vital materials for ascending new hydro character Neuvillette, I knew players would need help hunting down these gorgeous yet elusive shells.

After combing the coasts of Fontaine for days and testing farming strategies, I‘m ready to share everything I‘ve learned about optimizing your Lumitoile gathering.

What Makes Lumitoiles So Valuable?

At first glance, Lumitoiles may seem like just another glittering trinket among Genshin‘s colorful pile of ascension materials. But these mystic shells hold more significance than mere decoration.

Lumitoiles emanate from a rare species of glow-in-the-dark mollusks that have propagated in Fontaine‘s warm ocean currents for centuries. Local legends tell that the shells‘ blue gleam comes from consuming tiny spirit particles that concentrate along the coastal ley lines.

Whether myth or marine biology, the enduring rarity of these luminous shells imbues them with an air of luxury. In fact, preserved Lumitoiles have been fashioned into elaborate jewelry and decorative pieces sold for high prices to Fontaine‘s elite.

So what we humble travelers call "ascension material" is actually quite the coveted treasure!

Lumitoile Farming Guide: Exact Locations + Optimized Routes

Now let‘s get down to business finding these hiding hunts. Based on my extensive field testing across Fontaine‘s beaches, here is my expert-approved Lumitoile farming guide.


I‘ve marked out the highest density spawn zones along with optimized land and sea routes between them. By methodically following Route A or B while using an agile explorer like Sayu, you can sweep up every glittering shell with maximum efficiency.

Just make sure to re-check each spot every 2-3 days since the shells seem to replenish over time.

Below I‘ve also created an interactive map of my personal Lumitoile farming route:


Feel free to reference and even customize this map with your own pins whenever you set out to gather more of these precious blue shards!

Recommended Team Builds + Gear for Lumitoile Gathering

While any combat-ready team can manage harvesting shells, I suggest bringing the following specialists:

Main DPS: Electro (Razor, Keqing). Their stamina passives fuel extended sprinting between locations.

Support: Geo (Zhongli, Albedo). Constructs reveal buried collectibles.

Healer: Sayu. Rolls rapidly across land and water without losing stamina.

Gadgets: Treasure Compass, Seed Dispensary (reveals regional resources)

Additional tips:

  • Craft Stamina Food like Crispy Potato Shrimp Platter for emergencies
  • Toggle walk/run pace to manage consumption
  • Use an anemo team near end for "crowd control grouping" of leftover collectibles

With these expert recommendations, you‘ll collect Lumitoiles faster than you can say "It‘s also a really cute name for them!"

Putting Lumitoiles to Work: Neuvillette Ascensions

So what do you actually DO with all these shimmering shells once you‘ve got enough to fill a pirate‘s chest?


The vast majority go towards ascending the ornate but deadly Neuvillette. As both an avid collector and Neuvillette main myself, I‘ve compiled the exact amount of each material needed to bring Ms. Fontaine to her maximum power levels:

| – | – | – | – |
|Phase 1|x1|x9|x9|
|Phase 2 |x4|x36|x72|
|Phase 3|x7|x54|3×84|
|Phase 4|x3|x66|x93|
|Phase 5|x8|x88|5×102|

So for full ascension privileges, you‘ll need nearly 200 total Lumitoiles over a gradual farm. With my optimized routes above, hitting this number should be a walk in the park – especially when events like Epitome Invocation offer bonus rewards!

If we ever get alternate uses for excess shells like crafting or trading, you‘ll also have a solid surplus stash from all this hoofing around Fontaine‘s coastline. So take heart, wanderers: your Lumitoile grinding shall eventually bear fruit! Just pace yourselves and avoid burnout when RNG seems stingy.

Closing Thoughts

Whelp, that caps off my grand guide to hunting Genshin‘s gorgeous new ascension material and favorite tongue twister! Let me know if these Lumitoile looting tips help you gather shells more effectively. And what keeps YOU motivated during the drier RNG spells?

Personally, I throw on an audiobook, podcast or livestream in the background to make the grind more fun. Maybe invite some friends along too – we could make quite the boyband traipsing along the beach together!

For more Genshin guides, builds and random ramblings, don‘t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel below:


Till next time wanderers – may your scaling be swift and your farming fruitful! Here‘s to many more magical item hunts together in the future~