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How to "Loot and Extract 2 Pieces of Black Mous Intel" in Warzone 2 DMZ – The Ultimate Guide

Greetings, fellow Operators!

Today we‘re going deep on looting and extracting the rare Black Mous Intel in Call of Duty: Warzone 2‘s dangerous DMZ mode.

As an elite Operator with hundreds of hours conducting missions in the DMZ, I‘m going to share my proven strategy for successfully obtaining this elusive intel.

Let‘s jump right into the step-by-step walkthrough:

Step 1: Loot 4 Enemy Dog Tags

The first phase is eliminating enemies and looting their dog tags.

Based on extensive in-game testing, you‘ll need to take out at least 4 enemy Operators to have a high chance of getting the dog tags required for this mission.

Here are my key tips for efficient dog tag looting:

  • Aim for solo Operators first – They‘re easier to ambush and will drop their tag when eliminated.

  • Work with your squad – Communicate to set up flanking maneuvers and coordinated attacks.

  • Check obscure corners – Enemy Operators like to camp in overlooked nooks and crannies.

  • Run Pointman – This perk lets you see nearby Operators on the minimap for improved tracking.

  • Have patience – Don‘t rush in recklessly. Wait for clean shots and preserve your armor.

Expect to spend 15-20 minutes hunting down 4 dog tags in the average match. Remember, you can gather them across multiple matches, so play it safe rather than risky.

Now that you‘ve got the tags, it‘s time to head to Rohan Oil and secure the intel…

Step 2: Loot 2 Black Mous Intel Pieces

According to community data, Rohan Oil has a 65% chance of spawning the Black Mous Intel you need. Here are the key tips for this phase:

  • Search small buildings – The intel spawns on shelves, tables, and couches inside huts and shacks.

  • Check thoroughly – Each building can have multiple intel spawns, so leave no surface unsearched.

  • Watch for traps – Some intel spawns are booby trapped with explosives or gas traps.

  • Grab 2 and exfil – Once you have 2 intel pieces, immediately head to extraction before seeking more loot.

In my experience, this step takes 10-15 minutes if you‘re thorough and strategic with your searches. Avoid getting greedy!

Final Tips for Mission Success

Here are a few final tips from my extensive DMZ gameplay:

  • Come prepared – Equip armor plates and a silenced close-range weapon for stealth.

  • Use cover – Don‘t expose yourself needlessly in open areas. Stay safe.

  • Watch the radiation – Have meds ready and don‘t stay too long in hazardous zones.

  • Study the map – Understand extraction points so you can plan your exfil.

  • Play with friends – Having a coordinated squad makes this mission much easier.

That covers everything you need to know to successfully loot and extract Black Mous Intel in DMZ. Now get out there, complete the mission, and put that hard-earned intel to good use!

Let me know if you have any other DMZ questions. I‘m here to provide expert insights from hundreds of hours mastering this new and chaotic extraction mode.

Stay frosty in the DMZ!