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Unlocking Hidden Riches: Locating Buried Treasure with the Blubberbeast

Grab your diving bells and prepare for adventure – today we‘ll be embarking on an epic underwater quest to uncover secret troves using a special sonar ability. Specifically, harnessing the acoustic anomalies of the elusive Blubberbeast to pinpoint fortune beneath the tides!

Understanding the Blubberbeast

These bulbous, blowfish-like creatures dwell in only the most secluded ocean coves of Teyvat. Their origins shrouded in mystery, little is documented about their biology or behavior. However, two key characteristics define the species.

Firstly, their rubbery blue hide inflates dramatically when threatened, forming a buoyant ball. Additionally, and crucially for our purposes, they produce powerful sound waves that echo outward through the water when disturbed.

Luckily, a simple normal attack prompts this sonic pulse without causing lasting distress. Once triggered, you‘ll gain the creature‘s treasure-tracking sonar for a limited duration!

Documented Blubberbeast Locations

While populations remain scarce, the following locations host more reliable Blubberbeast spawns:

  • Ringcap Reef – Small shoal northwest of Liyue Harbor
  • Diyu Depths – Three pinned off Devantaka Isle
  • Gullinkambi Grotto – Underwater cavern below Golden Apple Archipelago

Veteran pirate scouts also swear the beasts gather around ancient shipwrecks during storms…

Harnessing Sonic Pulses to Pinpoint Prizes

With sonar activated after disturbing a Blubberbeast, seemingly ordinary underwater rock formations reveal hidden potential. Previously undetectable vases embedded within the rubble become highlighted through amplified sound reverberations.

Destroying one of these vases subsequently exposes a floor switch. Interacting with said switch promptly unseals a connected luxury chests concealed nearby!

Step-By-Step Guide to Blubberbeast Treasure Hunting

Follow these steps to leverage the Blubberbeast‘s siren song to uncover secret stashes:

Step 1: Acquire Sonar

  • Locate idling Blubberbeast
  • Carefully strike with normal attack
  • Sonic pulse ability obtained!

Step 2: Destroy Hidden Vases

  • Note ambient vase clues near rocks
  • Shatter vase to reveal switch (use aimed bow/skill)

Step 3: Activate Switches

  • Briefly revealed switch markers pinpoint target
  • Promptly interact before sonar expires

Step 4: Access Submerged Chests

  • Connected chest rises from sea floor
  • Approach chest to retrieve glittering rewards!

What Glittering Rewards Await?

The list of wonders uncovered from Blubberbeast-opened chests continues expanding, but confirmed spoils include:

  • Luxurious Mora
  • Gilded Weapon Ascension Materials
  • Intricate Artifacts/Talent Books
  • Concealed Precious/Luxury/Exquisite Chests
  • Rare Hydro Sigils (Fountain of Liyue progress)

With adept timing, entire undersea loot troves emerge! Remember to thoroughly sweep the pulses‘ range and craft extending potions to maximize your plunder potential.

A Primer for All Play Styles

While masterful archers like Ganyu and Hydro catalysts like Mona are naturals at shattering the echo-located vases, ample options exist to leverage the Blubberbeast across various playstyles:

  • Skill/Burst focused: Venti‘s aerial vacuum for remote vase destruction
  • Melee: Useful for swift floor switch interactions
  • Cryo freezes to immobilize targets
  • Co-op: Share sonar responsibility and coordinates

So round up your favorite mix of adventurers and prepare to make waves! Ancient ruins and bonus Sigils for the Fountain await…

Blubberbeast-assisted treasure hunting remains the stuff of Teyvat fantasy, but correlates to real-world aquatic sonar technology used to reveal sunken ships, hidden structural anomalies, and more! Just be sure to treat the gentle watery giants with care – who knows what other secrets their sound waves might uncover down the line?