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How to "Look for Araphala" in Genshin Impact: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Searching for the hidden Aranara Araphala in the sprawling world of Genshin Impact can seem downright mystifying for many Travelers. However, unraveling the trail is incredibly rewarding, leading you to uncover fascinating lore and new possibilities.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll equip you with everything you need to successfully track down Araphala in GI, sharing expert tips from my own journey in the Golden Apple Archipelago. From navigating the cryptic clues to awakening Araphala using Dendro powers, you‘ll be fully prepared to take on this mysterious quest.

An In-Depth Look at the Araphala Quest

While lighter on action than Dragonspine or the Chasm, the multi-part Araphala questline offers rich worldbuilding that‘s integral to understanding Sumeru‘s ancient past, forgotten deities, and the mystic Aranara tribes.

Key Characters

  • Araphala: One of the 108 Aranara siblings created by the God of Woods to protect the rainforest and its wisdom. Araphala holds valuable secrets from before the Cataclysm 500 years ago.

  • Arama: The first Aranara you‘ll meet in Vanarana who initiates the quest to find the missing Araphala. As your primary guide among the Aranara, Arama provides clues to aid your search.

  • Aranyani, the God of Woods: Creator of the Aranara tribes who bestowed wisdom upon them and charged them to nurture the Sumerian rainforests. Passed away during the Cataclysm.

Gameplay Tips

  • Have a Dendro character like the Traveler or Collei raised ahead of time.

  • Install the Treasure-Seeking Seelie from Liyue reputation rewards to locate hidden chests.

  • Equip an Anemo character to access blocked areas and puzzles.

Let‘s now dive into how to successfully seek out the secluded Araphala.

Step 1: Journey to the Forest Mill Waypoint

The first step in looking for Araphala is navigating through the lush Vimara Village to the waypoint near A Forest Mill, east of Vissudha Field.

You can set the waypoint from your map and then directly teleport there. Otherwise, traverse the following route from Vanarana if within range:

This takes you across the Darshi River, past the Gandha Hill locale, through Pardis Dhyai and the ancient ruins, before reaching A Forest Mill.

Marking the waypoint will become your initial basecamp before you venture further into the ancient forest in search of Araphala.

Notable Loot Near the Waypoint

Before moving on, be sure to grab these resources:

  • Ascendant Galanthus x2
  • Fungi x25
  • Padisarah x7
  • Lotus Head x3

These will help with leveling your characters and crafting. There are also Common, Exquisite, and Precious Chests scattered about.

Step 2: Head South Towards the Yellow Marker

From the waypoint, head south following your mini-map compass. You‘ll quickly descend a hill covered in bright red leaves with a Statue of the Seven nestled below.

Continue south past the statue until you see a yellow circle marker appear on your mini-map, as shown below:

This yellow marker indicates an object of interest or interactivity. It‘s your next major clue in discovering Araphala‘s whereabouts, so head directly towards it.

Notable Loot En Route

Keep an eye out for these lootable resources along the way:

  • Philanemo Mushrooms x12
  • Silk Flowers x5
  • Faded Red Satin x3
  • Iron Chunk x2

Grab these materials as they‘ll come in handy for ascension and talent level-up materials.

Step 3: Examine the Strange Leaf

When you reach the area of the yellow map marker, you‘ll notice a leaf on the ground that looks conspicuously crafted and out of place. Interact with this "Leaf With Careful Craftsmanship" to trigger a dialogue.

Your character will comment how this highly unnatural leaf was likely left intentionally to indicate a pathway or clue. This advances you to the next phase of the quest.

The Significance of the Leaf

This leaf isn‘t just a random object – the Aranara are known for their skill at weaving leaves and imbuing them with dendro power. Finding this leaf implies one of them crafted it to guide travelers to Araphala.

Aranara weaving their signature leaves (via Genshin Impact manga)

Some fans speculate each Aranara has a unique leaf pattern they incorporate as a signature. So keep an eye out for more of these special leaves!

Step 4: Pursue the Trail of Sunsettias

After examining the suspicious leaf, you‘ll notice a conspicuous trail of Sunsettia flowers winding further south. Follow these flowers through the forest, as they seem intentionally planted to lead the way.

This bright trail littered with Dendroculus and bountiful harvest nodes can be easy to stray from. But persist in following the sunsettias as they draw closer to Araphala‘s hidden location.

Stopping to Smell the Flowers

As you pursue the floral path, don‘t forget to grab the following abundant resources:

  • Sunsettias x46
  • Fungi x62
  • Dendrobium x8
  • Philanemo Mushrooms x7
  • Cecilia x3

Following the trail yields more than just progress in your quest! Utilize these materials at crafting benches in Vanarana or Port Ormos.

Step 5: Enter the Secluded Cave

After a long walk trailing sunsettias, you‘ll eventually approach a cave shrouded in vines at the end of their path. Heading inside, you‘ll find even more sunsettias illuminating the interior.

Explore the winding cave while keeping an eye out for a conspicuous leaf pile toward the back, as shown below:

This marks the location where Araphala lies dormant. Tread quietly so as not to disturb them before you are able to properly awaken them.

Valuable Chests Within the Cave

Make sure to grab the two Precious Chests found within the cave, containing:

  • Primogems x30
  • Hero‘s Wit x4
  • Mystic Enhancement Ore x6

With puzzles solved using Dendro powers, you can also unlock an Exquisite and Common Chest.

Step 6: Locate the Slumbering Araphala

Near the back of the cave, you‘ll come across a conspicuously large pile of leaves. Interact with it to reveal a hidden Aranara, who is none other than Araphala.

You‘ve finally located Araphala! But it seems they‘ve fallen into an incredibly deep slumber after centuries of resting undisturbed in this cave.

Theories on Araphala‘s Origins

Some fans speculate Araphala is one of the very first Aranara created by the God of Woods to nurture the rainforest. Their aged knowledge could shed light on forgotten histories.

Perhaps they hid away to avoid the Cataclysm 500 years ago. Now begins the challenge of awakening them from their impossibly long nap!

Step 7: Harness the Power of Dendro

Unfortunately, Araphala is completely unresponsive in their deep slumber. To wake them, you‘ll need to harness the power of Dendro nearby.

Use a Dendro character like the Traveler or Collei to react Dendro on the leaf pile until Araphala emerges awake but dazed, as shown below:

Keep using Dendro until you see Araphala fully animate and arise. This also clears the cave of harmful spores for easier navigation.

Why Dendro Works

As creations of the God of Woods, Dendro energy seems to stimulate and energize the Aranara. Araphala likely surrounded themselves in leaves and Dendro to fall into such deep sleep. Reacting to their elemental home thus awakens them.

Step 8: Speak with Araphala

After awakening Araphala with Dendro reactions, a dialogue will unfold where they try to recall where they are and even their own name.

Guide Araphala to rediscover themselves before explaining how long they‘ve apparently been asleep. With your help, Araphala recovers their memories.

Unlocking Araphala Lore

Araphala provides fascinating lore about the history of the rainforest and Vanarana, the Great Tree, past Dendro Archons, and more – knoweldge long forgotten since before the Cataclysm.

This makes discovering Araphala incredibly rewarding for fans invested in uncovering Genshin Impact‘s extensive lore. Don‘t miss out on their insightful dialogue!


Finding the hidden Aranara Araphala is no easy feat, but tremendously worthwhile for the backstory and Dendro knowledge they provide. With this comprehensive guide, you now have all the clues, tips and background needed to fully complete the "Look for Araphala" questline in Genshin Impact.

The key steps are:

  • Setting the Forest Mill waypoint

  • Finding the yellow map marker

  • Following the sunsettia trail

  • Entering the secluded cave

  • Using Dendro to awaken Araphala

  • Speaking with them to uncover lore

Now go forth and pave the path to uncovering Araphala! I hope this extensive walkthrough lights your way through this mysterious forest quest. Let me know if you have any other questions in your own journey to discover Araphala in the magical world of Teyvat.