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How to Fix Login Error 409 on Spotify

Encountering the "Login failed error: 409" on Spotify can be incredibly frustrating. As a music lover, having your access to Spotify‘s massive catalog blocked is a huge letdown.

But don‘t worry – this guide will walk you through exactly why error 409 happens and the steps to get Spotify working again on desktop, iOS, and Android.

What Causes the Infamous Spotify Error 409?

Error 409 arises from Spotify discontinuing support for older app and operating system versions.

According to Spotify‘s own moderation team:

"We want to clarify what is happening and why. Currently, all support for Spotify app versions released in 2016 and older is being deprecated."

"This includes the app version released before 7.4.0 on iOS and Android and before 1.0.47 on desktops."

Specifically, Spotify ended support for:

  • iOS below version 14
  • Android below 7.4.0
  • Desktop apps before 1.0.47

So if you are running an outdated OS or app, Spotify‘s servers simply won‘t allow access – resulting in error 409.

According to the moderators, keeping up with the latest requirements allows Spotify to "run optimally" and maintain strong customer support.

Fixing Error 409 on Desktop, iOS, and Android

The good news is there are concrete steps you can take to eliminate error 409 and get back to enjoying Spotify.

Simple Fix: Uninstall and Reinstall Spotify

The easiest solution is to completely uninstall Spotify and reinstall the app:

  • Windows: Uninstall via Settings > Apps. Then download latest version from
  • Mac: Drag Spotify icon to Trash, then install fresh copy from
  • Mobile: Delete Spotify app, then re-download from App/Play Store.

Reinstallation gives you the most up-to-date Spotify release, avoiding any conflicts with deprecated versions.

Download Spotify Via Microsoft Store

On Windows 10 and 11, you can grab Spotify through the Microsoft Store app.

The Store offers the newest version by default, so you can sidestep error 409.

Update Your Operating System

Check for any pending operating system updates:

  • Android: Check for OS updates via Settings > System > System update.
  • iOS: Look for OS updates in Settings > General > Software update.

Updating your OS can resolve error 409 by providing compatibility with Spotify‘s latest requirements.

However, extremely outdated platforms like iPhone 4 cannot update to supported versions. Keep reading for more details.

Upgrade Your Device

If your device simply can‘t update to a compatible OS, upgrading your device itself may be necessary.

For example, the following devices are too outdated to support Spotify‘s minimum requirements:

  • iPhone 4 and earlier
  • 4th generation iPod Touch and earlier
  • Android below 4.1 Jelly Bean

To use Spotify going forward, you‘ll need at minimum:

  • iPhone 5S
  • 5th generation iPod Touch
  • Android 4.1 Jelly Bean or later

Why Does Spotify Block Older Devices and Platforms?

You might be frustrated that older gadgets get cut off from Spotify access. But Spotify has rational reasons for limiting legacy support:

  • Technical Limitations: Very old platforms lack the processing power and memory to smoothly run Spotify‘s latest feature-packed apps. Continued support would degrade the Spotify experience for all users.

  • Development Efforts: Maintaining support for outdated operating systems strains Spotify‘s development resources. Spotify only has so many engineers – time spent supporting legacy platforms takes away from building new features.

  • Enhanced Features: Dropping old OS/app versions allows Spotify to release updated designs and options not technically possible on older platforms. Users benefit from having the latest experience.

  • Security: Older OS versions become vulnerable over time without continued security updates. Discontinuing support reduces potential safety issues.

So while blocking older devices is disruptive in the short term, Spotify‘s requirements ultimately improve application stability, development velocity, feature set, and security for all users.

Bottom Line

Error 409 arises when Spotify deprecates support for older app and OS versions. Reinstalling Spotify, upgrading your system, or getting a supported device allows you to get around this problem. And although legacy support discontinuation causes headaches, Spotify‘s requirements ultimately enhance the platform over the long term.

With the steps in this guide, you can get Spotify back up and running in no time. Have fun enjoying Spotify‘s catalog of over 70 million tracks once error 409 is out of the picture!