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How to Log Out of Tower of Fantasy: The Complete Guide

Tower of Fantasy exploded onto the global gaming scene in August 2022, attracting over 10 million pre-registrations and launching to immediate popularity on mobile and PC. This shared open world RPG lets you explore majestic alien vistas, unleash powerful attacks in thrilling battles, and create unique characters to experience the story your way.

However, Tower of Fantasy uses a server structure that can confuse new players. Your entire account is tied to the server you select. This means characters, items, currency, and progress do not carry over between servers.

To switch servers, you must first log out properly. Without logging out, you’ll stay on the same server when re-launching the game. Many players encounter issues because they don’t realize logging out is required prior to selecting a new server.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn how to correctly log out of Tower of Fantasy on mobile (iOS and Android) and PC. I’ll also explain server selection, character data, and tips for safely switching servers based on my extensive experience analyzing, researching, and playing Tower of Fantasy since launch.

Must Log Out to Switch Servers in Tower of Fantasy

When starting Tower of Fantasy for the first time, you’ll be prompted to select a server. The servers represent different regions, like North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

Your entire Tower of Fantasy account is permanently tied to the server you choose here initially:

  • Characters created
  • Character customization
  • Inventory items
  • Currency (gold and dark crystals)
  • Battle pass progress
  • Exploration percentage
  • Quest completion
  • Crews/guilds

No data, items, currency, or progress carry over between the Tower of Fantasy servers. They operate as completely separate accounts.

This means if you want to change your server to play with friends elsewhere or start fresh, you must fully log out first.

Without logging out, selecting a new server from the login screen does nothing. You’ll remain on the original server you picked previously. All your existing data and characters will still be present.

Logging out is the only way to ensure you start with a blank slate on another Tower of Fantasy server. Your original data stays intact on the first server while letting you create a new account on the new server.

Here are step-by-step instructions for properly logging out on both mobile and PC…

How to Log Out on Mobile

Logging out of Tower of Fantasy on your iPhone or Android device takes seconds:

  1. Launch Tower of Fantasy and enter the open world as normal.

  2. Tap the menu icon in the top right corner.

  3. Select “Settings” at the bottom of the menu.

  4. Choose “Basic” on the left side of the settings screen.

  5. Tap “Switch Accounts” near the bottom of the basic settings.

  6. A prompt appears asking “Log Out?” with two options: Cancel or OK.

  7. Tap “OK” to confirm logging out of your current Tower of Fantasy account.

After tapping OK, you’ll be returned to the starting menu where you can pick a different server or log into another account.

To quickly force quit the app, swipe up from the bottom of your phone and close Tower of Fantasy. This also logs you out.

How to Log Out on PC

The process is extremely similar using the Tower of Fantasy PC client:

  1. Launch Tower of Fantasy and enter the game as normal.

  2. Click the menu button in the top right corner of the screen.

  3. Select “Settings” at the bottom of the menu.

  4. Click “Basic” on the left side of the settings panel.

  5. Click “Switch Accounts” near the bottom of basic settings.

  6. A pop-up will appear asking “Log Out?” with Cancel and OK options.

  7. Click “OK” to confirm logging out of your current Tower of Fantasy account.

After confirming, you’ll return to the starting menu where you can choose a new server before logging back in.

Pick the Right Server at the Start

When you first launch Tower of Fantasy on mobile or PC, you’ll be prompted to select a server to play on. Choosing the right server from the start is important.

Here are the available Tower of Fantasy servers:

North America:

  • Aura
  • Banges


  • Aida
  • Valykria


  • Asta
  • Novus


  • Aldebaran

I recommend picking the server that matches your geographic region for the lowest ping. However, you can choose any server you wish.

If you want to play with friends, make sure you all pick the same initial server so you can match together.

Once you’ve selected a server, you’ll start by creating a character. Remember, this character and all progress will be permanently tied to your chosen server.

That’s why logging out before switching servers is so important later on.

Weighing the Server Switch Decision

Once invested into Tower of Fantasy, you may debate switching servers. Here are some points to consider when making this decision:

Reasons to switch servers

  • Play with friends on another server
  • Experience early game progression again
  • Join a more populated or geographically suitable server

Reasons to stay

  • You’ve made significant progress
  • You’ve invested money into your account
  • You have rare items you don’t want to lose
  • You’d lose your guild and in-game friends

In my opinion, if you’ve already devoted major time and money on your original server, it’s best to stay put. Starting fresh means abandoning everything you’ve worked for up until now.

However, if you’re still early in the game and want to re-experience the magic on a better server, switching can be worth it. Just remember to log out first!

You can always return to your original server by logging out and selecting it again later. Your data will still be waiting for you when you come back.

What Happens If You Don’t Log Out Before Switching

Many Tower of Fantasy players encounter issues because they don’t realize logging out is required before switching servers.

Here’s what happens if you try to switch without logging out first:

  • You will remain on your originally selected server.
  • All your existing characters, items, currency, and progress will still be present.
  • You won’t actually switch to the new server or be able to start fresh.

Basically, you’ll still be logged into your original server, just unaware that the server swap failed. Everything will seem the same.

Always log out fully before attempting to switch Tower of Fantasy servers to avoid this confusion. Logging out guarantees a clean slate on the new server.

Preserve Your Account When Switching Servers

While switching servers is safe when done properly, I recommend these tips to keep your Tower of Fantasy accounts secure:

  • Log out fully – Never try to switch servers without properly logging out first.

  • Link accounts – Connect your email and social media accounts to Tower of Fantasy for an extra layer of protection.

  • Use strong passwords – Create complex, unique passwords for each server account.

  • Write down details – Note your Tower of Fantasy account specifics somewhere safe in case you need to recover access.

  • Contact support – The Tower of Fantasy team is very helpful if you run into any account issues.

Following these best practices ensures your accounts, characters, and progress remain safe when moving between servers.

Analyzing the Server Structure Impact on Gameplay

Tower of Fantasy‘s separated server structure provides some unique benefits and drawbacks gamers should consider:


  • Servers targeted to geographic regions provide lowest ping/latency for smooth gameplay in that area.

  • Friends can coordinate to match together on the same server.

  • Starting on a new server lets players re-experience early game progression, exploration, and story.

  • Lower population servers provide more opportunities to secure competitive resources and events.


  • Fragmenting the player base across many servers can limit social interaction.

  • Players can’t easily switch between characters or economic resources on different servers.

  • Friends or guilds may be split across separate servers, limiting ability to play together.

  • Keeping track of different accounts on multiple servers increases management burden.

Overall, the divided server structure enables targeted regional play and re-playability, but risks fragmenting the community. Players just need to log out properly when switching between these parallel Tower of Fantasy instances.

Key Takeaways for Switching Servers Smoothly

Based on my deep analysis and experience with Tower of Fantasy, here are the key tips to smoothly change servers:

  • Fully log out of your current server before switching to ensure a fresh start.

  • Choose a new server to join friends or re-experience early game progression.

  • Stick with original server if invested heavily in progression and monetization.

  • Keep account details safe and secure when managing multiple server accounts.

  • Contact Tower of Fantasy support if you encounter any account issues.

As long as you log out first, you can safely play across multiple servers, enjoying Tower of Fantasy with different groups of friends and replaying early game adventures.

Closing Thoughts

Tower of Fantasy’s server structure allows focused regional play while enabling re-playability on new servers – but only if you properly log out first before switching.

Deciding whether to stay put or start fresh is a personal choice based on your friends, progression, and enjoyment. Just make sure to fully log out so you don’t encounter any headaches when selecting a new Tower of Fantasy server.

With this guide’s help, you can now seamlessly log out and switch servers to find the community and gameplay experience you want. I hope these tips help you enjoy discovering all Tower of Fantasy’s different worlds. See you in the game!