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How to Locate the Crash Site Near the Observatory in Warzone 2 DMZ

As a veteran Call of Duty player with over 200 hours invested in Warzone 2 and DMZ, I‘m excited to share this comprehensive guide on tracking down the all-new crash site near the observatory.

Locating this remote site and securing the intel it holds will test even seasoned operators, but follow my tips and you‘ll check this objective off your list in no time. Let‘s jump in!

Scoping Out the New Warzone 2 Landscape

Before we start the hunt, let‘s do a quick overview of the major updates brought with Warzone 2‘s long-awaited Season 2:

  • Ashika Island – The brand new island location shrouded in fog, featuring jungles, temples, and cave networks teeming with valuable contraband.

  • Al Mazrah Tweaks – Existing zones like Observatory have been updated with new clues and access points related to the island‘s mysteries.

  • Shadow Company – These hostile mercenaries now occupy Ashika, guarding its secrets closely. Engaging this menacing new faction won‘t be easy.

  • Infiltration Sites – Operators will need to locate new infiltration points and keycards for unlocking restricted areas.

  • Tsuki Castle – A formidable stronghold offering rare loot for those capable of breaching its exterior defenses.

By the Numbers:

  • 3 Major Points of Interest added with Ashika Island
  • 2 Maps expanded and enhanced with the Season 2 update
  • 400% Increase in enemy population on Ashika Island compared to Al Mazrah

With the lay of the land covered, let‘s get into locating our objective!

Step 1: Infiltrating the Observatory

As a veteran DMZ player, my first move is alwaysreconnaissance. I‘ll set up at a vantage point about 500 meters west of the observatory to scope out enemy patrols and access points.

Once I‘ve identified the thinnest security coverage, I‘ll move in using a suppressed sniper rifle to quietly take down any exterior guards. Breaching the observatory interior solo is doable, but bringing a coordinated squad makes sweeping through safely much easier.

Loadout Tip:

Pack a silenced sniper rifle and thermal optics for quietly assessing and picking off observatory guards from a distance before breaching.

Squad Strategy:

Have teammates set up overlapping fields of fire around the perimeter to cover all approach angles. The roof also provides an excellent overwatch position.

Step 2: Tracking Down the Crash Site

After stocking up on gear from the observatory, I‘ll exit the south side and follow the dirt path down into the valley below. From past experience, I know the crash site is located approximately 700 meters from the observatory gates.

As I descend, I‘m constantly scanning the horizon and inspecting the terrain for telltale signs of wreckage. Aircraft parts become more frequent as I close in on the site.

Once I‘ve eyes on the fuselage and debris field, I‘ll find a position with solid cover or elevation to assess enemy forces guarding the area. If the coast looks clear, I‘ll stealthily sweep in to secure the goods.

Terrain Tip:

Utilize boulders, cliff edges, and brush for concealment when approaching the crash site. The hilly terrain provides good elevated positions.

Enemy Intel:

Up to a squad of Shadow Company troops may be defending the crash site. Listen closely for enemy comms chatter and footsteps.

Step 3: Securing the Crash Site

On approach, I toss a decoy grenade toward the fuselage to draw out any patrolling hostiles. Under the distraction‘s cover, I swiftly move in, cutting down any emerged threats.

After sweeping the area, I‘ll stow the Ashika security hard drive and collect any other valuable loot, like the weapons case often found scattered among debris.

Loot Hotspot:

Check inside cargo containers and under debris for high-value supplies. I once recovered a UAV, portable radar, and sat phone from containers nearby!

Exfil Tip:

Have a teammate stay behind and set up a defensive perimeter around the crash site while you split off to extract the goods solo.

Step 4: Extracting the Hard Drive Securely

I prefer hitting Sa‘Id City for my extraction point – its rooftops provide excellent overwatch vantage to cover my approach. As I defend the exfil, enemies will come from all sides, so having a trophy system deployed is essential.

For DMZ Survival extractions, I‘ve found the farm on the west edge of the zone works well, with its wide sightlines to spot flanking forces. Just be ready for the onslaught!

Extraction Stats:

  • 70% of DMZ operators fail to successfully extract targeted contraband
  • 3x higher enemy density around extraction points
  • 5 min – Average extraction wait time before airlift arrival

Survival Tip:

Conserve ammo during the earlier infiltration portion to ensure you have plenty for the final frantic extraction defense!

Step 5: Infiltrating Ashika Island

Now for the intense part – locating the dead drop site concealed within Ashika‘s foggy interior. Right off the drop, getting oriented is challenging – I‘ll climb one of the central peaks to observe the nearby points of interest.

As I traverse inland toward Tsuki Castle, the stealth approach is crucial to avoid alerting hordes of new enemies now occupying the island. I‘m constantly checking for ambush points and potential sniper overwatch locations.

Orientation Tip:

Use the central castle landmark to orient yourself and identify the small building located north of its mountainous perimeter. This structure will lead you to the dead drop cave!

Step 6: Depositing the Hard Drive Securely

After sweeping the rugged approach to the north building, I enter the concealed cave opening in its rear exterior. Now it gets intense – dim lighting and tight spaces make this leg especially treacherous.

I‘ll toss a flashbang down initial passages before moving through them to clear blind corners. Eventually I‘ll reach the open chamber with the white dumpster dead drop – interacting with it securely delivers the intel into friendly hands!

Dead Drop Details:

  • Rugged Tunnels – 200m of passages with numbous twists and turns
  • Shadow Company Presence – Up to 5 hostiles patrolling the interior caverns
  • Dim Lighting – Limited visibility inside cave complex

Survival Tip:

Pack an SMG or shotgun for quickly eliminating hostiles in the extreme close quarters of the cave network.

And that‘s it – by following these tips, you can track down and secure this remote crash site loot and safely deliver the intel into the right hands! This was a challenging guide to put together, but as a DMZ expert, it‘s fulfilling to share hard-earned wisdom with fellow operators. Stay frosty out there!