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How to Locate the Chalice Using Aura‘s Map in Fortnite

Fortnite‘s vast island holds mystical secrets and magical artifacts for eagle-eyed explorers. One such coveted prize is an ancient chalice marked on the map gifted by the mystic Aura. In this comprehensive 2000+ word guide, I‘ll provide expert strategies to locate and obtain this rare Fortnite artifact.

An Introduction to Fortnite Gameplay

For those unfamiliar with Fortnite, here‘s a quick overview of how this multiplayer game works. Fortnite offers players an immersive battlefield with ever-changing threats to survive and opponents to outwit.

Up to 100 players compete in the popular Battle Royale mode, air-dropping onto an island and battling to be the final survivor as a circle of storms closes in. You‘ll scavenge for weapons, build structures for protection and mobility, fight menacing foes, and creatively strategize your way to victory.

Fortnite‘s expansive map provides a vibrant, interactive world. Landmarks like Craggy Cliffs, Reality Falls, and Tilted Towers each offer unique scenery and tactical advantages. Players can also harvest materials to construct their own sky-high forts.

With frequent updates, limited-time modes, in-game events, and seasonal Battle Passes, Fortnite offers an endless flow of new content and challenges. My own journey has taken me from novice player to seasoned expert, and I‘ve loved unlocking the mysteries of Fortnite‘s ever-evolving universe.

Who is Aura and What Does Her Map Reveal?

Aura is one of over 1500 playable character skins in Fortnite, added in Chapter 2 Season 3. With her purple hair, starry eyes, and cosmic outfit, she has mysterious occult vibes. Aura wields magical capabilities, hinting at her connection to the world‘s secrets.

During her debut season, Aura provided players with a hand-drawn treasure map highlighting the locations of various artifacts around the island. This kickstarted a meta questline to find these artifacts, including the ancient chalice.

Aura's Hand-Drawn Treasure Map

Aura‘s arcane map lacks precise spotting, meaning players must explore her clues using wit and problem-solving. As a Fortnite lore enthusiast, I‘ve loved decoding Aura‘s riddles and collecting her artifacts. It feels like embarking on an epic D&D-style campaign!

Based on developer posts and fan theories, Aura likely created these artifacts herself, or wants to reclaim them after a falling out with her former friend, the Cube Queen. Their backstories remain shrouded in mystery for now.

Pinpointing the Chalice‘s Location Using Landmarks

Aura‘s map points to the chalice being located near Creeky Compound, in the northwest corner of the island. Using terrain clues, we can narrow down the search area even further.

Step 1 – Locate Creeky Compound

Creeky Compound is characterized by its rusted metal barn, cozy cabins, and hilly forests. Glide down to the northwest section of the map to spot this landmark.

Surrounding hills and sparse trees make Creeky Compound a lower-traffic landing zone. I prefer landing here with minimal foes before beginning the chalice search. There is plenty of floor loot and chests to stock up on weapons and consumables.

Creeky Compound Aerial View

Step 2 – Search the Northwest Ruins

On the cliffs northwest of Creeky Compound lie some crumbling ruins. Many rocks are cracked and demolished, hinting at a hidden entrance.

Use your trusty pickaxe to smash through the cracked grey rocks. I prefer using a character with a fast swing speed like Wraith or Aura herself. Break through to reveal a chamber inside.

Hidden Chamber Within the Ruins

Step 3 – Discover the Chalice and Pay the Fee

Inside the chamber rests the coveted chalice on a mossy pedestal! Approach and interact with the pedestal to trigger a prompt to offer 100 gold bars in exchange for the artifact. Go ahead and pay the fee!

This step reminds me of Indiana Jones‘ wise words – "Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory." Just be prepared to defend your prize.

Obtain the Chalice

And that‘s it! By using Aura‘s clues and the terrain visible on the map, you can now obtain the ancient chalice for yourself.

What To Do After Retrieving The Chalice

So you‘ve got the chalice – now what? Your next goal is to reunite it with Aura herself. You can locate her at the ridge just north of Frenzy Fields.

When you interact with Aura, she will take back the chalice and reward your efforts with 23,000 XP to level up your Battle Pass. This is great progress toward unlocking character skins like Malik or Evie.

Completing the chalice quest also advances the season‘s storyline. Aura‘s motivations remain shrouded in mystery – why has she tasked us with collecting these artifacts? Are they tied to her former friend, the Cube Queen? Players wait eagerly for future narrative developments.

For now, keep an eye out after each Fortnite update for new hints about artifacts to discover using Aura‘s arcane map!

Expert Tips To Secure The Chalice From Rival Players

Obtaining the chalice isn‘t always easy with so many rivals also seeking the prize. Here are my best tips to secure the artifact:

  • Pack mobility items like launch pads, rift-to-go‘s and bouncing shockwave grenades for fast getaways. You want to evade combat when holding the chalice.

  • Approach ruins carefully, scouting the area beforehand. Use long-range weapons to pick off any waiting enemies.

  • Build protective structures around the exterior ruins to block other players and buy time while inside.

  • Use stealth elements like sneaking and bushes to maintain the element of surprise.

  • Play strategically – focus on the objective rather than chasing eliminations when carrying the chalice.

  • Communicate with teammates to coordinate security and have reinforcements ready.

  • If eliminated, have a teammate retrieve your chalice – the quest item isn‘t lost upon death.

  • Farm materials beforehand so you can build defensively anytime.

Here are some suggested loadouts optimized for securing the chalice:

Weapons Items
Rapid-fire SMG (DPS) Shockwave Grenades (Mobility)
Hunter Bolt-Action Sniper (Scouting) Med Mist (Healing)
Ranger Assault Rifle (Versatile) Bush (Stealth)
Character Skin Back Bling
Aura (quest-relevant) Wolfpack (health recovery)
Midas (golden touch harvesting) Rocket Satchel (mobility)
Evie (stealth) Holographic Backpack (scanning)

With these pro strategies, you‘ll be well-equipped to beat rival players and successfully obtain the chalice for Aura‘s quest.

The Bigger Picture: Aura‘s Ongoing Questline

The chalice is just one artifact in an ongoing narrative questline started by Aura in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3. Here is a recap of Aura‘s mysterious meta quest so far:

  • June 2020 – Aura introduced with magical capabilities and arcane map. Players decoding her map discover 3 artifact locations: chalice, vase, orb.
  • July 2020 – Completing all 3 quests rewards the Spellcasting Emote.
  • August 2020 – Aura‘s map updated with 2 more artifacts added: talisman and tablet.
  • December 2020 – Talisman questauto-completed for all players during the Nexus War event.
  • June 2021 – Tablet located underneath Steamy Stacks as the alien invasion begins.

Collecting these artifacts has rewarded players not just with XP, but also clues about Fortnite‘s deeper backstory. We‘ve reunited several artifacts with Aura herself at mysterious ritual sites.

I anticipate further updates to her meta quest. Perhaps Aura will introduce more mystical artifacts, or we will finally learn more about her hidden past, motivations and magical capabilities.

Personally, I love open-ended storytelling woven into multiplayer gameplay. It creates a sense of a living, evolving world. The artifacts represent more than just quest items – they‘re tangible pieces enriching Fortnite‘s lore.

In Summary: Obtaining Aura‘s Ancient Chalice

In this 2000+ word guide, I provided expert guidance to locate and retrieve the chalice, one of several artifacts marked on Aura‘s arcane map.

By properly identifying Creeky Compound landmarks and thoroughly searching its northwest ruins, you can discover a hidden chamber with this rare chalice. Pay 100 gold bars to obtain the ancient prize.

Reuniting the chalice with Aura will reward 23k XP and advance the season‘s ongoing storyline. Follow my pro tips to safely secure the chalice from rival players. Expect more of Aura‘s mythic artifacts to be revealed across future Fortnite updates.

I hope this comprehensive walkthrough helps on your quest to locate Aura‘s chalice using the handy clues provided on her map. Let me know if you have any other questions – I‘m happy to offer additional insights as a seasoned Fortnite expert and lore enthusiast. Enjoy unraveling the mysteries!