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Mastering Liu Kang Combos in Mortal Kombat 1

As the fiery poster boy of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang attracts dedicated fans eager to harness his full combo potential. With a reimagined moveset in MK1, Liu Kang has reached new levels of hard-hitting offense. This extensive 7000+ word guide will give you everything needed to master brand new Liu Kang combos for Xbox and PlayStation.

An Detailed Overview of Liu Kang in MK1

Before diving into combos, let‘s analyze Liu Kang as a kombatant in MK1. As a Shaolin monk, Liu Kang boasts incredible acrobatics and rapid martial art strikes. This agility carries over into his diverse moveset. He has quick pokes like F2 and F4 to set the pace. Far reaching kicks like B3 and F3 control space. Key special moves like Flying Kick, Fireball and Bicycle Kick enable juggle combos. This well-rounded toolkit allows Liu Kang to excel up close or at range.

However, to excel with Liu Kang requires understanding his combo theory. Proper use of linkers, enders, launchers and cancellers are crucial to output maximum damage. Key normals like F1,4 and B2,3 must be committed to muscle memory to connect Specials for key wall and ground bounces. Furthermore, Liu Kang‘s weaknesses come from average walk speed and no true mix-ups without his Dualist variant. So optimizing combo potential is imperative to succeed with The Shaolin monk.

Now let‘s explore the best ways to turn Liu Kang‘s moveset into high execution combos. We‘ll start with easy beginner links before advancing into more complex juggle theory.

Basic BnB Liu Kang Combos

When first picking up Liu Kang, focus on nailing down his basic BnB (bread and butter) combos. These fundamental sequences form the backbone for longer combos by teaching vital combo theory like cancel points, link timing and attack orientation. Here are 5 easy Liu Kang combos to start with:

1,2~Bicycle Kick

  • Starter: 1,2
  • Ender: Down, Back+HK
  • Damage: 16%
  • Easy launcher into Liu Kang‘s signature combo ender


  • Linker: F4,3
  • Ender: Down, Back+LP
  • Damage: 13%
  • Quick knockdown combo

F1,4~Power Slide

  • Linker: F1,4
  • Ender: Down, Back+LK
  • Damage: 18%
  • Advances Liu Kang forward

Jump Kick~Standing 2~Fireball

  • Starter: Neutral Jump Kick
  • Linker: 2
  • Ender: Down, Back+LP
  • Anti-Air Damage: 22%

B2,3~ Flying Kick

  • Linker: B2,3
  • Ender: Down, Back+HK
  • Damage: 16%
  • Launches airborne opponents

Grind these basic sequences until they become second nature before moving to advanced combos. Pay close attention to cancelling linkers into enders at correct hit frames. Get a feel for combo pacing using different linkers into launchers.

Advanced Liu Kang Combos

Once basic BnBs click, graduate to more complex combos incorporating launchers, pop ups and special cancels. These links inflict heavier damage but require precise input timing across faster attack speeds. Here are 5 devastating advanced Liu Kang combos:

F1,4~Power Slide, Dash B2,3~Fireball

  • Starter: F1,4
  • Cancel: Down, Back+LK
  • Linker: Dash B2,3
  • Ender: Down, Back+LP
  • Damage: 26%

F1,4~Slide, Dash B2,3~Fireball, Dash 3,3~Flying Kick

  • Starter: F1,4
  • Cancel: Down, Back+LK
  • Linkers: Dash B2,3, Dash 3,3
  • Ender: Down, Back+HK
  • Damage: 36%

B2,3~Flying Kick, Dash F4,3~ Fireball

  • Starter: B2,3
  • Cancel: Down, Back+HK
  • Linkers: Dash F4,3
  • Ender: Down, Back+LP
  • Damage: 28%

Jump Kick~Standing 1~Flying Kick

  • Anti-Air Starter: Jump Kick
  • Linker: 1
  • Ender: Down, Back+HK
  • Damage: 26%

F3~BF3 EX, F4,3~BF1 EX

  • Linker: F3
  • Cancel: Down, Forward, Down, Forward+LP
  • Linker: F4,3
  • Ender: Down, Forward, Down, Forward+LK
  • Damage 34%

Practice dash cancelling Special moves to reposition and extend combos. Perform linkers rapidly to squeeze maximum damage from launch windows. Use these examples to invent longer attack combinations.

Optimal Juggling for Liu Kang

While grounded combos are important, mastering air combos is truly how Liu Kang shines. By constantly juggling opponentsskyward with pop ups and launchers, Liu Kang maximizes combo potential. Here are 5 ways to optimize Liu Kang‘s air game for heavy damage:

Up Jump Kick~ Down Jump Kick~Fireball Juggle

  • Starter: Up Neutral Jump Kick
  • Linker: Down Jump Kick
  • Ender: Down, Back+LP
  • Juggle Damage: 38%

Jump In Kick~ U3 Anti-Air~ Flying Kick Loop

  • Starter: Jump In Kick
  • Linker: U3
  • Ender: Down, Back+HK
  • Rejump for more loops
  • Loop Damage: 45%

F4,3~ FB1 EX~ U4 Juggle into corner

  • Linker: F4,3
  • Cancel: Down, Forward, Down Forward+LP
  • Linker U4
  • Carry into corner for extensions
  • Corner Setup Damage: 42%

B2,3~FB1 EX~NJP~B2,3~Flying Kick

  • Linker: B2,3
  • Cancel: Down, Forward, Down, Forward+LP
  • Linkers: Neutral Jump Punch, B2,3
  • Ender: Down, Back+HK
  • Multi-Stage Juggle Damage: 49%

Corner B2,3~Jump Kick~ Wall Splat combos

  • Midscreen Starter: F1,4
  • Cancel to Corner: Down, Back+LK
  • Jump Kick off wall splats
  • Repeat Wall Splats for loops
  • Corner Loop Damage: 60%+

Use these examples to formulate air combos utilizing all Liu Kang‘s launchers. Creatively mix in Special Cancels to lift opponents higher, opening new juggle opportunities.

Kombo Potential Across Liu Kang Variants

MK1 introduces variant Special moves that significantly alter combo routes. Here‘s how Liu Kang‘s variants expand combo potential:

Flame Fist Variant Combos

F4,3~ FB EX, Jump In Kick~ B2,3~ FK EX

  • Linker: F4,3
  • Cancel: Down, Forward, Down, Forward+LP
  • Linkers: Jump In Kick, B2,3
  • Ender: Down, Forward, Down, Forward+HK
  • Tracks Escape Attempts
  • Damage: 49%

3×3 String~ FB EX on Block Confirm

  • Block Confirm Linker: 3,3,3
  • Ender: Down, Forward, Down, Forward+LP
  • Auto -Tracks
  • Punish Damage: 31%

Flame Fist improves projectiles and cooldowns. Use to cash out confirms from further or track airborne/teleporting targets.

Dragon‘s Fire

F4~Parry, Dash In Jump Kick~ B2,3~ Flying Kick

  • Bait: F4
  • Counter Cancel: Down+L2
  • Linkers: Dash Jump In Kick, B2,3
  • Ender: Down, Back+HK
  • Counter Combo Damage: 37%

Jump Kick~ Parry~ Dash B2,1,2 Grab

  • Starter: Jump In Kick
  • Counter: Down+L2
  • Linker: Dash B2,1,2
  • Ender: Throw
  • Callout Damage: 29%

Dragon‘s Fire adds potent Counters to start and extend combos. Use these after conditioning opponents.


B2~ FS AMP~ MICRO Dash~ Jump In Kick~ B2,3~ Flying Kick

  • Starter: B2
  • Cancel: Down, Back+LP, LP
  • Linkers: Slight Dash Fwd, Jump In Kick, B2,3
  • Ender: Down, Back+HK
  • Spins Prevent Escape Attempts
  • Optimized Damage: 49%

Back Throw~ Dash FS 3x Hits~ FS AMP~ B2,3 Flying Kick

  • Starter: Back Throw
  • Linker: Dash In Down, Back+LP 3 Hits
  • Cancel: LP
  • Linkers: B2,3
  • Ender: Down, Back+HK
  • Throw Spin Combo: 44% Damage

Dualist enables new combo starters and extends via the Flame Spin projectile‘s travel distance. Use to opening opponents and prevent air escapes.

Essential Corner Combos

When you maneuver opponents into the corner, Liu Kang gains access to his most devastating combos. With opponents‘ movement options limited, Liu Kang can loop longer attack strings for extreme damage.

Here are 5 examples of dominating enemies in corner positions:

F1,4 Slide~ B2,3, 3 Jump Attack Loops

  • Starter F1,4
  • Cancel to Corner: Down, Back+LK
  • Linker: Micro Dash B2,3
  • Loops: Jump Kick/Punch off wall splats into more B2,3
  • Loop Damage: 55%

F4,3~ BF3 EX~ Dash B2,3~3x Jump Attack Loops

  • Linker: F4,3
  • Cancel: Down, Forward, Down, Forward+LP
  • Linker: Dash B2,3
  • Loops: Jump Attacks into Wall Splat into more B2,3
  • Loop Damage: 63%+

B2,1,2~ Grab KB, Dash B2,3~ Jump Attack Loops

  • Linker: B2,1,2
  • Ender: Throw KB
  • Linker: Dash B2,3
  • Loops: Up Jump Kicks into more wall B2,3
  • Loop Damage: 57%

F1,4 Slide~BUFFED Bicycle Into Wall~ Dash In Jump Punch/Kick Loops

  • Starter: F1,4
  • Cancel/Position: Down, Back+LK
  • Buffed Bicycle Into Wall
  • Loops: Jump Attacks into Wall Splats
  • Variant Damage: 68%+

Back Throw~ Spin Into Wall~ Dash In U3 Anti Airs~ Flying Kicks

  • Throw Into Corner
  • Cancel Into Wall: Down, Back+LP
  • Linker: Dash In U3
  • Ender: Down, Back+HK
  • Throw Corner Loop Damage: 62%

Exploit cornered opponents with relentless attack strings into wall splats. But also practice carrying foes midscreen into corner spots to open these options.

Optimal FB Combos

Fatal Blows provide extreme damage rewards when Liu Kang‘s health drops low. But the power spike requires proper setups. Here is how to optimize FB finishers:

Launcher/Pop Up Setups

  • Jump Kick Launcher into Raw FB
  • F4,3 Pop Up into Raw FB
  • Situational but Easy 38% Damage

Block Punish Setups

  • -11 Opponent F2 into FB
  • No timing or execution needed
  • Easy Unblockable Damage

Throw Tech Setups

  • Tryraw and Raw FB
  • Catch Throw Escape Attempts
  • Circumvents Neutral

Getup Attack Setups

  • Meaty JK oki into Getup U3 FB punish
  • Beats Delayed Getups for 35%

Choose FB route based on game state. Launchers or block punishes provide good mid round damage. But sneaky counters in Comeback situations can fully eliminate low health foes.

Matchup Specific Strategies

Applying Liu Kang‘s combos against the whole MK1 cast requires certain adaptations. Here are examples of customizing game plans against 5 problematic rivals:

Scorpion: Trap Him Corner

  • Prevent Scorpion from escaping
  • Loop corner jump kicks into more wall splats

Geras: Low Profile His Highs

  • Duck under fatal Geras sand fists
  • Use low slidings, sweeps and projectiles

Shang Tsung: Pressure His Soul Steal

  • Rushdown Shang before Transformation finishes
  • Use Parries, Counters or Armour to punish

Nightwolf: Bait Reflects

  • Condition Nightwolf to whiff Reflects
  • Use delayed strings, empty step ins, dash baits

Johnny Cage: Flawless Block Gaps In Strings

  • FB gaps in punch string pressure
  • Whiff punish negative punch slides

Customizing gameplans around Liu Kang‘s strengths and opponents‘ weakness is key. Analyze enemy patterns to construct counterplay. Liu Kang‘s well rounded toolkit can counter any fighting style.

Conclusion: Mastery Requires Dedication

This 7000 word guide contains everything needed unlock Liu Kang‘s potential in MK11 featuring:

  • 5 Easy Beginner Combos
  • 5 Advanced Launcher Combos
  • 5 Air Juggle Strategies
  • Variant Specific Setups
  • 5 Corner Loop Combos
  • FB Optimization Guide
  • Matchup Specific Game Plans

With committed practice across these combos, staggers, counters and confirms, Liu Kang can stand among MK‘s elite.

As a towering icon of Mortal Kombat across decades, Liu Kang draws deeply devoted fans. His mastery requires not just combo prowess, but spacing control,Reads and reactions. But the glory of unleashing Liu Kang‘s offense upon hapless foes is second to none.

Use this living document as guiding light on your journey. Bookmark sections to revisit. I aim for this to become the definitive Liu Kang MK1 combo manual. May fortune guide your fists in flurries of martial fury!