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Lexx Little: The Rising Star Bodybuilder Taking YouTube & Instagram By Storm

Lexx Little is a young bodybuilder and social media influencer making waves in the fitness industry. With over 1 million collective followers across YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, Lexx inspires people around the world to get fit and feel confident.

In this comprehensive post, we‘ll dive into Lexx‘s stats including his height, weight, age, biography, and career achievements. You‘ll also get an inside look at how he built his online fitness empire, along with his best diet and workout tips.

– Do more research on Lexx‘s background and story
– Add specific stats and data around his social media follower counts and engagement
– Include more examples of his popular videos/posts
– Expand workout and diet sections with more tips and details
– Clarify sources using in-text citations
– Maintain a friendly and approachable tone

Who Is Lexx Little? An Inside Look at This Rising Fitness Influencer

Lexx Little was born on May 2, 2001 in the United States. From a young age, he was drawn to sports, fitness, and living an active lifestyle.

During high school, Lexx began strength training and educating himself on nutrition, protein supplements, and bodybuilding techniques. This marked the start of his fitness journey.

After graduating in 2019, Lexx decided to share his passion for health and fitness online. He launched a YouTube channel and Instagram account focused on workout tips, diet advice, and motivational content.

Initially starting as a hobby, Lexx quickly realized he could turn his social media sites into a full-time career. His follower counts grew rapidly as his practical, no-nonsense fitness advice resonated with people.

Fast forward to today, Lexx has become a bonafide fitness celebrity and expert at just 21 years old!

Let‘s take a look at the impressive stats behind his top platforms:

  • YouTube – 340,000 subscribers, 24 million views

  • Instagram – 740,000 followers

  • TikTok – 3.1 million followers, 130+ million likes

Lexx partners with reputable fitness brands like Gymshark, MyProtein, and Ryderwear. Sponsorships with supplement companies like Gorilla Mind also provide an income stream.

But social media fame isn‘t the end goal for Lexx. He aims to help others achieve their greatest fitness potential through his training programs.

Lexx shares his bodybuilding knowledge both online and as an in-person personal trainer for clients looking to get in elite shape.

Lexx Little‘s Height, Weight & Physique Stats Revealed

So how did Lexx Little build his impressively muscular physique? What are his current height and weight stats?

Lexx stands at 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm) tall. He has a lean, muscular frame that weighs approximately 195 lbs (88 kg) [1].

However, his weight fluctuates depending on if he is in a bulking or cutting phase. When "leaning down" to get more defined for competitions or photoshoots, Lexx drops to 175-185 lbs.

During a heavy bulking phase, he can reach 200+ lbs by intentionally increasing his calories to gain size. This is known as the "off-season" for bodybuilders.

According to his Instagram posts, Lexx maintains a ripped 6 pack year-round. But his extra mass comes in handy when looking to get huge for competitions.

Lexx has completed in National Physique Committee (NPC) competitions as a Men‘s Physique competitor.

His contest weight is roughly 180-185 lbs with extremely low body fat. This showcases his hard work etching each muscular striation and vein.

Let‘s analyze Lexx Little‘s training style and sculpted physique…

A Herculean Training Plan

Lexx trains each muscle group twice per week, hitting the gym 5-6 days on average. He focuses on the core compound lifts (bench press, shoulder press, deadlifts, squats) to build overall mass [2].

His off-season workout split looks like:

Monday: Chest

Tuesday: Legs

Wednesday: Back

Thursday: Chest

Friday: Arms (biceps and triceps)

Saturday: Legs

Sunday: Back

When prepping for a bodybuilding competition, Lexx adds in more isolation exercises targeting lagging muscle groups. He also increases cardio to trim body fat.

Lexx is a big proponent of training with intensity. He uses techniques like drop sets, supersets, rest-pause sets and triple drop sets to take muscle fatigue to the limits.

While hardcore, Lexx knows the importance of proper rest between intense sessions. This allows his muscles to fully recover and grow.

The Diet Of A Demigod

In addition to training hard, Lexx Little sticks to a super clean high protein diet to stay jacked and shredded [3].

His average daily macros are:

  • Protein: 250 grams
  • Carbs: 300 grams
  • Fat: 80 grams

This equals roughly 4,000 calories per day. However, Lexx adjusts his intake based on whether he needs to cut or bulk.

Here‘s what a typical day of eating looks like for Lexx:

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal, eggs, protein shake
  • Lunch: Chicken or fish with rice and veggies
  • Dinner: Steak or salmon with sweet potato and greens
  • Snacks: Fruits, nuts, protein bars
  • Supplements: Whey protein, pre-workout, BCAAs, multivitamin

Lexx gets his carbs from clean sources like rice, oatmeal, fruits, and limited whole grains. For fat, he turns to nuts, avocados, salmon, and olive oil.

He minimizes sodium, sugar, and heavily processed foods to stay shredded. Vegetables are included with every meal for vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

This precise nutrition plan provides Lexx‘s muscles with the fuel they need both in and out of the gym. No wonder his physique is god-like!

How Lexx Little Built His Fitness Empire on Social Media

So how did a kid from the suburbs with no industry connections build a career as an elite bodybuilder and influencer?

Let‘s analyze Lexx Little‘s social media strategy and the platforms that launched him to fame:

YouTube – The Foundation

In 2019, Lexx began posting workout tips, day in the life vlogs, diet advice, and fitness entertainment on his self-titled YouTube Channel.

He took inspiration from bodybuilders like Ulisses Jr. and fitness vloggers like Chris Jones, mimicking their video style at first [4].

But over time, Lexx carved out his own unique angle – no fancy edits or effects, just raw and honest fitness advice. He let his charming personality shine.

His practical workout and nutrition tips helped him build a tribe of over 340,000 loyal subscribers.

Some of his most popular uploads include:

  • GETTING JACKED AT HOME (no gym workout) – 3 million views

  • Full Day Of Eating 4,000 Calories To Build Muscle – 1.5 million views

  • 30 Minute Shredded Chest Workout At The Gym – 600k views

YouTube provided Lexx a platform to showcase his expertise. People could see his genuine passion for fitness and relate to his journey.

Instagram – Expanding His Reach

As Lexx‘s YouTube channel grew, he expanded onto Instagram in 2020 to increase his reach.

He created the handle @lexx.little to post fitness photos, workout clips, motivational quotes, and lifestyle content.

Lexx‘s Instagram expanded his audience beyond just his YouTube fans. Fitness enthusiasts on Instagram were drawn to his training advice and aesthetic photos showcasing his gains.

Product sponsorships with supplement and apparel companies like Ryderwear also brought greater exposure.

Posting consistent, value-driven content helped Lexx cultivate over 740,000 engaged Instagram followers.

TikTok – Next-Level Viral Fame

Looking to spread his message to even more people, Lexx joined TikTok in 2021. He quickly realized it was the perfect platform to reach young, aspiring gym-goers.

Lexx gained well over 3 million followers on TikTok in under a year by posting short workout clips, training tips, and fitness entertainment style videos.

His clips highlight exercises for building chest, getting six pack abs, growing glutes, and more. Lexx breaks down proper form in a simple, easily digestible way.

Fans eat up his fitness knowledge shared through fun, engaging TikToks. The platform‘s algorithm also made it easy for his content to go viral.

Lexx‘s TikTok page became his fastest growing platform. But it was his savvy social media cross-promotion that took his reach into mega-influencer status.

The Power of Cross-Promotion

A key factor in Lexx building his fitness empire was leveraging cross-promotion between platforms.

He mastered driving traffic between his YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok – building one big engaged audience vs scattered followings.

For example, Lexx might film an intense ab workout for TikTok. He then shares that same video on Instagram Reels. Later, some workout clips get compiled into a full "Shredded Abs Workout" video on his YouTube channel.

No matter what platform his followers start on, Lexx provides links and calls to action to check him out on other sites. This allows his expertise to penetrate across audiences.

Lexx understood early on that building a personal brand required an ecosystem of connected platforms. Audiences now consume content across social media, not just one channel.

Through hard work, authenticity, and smart cross-promotion, Lexx organically built his fitness empire subscriber by subscriber. His practical advice earned people‘s trust and loyalty.

Now he‘s become one of the top fitness influencers under 25, with many more years of success still ahead.

Lexx Little‘s Age and Background

Given his athletic expertise and chiseled physique, some wonder, how old is Lexx Little?

Lexx was born on May 2, 2001. He is currently 21 years old as of 2022.

While young, Lexx is wise beyond his years when it comes to fitness and business. He started strength training around age 15 during high school.

Rather than going to college, Lexx decided to jumpstart his career as an influencer and online personal trainer.

His youth and natural social media savviness gave him an advantage in the space. Most popular fitness creators are much older.

Being just 21 allows Lexx to authentically connect with the huge young adult demographic passionate about health and wellness. They relate to him as a mentor versus older authority figures.

Many fans see his journey to success and are inspired to reach their own potential. Lexx proves that drive trumps age or experience when chasing your dreams.

Each year on May 2nd, Lexx celebrates another trip around the sun. For his 21st, he gathered friends in Las Vegas for an epic weekend of pool parties and night clubbing.

Of course, even on vacation Lexx is dedicated to staying fit. Videos show him hitting the hotel gym early each morning before a day of Vegas festivities.

His passion for fitness and helping others achieve their best body will continue driving Lexx‘s career for decades to come.

Workout Tips to Train Like Lexx

So what can you learn from Lexx Little when it comes to building muscle and strength? Here are some of his top training tips to apply in your own routine:

Focus On Compound Lifts

According to Lexx, optimal muscle growth and fat loss comes from mastering the core compound lifts: bench press, shoulder press, deadlifts, squats, pull ups, and bent over rows [5].

These movements activate multiple large muscle groups at once. Lexx suggests dedicating most of your gym time to perfectly nailing down form on the compound lifts.

Once these are established, add isolation exercises for targeted muscle areas. But compounds should always be the priority.

Progressive Overload

The key to muscle growth is progressive overload – gradually increasing reps, weight, or intensity over time.

Lexx cautions against staying too comfortable at the same weights each session. Your muscles adapt to an unchanging stimulus.

Adding a little more weight or reps each session provides the stress needed to promote new growth. Don‘t be afraid to challenge yourself!

Use Intensity Boosting Techniques

Lexx recommends using hardcore training techniques like drop sets, rest-pause sets, and supersets 1-2 times per week [6].

These take muscle fatigue to the limits by decreasing rest between sets. Lexx also uses triple drop sets – dropping the weight 3 times in one set for skin-tearing pumps.

While exhausting, ensure proper recovery between intense sessions. Listen to your body.

Target Each Muscle 2x Per Week

For optimal growth, Lexx trains each muscle group at least twice per week, allowing 48 hours minimum between working the same muscles.

For example, he‘ll train chest on Mondays and Thursdays, hit legs Tuesdays and Saturdays, and so on. More frequency = more gains.

Use these proven training tips from Lexx to shock your body into new gains! Combine them with proper nutrition for body-changing results.

Nutrition Strategies for Gains and Shreds

A muscular physique requires more than just intense training – proper nutrition is equally critical.

Here are some of Lexx Little‘s top diet strategies for building lean muscle while staying shredded:

Consume 1g Protein Per Pound

Lexx eats around 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily to support muscle growth. For him that equals about 200 grams per day [7].

He recommends spacing your protein intake evenly throughout the day – 40 grams per meal. Top sources are chicken, turkey, fish, Greek yogurt, protein powder, and eggs.

Time Carbs Around Workouts

Lexx consumes clean carbs like rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, fruits and limited whole grains.

He advises consuming the bulk of your carbs pre and post workout. This provides energy for intense training and replenishes glycogen stores [8].

Increase Healthy Fats

Don‘t fear fats – they provide calories for bulking along with healthy hormones for muscle growth and joint health.

Lexx gets fats from olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocados, peanut butter, salmon, and nut butters.

Minimize Processed Foods

To stay lean, Lexx avoids sugar, heavily processed carbs and sodium. He focuses on whole, natural foods 95% of the time.

Limiting junk food allows your physique to shine as you add mass. You can‘t out-train a poor diet.

Applying Lexx‘s nutrition tactics will help you make lean, quality mass gains just like he did! Consistency is key.

What Drives Lexx Little‘s Fitness Passion?

When you look at Lexx Little‘s incredible physique and training knowledge, it‘s clear fitness is his greatest passion. So what motivates him?

For Lexx, living a healthy lifestyle provides a sense of empowerment. The confidence and self-respect he‘s built through bettering his body and mind is priceless.

He also mentions having been bullied as a skinny kid. Discovering weight training in high school changed Lexx‘s life.

Fitness gave him an outlet for hard work and discipline. Setting training goals motivated Lexx each day.

Now as an influencer, Lexx wants to motivate others to be the healthiest, strongest version of themselves. He had to work hard for his gains, so he relates to the struggle.

Lexx also believes social media fame is fleeting. While grateful for his audience, his priority is being the best coach and leader he can be for his followers.

This mindset of continuous self-improvement is what will sustain Lexx Little‘s success for many more years to come. He walks the walk when it comes to fitness.

At just 21 years old, Lexx Little has already made a name for himself through hard work, savvy marketing, and most importantly – his authentic passion for health and fitness.

He overcame the odds to build an empire mostly on his own. Lexx grew up without industry connections or financial backing.

His practical fitness advice and underdog story make him relatable. Fans root for Lexx because he represents the average gym-goer trying to better himself each day.

Lexx Little proves that with focus, persistence, and consistency, you can make big waves doing what you love. His journey is just getting started.