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Severing the Legend: An Exhaustive Guide to Locating and Defeating the Redsword Bandit Left Hand Ben

From the neon-bathed streets of Banges to the perilous outskirts of Warren Snowfield, ambitious explorers traverse Planet Aida’s sprawling regions seeking adventure while avoiding corruption outbreaks. Yet no destination provokes such widespread dread as the overrun factories on Banges’ east border, haunted by the notorious one-handed marauder known as Left Hand Ben.

This towering humanoid monstrosity encapsulates danger not through supernatural abilities, but sheer tenacity with his crimson greatsword wielded solely in the left hand. While certainly not the most formidable entity in Aida‘s bestiary, underestimating ‘Severed Hand Ben’ often proves fatal for low-level wanderers drawn by alluring rumors of unique loot drops.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll uncover Left Hand Ben‘s elusive backstory, definitive location among Banges‘ mechanical ruins, top strategies for confronting the sword-swinging terror based on specialized crew roles, and whether repetitive looting of Ben‘s severed namesake blade proves worthwhile at endgame.

Let‘s start by investigating how a common criminal ascended into Banges’ local boogeyman…

Origin of the Redsword Marauder

As shared through scattered datalogs across worn workstations throughout Banges Factories, Left Hand Ben was not always the storied swordsman he remains notorious as today. Before tragedy forged his grim legacy, Ben operated merely as a unassuming machine parts smuggler sneaking restricted components stolen from factories into Banges’ bustling tech black market.

But when the Chasm‘s malevolent corruption oozed into nearby industrial zones last year, the region now dubbed Banges Factories became overrun by crystalline tree growths jutting through metal platforms as reality-distorting spatial tears emerged. Like many scavengers attempting to loot equipment amidst the chaos, Ben fatefully stumbled upon an activated emergency defense humanoid brandishing a standard Omnium Energy greatsword during an outbreak surge.

In the ensuing struggle, Ben‘s right hand was gruesomely severed clean off, but desperation for survival drove the maimed scoundrel to overpower the automaton and pry free its crimson greatsword. Fueled by agony and rage, Ben carved a path of carnage through the overgrown factories, gaining notoriety across Banges as a heartless invader who now solely wielded this Omnium weapon in his remaining left hand.

While the influx of planar tears enabled Ben to amass a following of equally ruthless renegades in months since, all attempts to siege Banges itself ended in failure due to resistance efforts led by Claudia. Yet Ben‘s lingering presence prevents utilization of the abandoned factories. As Commissar Jax leads Banges’ expansion west, this one-handed tech thief turned conqueror remains a persistent threat new wanderers dismiss at their own peril…

Pinpointing the Red Hand Among Twisting Steel Forests

Now a certified urban legend across Aida used to scare rookie explorers, verified modern sightings locate the bandit overlord Left Hand Ben lording atop a reinforced overlook east of Warfare Terminals among arrays of cold offline machinery and shimmering crystal outgrowths.

Specifically, Ben stakes his domain inside the blinking hazard zone dubbed Banges Factories at the coordinates (-515.9, 46.3). When viewed on the global map, this corrupted area sits just southwest of Somnus Transit Station and northeast of Geofluid Plant.

[Insert fully zoomable regional Tower of Fantasy map with Banges Factories marked]

Why does the one-armed marauder haunt this particular region outside his failed siege target of Banges proper? The primary Warfare Terminal satellite tower offers a natural elevated fortress. Meanwhile, the deactivated robotics foundries that once manufactured this planet‘s Simulacrum synthetic humans provide plenty of steel strongholds and cunning hiding spots when pinned against Claudia’s sweep teams.

Furthermore, reality tears piercing the dimension enable direct transit access deeper into alien terrain rich with precious resources without needing to fight through Banges’ heavier fortifications. Indeed, cunning old Ben selected an optimal base location to conduct his tech looting operations through forced labor while staying off Grid comm scans.

Upon spawning at the nearest Rally Point and gliding over the initial vat fields, you’ll notice theFactory terrain split into three elevated lanes with various vines and deactivated mechanoids scattered about.

[Insert map of Banges Factories’ layout with labels for Left Hand Ben’s platform and other major landmarks]

Keep an eye out for the largest structure on the western lane dubbed Autopoietic Processor to get your bearings. When it comes into view down the corroded pathway, pan the camera east to spot a reinforced overlook platform. This serves as the self-styled Tech Lord Left Hand Ben’s seat of power, flanked on each side by Elite Zealot guards with several prowling the factory lanes below.

[Insert image facing Left Hand Ben‘s platform from the Autopoietic Processor structure]

While most ambitious scavengers would wisely avoid such a heavily corrupted dead end, the cocky among you hungering for rare loot and a shot against Ben’s fearsome reputation will appreciate having the bandit leader’s lair pinpointed precisely. Now let’s see whether the epic weapons and combat mastery referenced across whispered tales truly equate…

Strategizing Against The Southpaw Swordsman

Understandably to newer Aida explorers unfamiliar with Ben’s bloody conquest across the intrepid Warren Snowfields scout regiment, seeing a monstrous humanoid brandishing a giant red greatsword in one hand while barking orders at various cybernetic Zealots may be startling.

Yet Left Hand Ben largely prevails through endurance and precision rather than any supernatural powers. With all Spec Ops records of Ben‘s original human identity erased, we can safely assume standard bodily stats:

  • Height: 6’2” (188 cm)
  • Weight: 198 lbs (90 kg)
  • Sex: Male

This standard Simulacrum frame proves deceptively strong and nimble wielding a heavy Omnium greatsword one-handed, however. Let’s examine core strategies for survival against Banges’ cybernetic scourge:

Health and Defense:

  • Total HP: 620,000 at Level 55
  • Weakness Type: Physical
  • Armor Rating: Medium (65%)
  • Fatigue Recovery: 15%/sec

Ben’s physique can withstand assaults that down lesser foes in seconds, forcing drawn-out endurance tests. Focus on Physical damage while avoiding Elemental abilities for optimal damage throughput.

Fortunately, Ben‘s linear attack patterns provide openings for crews that rotate disruption and healing. But mismanage Strip Armor, Shield Break or Freeze effects, and his 35% base Damage Boost will rapidly execute downed players before they frantically heal.

[Insert chart comparing Left Hand Ben‘s stats against other early game Tower of Fantasy bosses]

Now let‘s examine how different crew roles fair against Planet Aida‘s southpaw scourge:

Tanks want high-star Berserkers and Fortifiers to maintain aggro while relying on Grit bonuses from maxed Matrix grids, shields and heals backing them up.

Healers should stick to single target Hots while conserving their Area of Effect bursts for when Ben enrages at 25%/50% health thresholds. Having an off-hand whip, dagger or pistol helps contributing supplementary firepower during slower incoming damage periods.

As for DPS, melee fighters will need to dodge often using dash cancels between hitting their highest damage hammer/greatsword combos, while ranged gunners should blast away from their backline vantage.

[Insert weapon recommendations for Tank/Healer/DPS hero roles]

Ideally you‘ll tackle this foe as a balanced trio to juggle these critical party functions simultaneously. But attentive solo wanderers using an all-purpose loadout can certainly topple the bandit lord with enough patience.

On that note, let‘s review crucial battle tactics to finally sever Left Hand Ben‘s iron grip on Banges‘ lost factories.

Stage One:

The opening stage focuses on safely whittling down Ben‘s health pool while balancing team sustain through smart rotations as his Zealot guards and periodic ambushers join the fray. Mind the changing elevation and rotating environmental hazards!

Stage Two:

Around the 70% and 40% health thresholds, Ben will stagger and trigger an Enraged state signified by the red danger icon, bonus movement speed and attack frequency. Blast him with ultimates while he channels before falling back once melee combo strikes resume.

Stage Three:

With health critical under 25%, Ben‘s attack delay windows shrink drastically when not charging up his vortex spin-to-win or frontal cone slash ultimate attacks. All crew members should spam attacks and heals before the Sinister Lord lands a final punishing combo finisher!

[Embed a video guide or GIF sequences visualizing optimal dodging and punishment windows]

While the looming bandit proves intimidating, properly balancing your crews capabilities to match Ben‘s mechanics results in an intense but conquerable showdown. Now what treasures await those who dismember this notorious figure?

Loot Drops: Bloody Glory or Wasted Effort?

The ultimate prize sought across all who defeat Left Hand Ben lies not with common resources, but as a rare broken blade skin to transmogrify your own weapons named Bloody Ben’s Broken Sword.

This vibrant crimson greatsword visual imbued with the final traces of Ben‘s Omnium greatsword generates substantial interest. But as a 1-2 star domain weapon drop, the random stat rolls likely offer only marginal performance boosts. Not to mention the woefully low drop rates…

[Insert a loot statistics table for Left Hand Ben]

Based on my crew‘s aggregated data across over 400 successful Left Hand Ben kills to date, I estimate the elusive Broken Sword averages around a 1% drop rate. This means you likely need to down Ben 80-100+ times to finally extract his coveted shattered weapon.

Other players have likely defeated the Bandit Lord over 1000 times without nabbing this coveted bloody skin however! Its ultimately up to the whims of RNGeesus.

Outside the main domain drop though, Left Hand Ben still provides solid loot to upgrade your gear including:

  • 8,000-13,000 EXP (scaling to your level)
  • 2,000-8,000 Credits
  • Enhancement Components (around 200-300 at higher difficulties)
  • Level 5 Weapon Battery Packs (1-3 on average)
  • Element Dust, Gear Kits and occasional Omnium Crystal Shards

This amounts to around 30 minutes of total farming output. While helpful when you‘re looking to push past an advancement threshold, more serious farmers target world bosses like Apollo and Sobek with more exotic global drops that sell higher on the Banges Exchange markets.

However if cosmetic skins are your vice, be prepared to spend hours dueling this notorious bandit until his severed sword finally drops for you to pry free!

In Conclusion: Sever the Smuggler Turned Warlord

Through trapped archives across deserted towers to the testimony of battle-hardened vets who faced Ben’s brutal ambushes firsthand, this guide illuminated the towering bandit lords‘ shadowy rise as Banges’ Sinister Sword and precise location tucked away awaiting challengers.

We unpacked battle tactics tailored to tank, support and assault squad roles to counter Ben‘s ruthless red blade. And we coldly weighed the questionable value of repeatedly pursuing this earliest foe aside glamorizing your arsenal through Bloody Ben’s Broken Sword weapon skins.

Yet beyond strategizing loot runs, I hope relaying Left Hand Ben‘s tragic origins while humanizing his lingering followers sparks thought on how catastrophic distortions cascading across our reality during the Chasm Merge warp people beyond recovery.

Perhaps there exists a timeline where the opportunistic scavenger Ben safely escaped the prototype humanoid‘s wrath with both hands intact rather than embracing agony and madness…

But in this life, the redhanded marauder must face justice for industrial sabotage and forced tribute. I wish all who travel to Banges seeking adventure, purpose and fortune safe travels beyond the hulking bandit lord’s malicious reach.

Now get out there, forge your legends and send my regards to old Ben! Please share your own Left Hand Ben encounters or boss crushing experiences in the comments below. Thanks for reading!