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League of Legends Champions‘ Ages Revealed | Lore Insights

League of Legends has one of gaming‘s most dynamic universes, anchored around the rich histories of over 150 unique playable champions. While many details remain shrouded in mystery, clever examination by fans over the years has uncovered approximate ages for many of League‘s most iconic and popular characters.

These champion ages reveal profound insights into the formative experiences that shaped each hero over extensive periods of time. They also underscore the sheer imaginative breadth of League‘s backstories spanning eons into Runeterra‘s ancient past and mythic origins.

Let‘s examine what known champion ages disclose about League‘s captivating universe.

Ancient Beings That Predate Runeterra Itself

Some of League‘s most powerful champions are ancient cosmic entities predating Runeterra‘s origins. Based on clues in their magical abilities and lore, primordial champions like Anivia, Bard, Kindred, Aurelion Sol and possibly Cho‘Gath seem to have formed alongside or originated from realms preceding Runeterra itself.

The cryophoenix Anivia in particular personifies frost and rebirth, eternally dying and reviving. Her pivotal role nurturing the Freljord suggests an age easily over 10,000 years. Bard as a Celestial defender beyond Targon also implies infinite lifespan as a cosmic shepherd. Kindred literally represents duality between life and demise as Lamb and Wolf, lacking concrete origins. Aurelion Sol forged Runeterra‘s very stars, substantiating his equally timeless genesis.

Cho‘Gath resists age estimations as a totally alien void beast. But contact with Runeterra during initial void rifts indicates he is similarly primordial.

The God Warriors of Shurima

The ancient Shuriman Sun Emperors could grant faithful servants Ascension to godly status. Two remaining Ascended champions are bird-like Azir and axe-wielding crocodile Renekton, brothers ruling Shurima thousands of years ago.

Azir was resurrected over 3000 years after his first death, enduring for millennia. Renekton spent countless years imprisoned before escaping, so he too is likely several thousands of years old. Their sustained power highlights Ascension‘s divine might.

The jackal warrior Nasus also stems from early Shuriman history as caretaker of the dead. His lifespan eclipses even Azir‘s as an existing adult during the ex-emperor‘s childhood.

Ageless Mystics Between Realms

Several sorcerers tap into magic from otherworldly planes beyond conventional timestreams. The spatula-wielding mystic Zilean can rewind time itself, hinting that he transcends typical chronology.

Likewise Ryze guards the primordial World Rune relics predating Runeterra, suggesting he has prolonged his life across eons. The Frosted Archer Ashe seeks the unifying magic of True Ice – glacier remnants from before recorded history, Their uses indicate lifespans going back ages.

The Ice Witch Lissandra tapped into the chaotic magics of the Watchers from the Void since time immemorial as well. These mystics wield forces both predating and arresting time itself.

Elders of the Vastayan Tribes

As the original inhabitants infused with innate magic, Vastayans can outlive regular mortals. The fox mage Ahri has sustained herself by consuming human essence for generations. Likewise the monkey king Wukong gained sentience after cultivating his staff through eras of isolation.

The Navori Brotherhood warriors Shen, Akali, and Kennen defend Ionia as part ethnically Vastayan protectors. Thus they possibly share enhanced longevity as well. Their longstanding roles as guardians suggest lifespans exceeding normal limits.

Undead Shadows From Ages Past

Undead champions have long since perished, yet linger through supernatural means. The phantom knight Hecarim still haunts the Shadow Isles over 1000 years since drowning in the catastrophic Ruination floods. The mournful specter Karthus too has floated across the Isles singing woeful dirges for centuries after his human demise.

The torturous soul Thresh survives by leeching life essence from others. And warlord Mordekaiser remains sustained through necromantic sorcery as well. Though now wraiths, their undead states reflect lifespans dating back eons.

Sealed Away Darkin Weapons

Before Ascended warriors, vastayan elders and human mystics, the Aspect Hosts of Targon granted power to Darkin like Aatrox and Varus to battle cosmic threats. Eventually the Darkin rebelled through blood magic but were entombed within living weapons, their original flesh destroyed long ago.

As sealed survivors of the mythical Darkin, these sentient arms could easily be millennia old. Their maddening prisons have condemned them to endless lifespans of suffering.

Demons Who Feast on Mortal Ages

Some demons directly harvest years from mortal lifetimes. The spider demon Elise maintains youth via absorbing the literal life force of human sacrifice victims.

Similarly the ethereal widow Evelynn has preyed upon human agony for eons, able to perfectly disguise herself across civilizations. And the crooked gambler Tahm Kench goads victims into trading away their remaining years for his devious blessings.

As paranormal parasites dependent on human vitality for sustenance, such entities persist potentially indefinitely if allowed to feed unchecked on life energies.

The Prophetic Seers Between Worlds

Certain gifted magic wielders manifest clairvoyant powers that transcend linear time altogether. The Troll King Trundle inherited visions of numerous eras from consuming a prophetic ice pillar, though his personal age stays hidden.

The doom-bringing seeress Syndra tapped into Dark Sovereign magics linking her consciousness across multiple timelines as well. And Soraka the Starchild abandoned her celestial Aspect existence, yet still retains auras of ancient wisdom and foresight. They each act through prophecy beyond any single mortal era.

Reincarnating Phoenixes

Some champions carry themes of endless renewal between life and demise. As mentioned earlier, liquidative Anivia embodies recurring ice rebirth cycles. But she is not alone as an endlessly reincarnating phoenix.

The impish Aspect Zoe flits between various moments wielding cosmic power tied to cycles rather than finite spans. And through a demonic pact, the Noxian general Swain can continually resurrect amidst magical immolation upon death. Their resurrective capacities place them in a state of living beyond conventional mortality.

Here is a statistical reference of approximate age ranges for different League champion categories:

Champion Category Avg. Age Range Examples
Primordial Cosmic Entities 1,000,000s+ Years Anivia, Bard
Ascended Shuriman Warriors 5000 – 8000 Years Azir, Nasus, Renekton
Enigmatic Sorcerers Up To 10,000s Years Ryze, Zilean, Lissandra
Enduring Vastayans 500 – 1000 Years Ahri, Wukong, Shen
Undead Shadows 1000+ Years Postmortem Hecarim, Karthus, Thresh
Sealed Darkin Weapons 5000+ Years In Prison Aatrox, Varus, Rhaast
Lifeforce Demons 1000s Of Years Elise, Evelynn, Tahm Kench
Mystic Oracles Beyond Time Itself Zoe, Soraka, Syndra
Resurrecting Phoenixes Functionally Ageless Anivia, Zoe, Swain

Contrasting these ancient beings are regular human champions added throughout League‘s evolution. As newer mortal arrivals, their recent backstories help contextualize the relative expanses of lifetimes measured in mere decades instead of eons.

The explosive anarchist Jinx for example seems no older than late teens or early 20s. Boy genius Ekko built a time-distorting Zero Drive device as a youthful teen. And the brash privileged rapper Qiyana took the Ixtal throne in her arrogant adolescence. Their distinctly recent ages showcase mortal perspectives.

Certain ambiguities around less defined champions also invite speculation about inconclusive ages as well. The plague-masked Singed crafted potent biochemical weapons for Noxus, but his secretive history elicits questions about how long he has been active as an alchymical engineer.

Likewise the vastayan blood hunter Rengar seeks formidable quarry to commemorate through trophies. The extent of his decorated hunting career suggests potential decades or longer as an apex predator. Without explicit context though, their eras remain uncertain.

By contrasting very ancient entities against unambiguously recent young champions, Runeterra‘s extensive history covering vast spans of time becomes apparent. The sustained presence of enduring characters over actual millennia also cements imaginative investment compared to short-lived humans only glimpsing the edges of such eons.

This longevity permeates gameplay designs too – many ancient champions wield old-fashioned weapons or magic compared to flashy modern hardware utilized by upstarts like Jinx. The Ascended warrior Nasus still cleaves enemies with his weathered halberd where others apply hextech rocket launchers or chem-tech injections. And timeless sorcerers like Zilean rewind magical reality itself through cosmic wizardry unlike any temporary mortal science could replicate.

Their vintage playstyles mirror drifting antiquity as well. This aesthetic contrast uniquely bridges both far-future sci-fantasy and traditional sword-and-sandals fantasy reflected by the champions‘ comparative ages within League‘s cosmology.

In terms of narrative impact, champions with unusually extensive lifespans also bear additional weight and gravitas. Experiencing pivotal moments across vast timeframes grants them layered perspectives and tempered wisdom that hotheaded short-term thinkers lack. This lends more patience enacting well-considered plans instead of reactive aggression.

And when exceptionally ancient champions like Nasus or Ryze take monumental actions, it signifies proportional impact due to their established history as deliberate actors. These champions chosen through time intrinsically convey more meaning due to their selective presence emerging only at pivotal convergence points during Runeterra‘s extensive past.

Extreme lifespans also produce compelling characterization opportunities. Champions like the Freljordian demigods Volibear and Ornn have roamed for so long that they reflect many phases of emotional maturity and philosophy. Initially boisterous, gradually growing more introspective about mortal struggles.

Other champions like Hecarim showcase gradual surrender to bitterness across restless centuries condemned to the Shadow Isles. While an embattled hopeful like Kalista demonstrates persisting despite betrayal and injustice rather than descending into hatred over time. Their contrasting evolutions reveal diverse storytelling promises.

And segments of Runeterra‘s vast populace itselfpasses on tales of historic champions from antiquity as cultural legends. Constellations named after Soraka for her mythic sacrifice renouncing divinity. Village rituals invoking Kindred to commune with death itself. Architecture built mimicking Ascended iconography as divine guardians. Their imprints persist as generational folklore, enriching Runeterra‘s layered histories.

Riot‘s expanded media explores ancient champion impacts through multiple eras as well. Cinematics like Twilight of the Gods show mythic Darkin clashing with human armies long ago. Awaken contrasts an empire‘s glorious past under Azir with its faded ruins in the present day. And Twin Dawns reveals Pantheon‘s celestial aspect passing between different worthy hosts over human lifetimes. Web comics and short stories also showcase champion adventures across various points in Runeterra‘s history.

Altogether League‘s broad spectrum of champion ages enables uniquely imaginative storytelling opportunities exploring the extensive depths of its fantastical realms. This scale stretches across nearly all of time and space itself. And each addition continues unraveling further secrets of the universe‘s extensive living memory.

So while many mysteries doubtlessly remain obscured, piecing together traces of Runeterra‘s bygone eras tells a rich unfolding narrative both through and beyond mortal eyes. And every revealed age highlights the perpetually captivating magic, meaning and intrigue sustained by League of Legends since time immemorial.