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How to Solve the Lake Symbol Combination Door Puzzle in Resident Evil 4 Remake

The lake symbol combination door puzzles in Resident Evil 4 Remake blend adventure and mystery, challenging players to decode cryptic markings in order to unlock secret treasure troves. Solving them requires detective-like deduction to open the gates barring entry to secluded cave shrines.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll equip you to master not one—but both of these key puzzles on your journey. With the solutions and tips provided, you‘ll breeze through to score valuable relics and items along the way.

Why Learn to Solve These Puzzles?

Before jumping into the step-by-step solutions, let me convince you why it‘s worth taking time to tackle these brain-teasers.

Beyond just the rewarding loot inside, picking these puzzle locks expands backstory. The shrines give clues about the region‘s history steeped in arcane ritual and secrecy. Investigating them essentially side quests that complement the main story.

Plus, solving symbolic ciphers awakens your inner adventurer and makes your playthrough uniquely yours. It will also prepare your mind for even greater challenges that await in this award-winning survival horror remake.

Now, let’s unravel the secrets behind each lake symbol puzzle gate…

Overview of Lake Symbol Combination Puzzles

Resident Evil 4 Remake features two main lake symbol door puzzles–one for the Small Cave Shrine, and a separate set for the Large Cave Shrine.

Here is a side-by-side overview:

Small Cave Shrine Large Cave Shrine
Location Path from Village to Castle Within Castle halls
Markings 3 (wavy lines, crescent, dots) 3 different (wavy lines, spiral, half-circle)
Reward Blasphemer‘s Head Apostate‘s Head

With the fundamentals covered, let‘s get into the step-by-step solutions…

Lake Symbol Combination Door Puzzle (Small Cave Shrine)

When traversing from the Village toward the looming Castle, keep watch along the paths and you should discover the Small Cave Shrine. Approach the aged stone gate, and you‘ll notice 3 distinctive lake symbol markings etched on walls and pillars enclosing the shrine.

Press the symbols in this order to open the gate:

  1. Wavy Lines
  2. Crescent
  3. Three Dots

I recommend studying the symbols carefully before inputing the code, since one wrong press resets the lock!

Upon solving the puzzle, the gate lifts to reveal the shrine‘s pedestal inside, holdling the Blasphemer‘s Head treasure. This grotesque dismembered stone head serves an important purpose later for unlocking a sealed Church door guarding critical gear. Nice job decoding the riddle!

Lake Symbol Combination Door Puzzle (Large Cave Shrine)

Eventually your quest takes you inside the sprawling Castle dominating the land. While exploring its myriad halls and opulent rooms, stay vigilant for the Large Cave Shrine hiding off the beaten path.

Spying three lake symbols etched around the shrine once more, examine them closely this time to reveal:

  • Wavy lines
  • Spiral
  • Half-circle

Carefully press the corresponding patterns on the gate lock in this order:

  1. Wavy lines
  2. Spiral
  3. Half-circle

The gate lifts rewarding your code-cracking success! Inside awaits the Apostate‘s Head. This foreboding skull-shaped prize prepares you for braving the fiery Mine tunnels under the Castle next.

And that wraps up solutions for all the cunning lake symbol puzzles in Resident Evil 4 remake! Take these tips to fearlessly earn both rewards.

For even more help exploring every sinister area, review my other Resident Evil 4 guides covering abandoned factory keys, library door codes, and more. Now go show those puzzles who‘s boss!