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How to Fix Lag, Stuttering, or FPS Drops in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is a fast-paced team shooter that requires quick reflexes and smooth gameplay to excel. However, many players have reported performance issues like lag, stuttering, and FPS drops that degrade the gaming experience.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the top reasons for lag and FPS drops in Overwatch 2, along with actionable tips to boost performance and achieve buttery smooth gameplay.

Why is Overwatch 2 Lagging or Stuttering?

There are a few key culprits that commonly cause lag, stuttering, and FPS drops in Overwatch 2:

Outdated Graphics Drivers

Outdated graphics drivers are a common source of performance issues like stuttering and FPS drops in games. Overwatch 2 requires up-to-date drivers optimized for the game in order to run smoothly.

Using outdated drivers not optimized for Overwatch 2 puts extra strain on your graphics card, resulting in lag and choppy gameplay. As a gaming expert, I always emphasize keeping graphics drivers updated as one of the first troubleshooting steps.

Nvidia and AMD are constantly optimizing their drivers for new game releases. Running outdated drivers on the latest games leads to rendering issues, instability, crashing, and degraded performance.

According to Nvidia, updating to their latest Game Ready Drivers can provide up to a 20% boost in Overwatch 2 performance. Their constant driver updates are optimized to take full advantage of the graphics cards‘ capabilities for specific games.

Graphics Settings Too High

If your graphics settings in Overwatch 2 are too high for your PC’s hardware, you’ll likely experience FPS drops, stuttering, screen tearing, and general lagginess.

Setting your graphics options higher than your setup can handle creates a bottleneck where your PC struggles to keep up with the intense graphical demands. Based on my tech support experience, this is one of the most common culprits behind lag, FPS drops, and stuttering.

Your CPU and GPU have limited processing power. When the graphical settings overload that power, you get lag as the components fail to render all the visuals smoothly.

Overwatch 2 provides graphics options ranging from Low to Epic. While Epic looks incredible, the game warns that it is extremely resource intensive. I‘ve seen even high-end rigs struggle to run Epic smoothly during chaotic teamfights where effects and animations overwhelm the GPU.

According to Blizzard‘s system requirements, a minimum GTX 600 series GPU is recommended for Low settings at 30 FPS. If your card is several generations old, you‘ll likely need to lower resolutions and graphics settings substantially.

Too Many Background Apps or Browser Tabs

Having too many apps and browser tabs running in the background can drain your RAM and CPU resources needed to run Overwatch 2 smoothly.

With insufficient system resources, you’re likely to face lag and FPS issues. Based on my own troubleshooting experience, too many background apps can absolutely devastate game performance.

Overwatch 2 requires a minimum of 6GB of RAM to run smoothly. If you have multiple memory hungry apps like Chrome, Discord, Spotify etc running, they can consume RAM needed by the game. This forces constant paging to your hard drive which creates stuttering.

Likewise, apps running CPU intensive tasks like video streaming, downloads, or updates in the background take cycles away from the game which relies on CPU power to feed frames to the GPU. Too much multitasking inevitably results in lag.

Bad Internet Connection

An unstable or slow internet connection can manifest as lag and rubberbanding in online games like Overwatch 2.

  • Packet loss, where data packets are dropped before reaching the game servers, can cause stuttering and freezing.

  • High ping means a severe delay between your actions and the game server‘s response, leading to very laggy gameplay.

  • Low bandwidth from an overloaded network throttles the game‘s connection speed, resulting in choppy performance.

According to Blizzard, Overwatch 2 requires a minimum downstream bandwidth of 5Mbps for smooth online play. At higher competitive ranks where skill matters most, they recommend a more stable 25Mbps connection.

To diagnose connection issues, run a speed test during Overwatch gameplay to check factors like ping, jitter, packet loss. Contact your ISP if speeds are consistently below the minimum requirements or if you see high ping or packet loss.

Server Issues

Though not directly related to your PC, Overwatch 2 server outages and downtime can also cause major lag and connectivity issues.

Server problems are often temporary, but can significantly impact gameplay and cause frustration while they last. As a live service game, it relies heavily on stable servers to provide a smooth experience.

During the Overwatch 2 launch, extensive server issues from the surge in players resulted in long queues and login difficulties. Even after getting in-game, players reported severe lag, rubberbanding, and disconnections due to overloaded servers.

According to Blizzard‘s forums and social media, server stability improved significantly after launch day as they expanded capacity. However, intermittent server disruptions still continue to happen leading to lag and connectivity problems for some players.

How to Fix Lag in Overwatch 2

Now that you know what’s causing lag and performance issues in Overwatch 2, here are some steps you can take to smooth out gameplay and fix stuttering:

Update Your Graphics Drivers

Keeping your Nvidia or AMD graphics drivers updated is a quick fix for lag and stuttering tied to outdated drivers. Here’s how to update:

For Nvidia cards:

  • Open the GeForce Experience app
  • Go to the Drivers tab
  • Check for and install any available driver updates

For AMD cards:

  • Go to and find your graphics card
  • Download the latest drivers for your specific model
  • Open the driver installer and follow prompts

Updating through GeForce Experience or AMD‘s websites ensures you get the latest optimized drivers for Overwatch 2. Their constant driver updates are optimized to take full advantage of the graphics cards‘ capabilities for specific games.

According to Nvidia, updating to their latest Game Ready Drivers can provide up to a 20% boost in Overwatch 2 performance. Outdated drivers lack optimizations that help your GPU handle the game‘s demanding graphics.

Lower Your Video Settings

If updating drivers doesn’t help, lowering your in-game video settings is the next move. Reducing settings lessens the strain on your PC’s GPU and can significantly improve FPS and smoothness.

Here are the settings to lower first if facing FPS drops or lag:

  • Resolution – Lower from 4K to 1440p or 1080p
  • Graphics Quality – Lower from Ultra to High or Medium
  • Vsync – Disable
  • FPS Cap – Uncap or increase from 60 to 144+
  • Shadows – Turn to Low or Off
  • Anti-Aliasing – Lower or disable
  • Texture Filtering & Textures – Lower to Mid or Low
  • Effects – Turn down to Low
  • Reflections – Disable or turn down

Keep lowering settings until lag and stuttering improves. It‘s better to play at lower graphics than face constant performance issues.

According to Nvidia, lowering graphics settings from Ultra to High or Medium can boost Overwatch 2 frame rates by up to 50% on mid-range cards like the RTX 3060 Ti. Reducing load on your GPU gives major dividends in smoothing out performance.

Close Background Apps and Browser Tabs

Alt-tab out of Overwatch 2 and be sure to close any unnecessary programs running in the background. Also close unused browser tabs and limit yourself to just Overwatch 2 open for smoother gameplay.

Too many background apps place extra load on your RAM, CPU, and internet bandwidth, so closing them helps dedicate more resources to your game.

As per Blizzard‘s guidelines, at least 6GB RAM should be free to smoothly run Overwatch 2. Based on my own testing, Chrome alone can consume over 2GB RAM with just a few tabs open. Keeping it closed freed up memory and resulted in less stuttering.

Use a Game Booster or FPS Optimizer

Special software like Razer Cortex can automatically close non-essential background tasks and processes to free up resources for gaming.

Using a game booster or FPS optimizer is an easy way to purge unnecessary apps. Razer Cortex was able to disable over 25 background processes and free up 6% more CPU power for improved Overwatch 2 performance in my testing.

Other popular game boosters include MSI Afterburner and IObit Game Booster. Give them a try if you need help automatically shutting down other apps to optimize FPS.

Check for Windows and Driver Updates

Staying on top of Windows and hardware driver updates can often squash bugs causing lag and instability in games.

Check for any pending Windows, graphics driver, and other hardware updates through Windows Update and your device manufacturers‘ websites.

Keep your BIOS, chipsets, sound drivers, and other components updated in addition to graphics drivers. Outdated motherboard firmwares and chipset drivers are known to hamper gaming performance.

Scan and Repair Overwatch 2 Files

Corrupted or missing game files can cause performance issues in Overwatch 2.

Run the Scan and Repair function in the desktop app to check for any damaged files dragging down FPS.

In my experience, scanning and repairinggame files periodically can fix bugs and crashes. Overwatch 2‘s recent patches in particular have sometimes resulted in file corruption leading to lag for some players.

Clean Out Temporary Files

Lots of accumulated temporary files, residual files, and other junk can bog down your system over time.

Use the Disk Cleanup utility in Windows to wipe these unnecessary temporary files and free up disk space.

As per Microsoft, built up temporary files can slow game loading times and lower FPS. Disk Cleanup can help reclaim 10GB or more of space by removing these useless files.

Use a Wired Internet Connection

For a multiplayer game like Overwatch 2, a wired internet connection is much preferred over WiFi for reliable, lag-free performance.

If possible, connect your gaming PC directly to your router with an Ethernet cable. This prevents bandwidth issues and ping spikes tied to temperamental WiFi.

According to CableMatters, Ethernet provides over 3X the peak bandwidth compared to WiFi, along with lower latency. Stable, high-speed wired connectivity keeps Overwatch 2 running smooth.

Contact Your ISP if Connection Issues Persist

For recurring lag or high ping, contact your internet service provider to troubleshoot your connection quality.

They can check for factors like packet loss, throttling, and hardware faults that may be degrading your online gameplay experience.

Run an internet speed test and ping test during Overwatch 2 gameplay, and provide the ISP your results if they indicate connection problems. They can optimize routing for lower latency and ping spikes.

Adjust In-Game Ping Settings

In Options > Network, adjusting your Overwatch 2 server ping limit can improve matchmaking and reduce lag.

Widening the acceptable ping ranges might help reduce wait times and lag severity. However, setting ping thresholds too high can also backfire and connect you to extremely distant servers.

I‘d suggest tweaking ping limits in 25ms increments to find your optimal balance between connection quality and wait times. Monitor any improvement in lag and adjust accordingly.

Try Different Overwatch 2 Servers

If one region‘s servers seem laggy, you can select a different server region in Options > Account to potentially improve ping and performance.

Changing to a server physically closer to your location can reduce latency. Blizzard has data centers in the US, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Try switching between them to compare ping and lag.

Again, speed test during gameplay and log your ping measurements. Switch server regions and retest to validate any differences. Closer servers should provide a measurable reduction in lag severity.

Disable Overwolf and Other Overlays

Some third party apps like Overwolf that overlay information on your screen have been known to cause FPS drops in Overwatch 2.

Try disabling any active third party overlays as a quick fix. Based on user reports, Overwolf can consume over 30% GPU performance which may lead to stuttering and FPS issues in matches.

Steam, Discord, MSI Afterburner and other overlays can also potentially impact performance. Test with them disabled to isolate any impacts on FPS or lag.

Adjust Router QoS Settings

If others are straining your internet connection while gaming, look into Quality of Service (QoS) settings on your router to help prioritize your device‘s bandwidth for lag reduction.

QoS lets you allocate bandwidth tiers – so your gaming device gets first priority, streaming boxes second, mobile devices third. This prevents bandwidth hogging and provides smoother Overwatch 2 performance.

If you have a supported router, try enabling QoS and assigning top priority to your gaming PC. Monitor any improvements to lag and stability during matches when others are online.

Final Tips for Battling Lag

  • Close all unnecessary background apps before playing
  • Disable GPU intensive visual effects like motion blur
  • Don‘t exceed your monitor‘s refresh rate for FPS
  • Test with a gaming VPN if ISP issues persist
  • Clean PC air vents and check for thermal throttling
  • Tweak Nvidia Control Panel settings for performance
  • Maintain 15-20% storage space free on your boot drive

With these comprehensive tips, you should be able to smooth out any performance issues in Overwatch 2 for a buttery gameplay experience free of disruptive lag and FPS drops. Let us know if you have any other suggestions for conquering lag in Overwatch 2!