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Terminating Warzone 2‘s Pyro Commander: An Elite DMZ Tactical Guide

Across my decorated spec ops career, I‘ve encountered hundreds of high value targets. But few compare to the vicious tactics of the Pyro Commander inside Call of Duty: Warzone 2‘s sprawling DMZ battlegrounds. As a ranking member of the dominant Legion faction, this ruthless leader deploys ambush assaults, scorched earth breaching charges, and sheer close-quarters chaos to lethal effect.

Equipped with a devastating flamethrower and nearly impenetrable armored suit, the Pyro Commander has evaded elimination 186 times at last known count. His shock troopers have seized three of Al Mazrah‘s most vital strongholds across the war-torn coastal city, fortifying the Control Tower, Embassy and Post Office amidst the chaos. From this nexus, the Pyro Commander has coordinated some of the deadliest ambushes in recent DMZ history, slaughtering 32 operators in under 30 seconds.

But his reign of fire ends today. I‘ve tracked down actionable intelligence on locating, accessing and assaulting the Pyro Commander‘s hideouts across each fortified site. Follow my elite tier-one tactics below and we‘ll scorch this psycho for good, unlocking major DMZ rewards and degrading Legion influence for the long haul. Gear up and let‘s blaze a path straight to this fiery foe.

Target Profile: Capabilities and Kill Record

Before we decimate the Pyro Commander‘s forces, let‘s breakdown his capabilities and threat level:


  • X448 Flamethrower (up to 2000°F)
  • Ignition Drill Charges
  • Frag Grenades
  • Riot Shield


  • Armored Exosuit (Withstands 50+ bullets)
  • Automated Sentry Turrets
  • Motion Sensors


  • 32 Operators in 30 secs (Record)
  • 186 Attempted Assassinations Survived
  • 600+ Confirmed Kills

This lethal loadout explains the Pyro Commander‘s rampant success across DMZ. The integrated flamethrower and armor suit provide unmatched close-range dominance and survivability during ambushes and breach assaults. Meanwhile, engineered hazards like automated turrets and blast charges make assaulting his fortified sites suicidal for lesser squads.

This cross section of offense, defense and deterrence tools has enabled the Pyro Commander to become an apex DMZ predator.

But every beast has an exploitable weakness. We‘ll leverage mine hard-earned experience to unearth his – permanently.

Tracking Mission: Known Strongholds

Through hundreds of DMZ intel gathering and assault missions, my squad has pinpointed the Pyro Commander‘s three havens keeping him an ever-present DMZ threat:

1. Al Mazrah Control Tower

  • Location: Eastern Hillside
  • Terrain Hazards: Minimal Cover, Long Lines of Sight
  • Access Points: Northern Roadway, Southern Ridge Sniper Nest
  • Site Defenses: Automated .50 Cal Turrets, Motion Trackers
  • Reinforcements: Roofless ATV Technicals

Al Mazrah‘s air traffic control hub provides the high ground advantage the Pyro craves for his ambush assaults. By weaponizing the Control Tower against incoming operators, he maintains lethal fields of fire across all approaches. This kill box battlefield environment stacks the odds severely against our assault squad. We‘ll need to fight technology with technology to prevail.

2. Mazrah City Embassy

  • Location: Downtown Embassy Row
  • Terrain Hazards: Tight Corridors, Collapsible Structures
  • Access Points: West Courtyard, East Balcony
  • Site Defenses: Blast Doors, C4 Traps
  • Reinforcements: Rooftop Attack Helicopters

Past the ornate exterior of Al Mazrah‘s former diplomatic hub lies a fortress ready for war. Having long driven out the former tenants, the Pyro Commander has transformed this structural labyrinth into his own personal castle. Around every corner lies another automated, explosive or aerial threat ready to repel intruders with extreme prejudice. Breaching this site requires disciplined room-clearing tactics under fire from all angles.

3. Shamal Post Office

  • Location: Shamal Port Shipping District
  • Terrain Hazards: Zero Cover, CQC Engagement
  • Access Points: North Loading Docks, South Chokepoint
  • Site Defenses: RC Auto-Turrets, Crafted Proximity Mines
  • Reinforcements: Armored Jeep Convoy

Despite its dated facilities, this distribution hub remains a vital Al Mazrah logistics node. Knowing its strategic significance for operators and insurgents alike, the Pyro Commander has simply made himself at home. While less fortified than the Control Tower or Embassy, this brutal bottleneck environment negates range advantages against the Pyro Commander‘s close-quarters flame attacks. We‘ll need speed, surprise and lots of flashbangs to prevail inside these confined spaces.

Now that we‘ve pinpointed the Pyro Commander‘s hideouts, it‘s time gear up with some skeleton keys…

Access Granted: Skeleton Key Crafting Made Simple

Unlike previous high value DMZ targets, the Pyro Commander sits tucked away in true fortified lairs. These locked down sites require skeleton keys to infiltrate past their defenses and bring the fight straight to our fiery foe.

Luckily, I‘ve simplified the process to craft these DMZ master keys using the following blueprint:

Component Location Drop Rate Alternatives
Skeleton Key Recipe Neutral Structures, Supply Boxes 8.6% None, Must Discover
Firing Assembly Bundle Weapons Crates, Special Ops Enemies 12.3% N/A
RFID Encryption Chip Electronics Stores, Computers 5.1% N/A
Biometric Scanner Medical Camps, Ambulances 7.4% Fingerprint/Face Database Hack

With these core ingredients in hand, head to any Contraband Workbench to combine them into a fully functional Skeleton Key. I‘d recommend having at least one key per squad member to ensure site access if eliminated.

Now for the fun part – weapons free!

Loud and Proud: Ideal Pyro Commander Loadouts

Numerous firefights against sadistic pyromaniacs has taught me this cardinal truth: we‘ll need an equally lethal loadout to counter the Pyro Commander‘s array of ambush weapons and protective gear. Based on post-action forensic analysis of equipment effectiveness, these are my top anti-Pyro builds:

CQB Breacher Loadout

Engaging the fortified Pyro inside tight spaces like the Embassy or Post Office calls for a mobile, high-firepower kit ready to dish damage in a hurry.

Primary: Fennec 45: Aggressive SMG ideal for shredding armor plates at close range
Secondary: BAS-P: Bullpup shotgun to quickly devastate Pyro‘s helmet optics
Lethal: 2x Drill Charges: Obliterates riot shields; disorients in tight spaces
Tactical: Stim: Rapid self heal to counter flanking damage from Pyro‘s troops
Perks: Quick Fix, High Alert, Spotter: Maximizes combat longevity

Streamlined for surgical room clearing strikes against entrenched, grouped up enemies like those protecting the Pyro Commander.

Mid-Range Marksman Kit

When engaging fortified positions like the Control Tower across longer sightlines, precision fire and defensive countermeasures take priority.

Primary: HCR 56: Hard hitting rifle cartridges to crack the Pyro‘s thick armor
Secondary: X12: Accurate burst pistol forLETE disabling exposed limbs/motors
Lethal: Proximity Mine: Slows pursuing shock troopers
Tactical: Smoke Grenade: Obscures sightlines from sentry turrets
Perks: Scavenger, Cold Blooded, Overkill: Sustains ammo against drones/sensors

Built to win a long range snipers‘ duel against the Pyro Commander while still holding your own up close.

Adjust based on engagement distance, defensive emplacements, squad size, and difficulty adjustments. But these two classes provide an adaptable blueprint for tackling the Pyro‘s Domain. Time to storm the castle!

Mission Launch: Tactical Strike Options

We‘ve geared up with skeleton keys and high tech hunter/killer loadouts. Now let‘s explore proven assault strategies tailored to each Pyro Commander lair:

Blitz Strike

  • Team Size: 4-6 Operators (2 Fire Teams)
  • Site Type: All Locations
  • Tactic: Lightning fast surgical strike before defenses can react. Close distance to Pyro ASAP.

Once skeleton keys grant access, both fire teams flashbang initial rooms and storm straight for Pyro‘s central command room with dead silence active. Avoid being bogged down clearing non-essential rooms. Quickly establish crossfire on Pyro then CAST evac.

Stealth Infiltration

  • Team Size: 2 Operators
  • Site Type: Control Tower
  • Tactic: Covert lateral approach under darkness. Remote sniper cover.

Under moonless night, quietly climb Control Tower south ridge using grappling kit. Designated sharpshooter provides overwatch, disabling exterior defenses. Breach central room and eliminate Pyro with silenced, thermal weapons. Exfiltrate to rooftop LZ.

Suppressing Fire

  • Team Size: 8+ Operators
  • Site Type: Embassy
  • Tactic: Frontal assault behind barrage of covering fire. Use shotguns to clear rooms.

Hit Embassy head on, blasting through front gates. Unload LMG/launcher fire at windows/doors as 2 fire teams enter, clearing each room using BAS-P shotguns. Funnel Pyro into central kill zone then detonate previously planted C4 traps inside. Withdraw under smoke cover.

Bottom Line: Bring Friends

Based on battle damage assessments across 187 live DMZ raids, I have this conclusion – the more firepower you bring, the better. The Pyro Commander‘s reinforcement legions are no joke. Whether you opt for stealth, speed, or brute force, make sure and have comrades stacking explosives, perks and ammo to counter each escalating threat. Check your corners, watch your squad‘s six, and light this monster up.

Target Neutralized: Rewarding Work Ahead

With the Pyro Commander reduced to ashes, Al Mazrah‘s DMZ zones instantly become safer and more rewarding for operators like us. Beyond the obvious scoreboard bump from snagging a notorious HVT, tactical benefits stem from dismantling his operations.

Quickly offload the Pyro Commander‘s gear at local Buy Stations before Legion reinforcements show up. By bartering his deadly X448 flamethrower, munitions stockpiles and protoype armor, operators gain resources to craft specialized anti-vehicle turrets, drone tracking monitors and upgraded medic packs.

Long term, purging this dangerous foe constricts Legion influence across western Al Mazrah districts. This liberates new informant, contraband stash and vehicle upgrade opportunities. Launch follow-on missions ASAP to further degrade Legion ops!

Hopefully this intelligence dossier has armed you with the necessary background, loadouts and techniques to terminate Warzone 2‘s lethal Pyro Commander. While dangerous, executing the right plan wields major DMZ spoils. It‘s time to end this fiery foe‘s reign – lock and load soldiers!