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How to Solve the Challenging Keenbridge Merlin Trial Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy invites you to fulfill every Harry Potter fan‘s dream of exploring a richly-detailed wizarding world. As you journey across the lands surrounding Hogwarts, you‘ll encounter magical puzzles designed long ago by the most renowned wizards, including Merlin.

One such brain-teasing trial left by history’s greatest wizard can be found in the Keenbridge region. Known as the Keenbridge Merlin Trial, it tests your finesse with Levitation charms. The goal seems simple – transport a heavy stone ball across a bridge – but it takes patience and practice to master.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through how to solve the Keenbridge Merlin Trial step-by-step, so you can claim the prize and reflect on how Merlin himself tested promising young wizards centuries ago.

The Legacy of Merlin and His Trials

To understand the significance of this puzzle, we must first explore Merlin‘s history in Harry Potter lore. Merlin was one of the most powerful and wise wizards ever known, serving as a trusted advisor and friend to King Arthur in medieval times.

J.K. Rowling established Merlin as part of the Potterverse in her Pottermore writings:

"There is ample evidence that Merlin was a Slytherin. His skills as a wizard, together with his cunning and ambition, suggest he was Sorted into Slytherin house at Hogwarts."

Merlin believed strongly in passing magical knowledge down to new generations. He devised trials like the one at Keenbridge to test promising young wizards, and to teach the virtues of patience, creativity, and determination.

In the lore, Merlin was known for his extraordinary skills in:

  • Charms – His charms mastery is reflected in the Levitation focus of this trial.
  • Occlumency/Legilimency – Merlin could read minds and control thoughts.
  • Transfiguration – He could shapeshift and transform objects at will.

Solving one of Merlin‘s challenges would prove your magical aptitude to someone widely considered the most talented sorcerer ever.

Details of the Keenbridge Merlin Trial Puzzle

The Keenbridge Merlin Trial is unlocked in the southern Keenbridge region of the Hogwarts Legacy open world.

To reveal it, find the glade with a large oak tree and use the Mellowsweet plant. Interacting with the plant dispels an illusion hiding the trial.

Using Mellowsweet plant to reveal Keenbridge Trial

This activates a puzzle where you must:

  1. Levitate a large stone ball from under the oak tree.
  2. Transport it across a narrow stone bridge over water.
  3. Lower it into a pedestal hole on the other side.

Based on Merlin‘s mastery of Charms, this trial is designed to test your finesse and control when using Levitation. The ball is heavy and the bridge precarious, so delicate spellcasting is required.

Next I‘ll walk through how to solve this step-by-step.

How to Solve Keenbridge Merlin Trial

Follow these steps to successfully complete the Keenbridge Merlin Trial:

Step 1 – Cast Wingardium Leviosa on the Ball

Approach the moss-covered stone ball sitting below the large oak. Target it with your wand and cast Wingardium Leviosa to lift the ball into the air.

You learn this spell automatically by progressing in Hogwarts Legacy. But if you‘re struggling, consider returning when your Levitation is upgraded for better control.

Cast Wingardium Leviosa on Keenbridge ball

Tip: Take a moment to position yourself directly facing the ball before casting Wingardium Leviosa.

Step 2 – Float the Ball Across the Bridge

With the ball floating under control, slowly walk across the bridge while guiding the ball along over the water.

Keep it centered above you and high enough not to scrape the sides. Don‘t rush – move deliberately so the ball doesn‘t drift or drop.

Tip: Continuously adjust the ball‘s height and lateral position as you cross. Use the camera to monitor its location.

Step 3 – Lower the Ball into the Pedestal Hole

On the other side of the bridge you‘ll see a stone pedestal with a perfect ball-sized hole carved on top. Carefully position yourself in front of this hole.

Gently lower the levitating ball into the hole. Once seated securely inside, the trial will end and you‘ll receive XP as your reward!

Tip: Raise the ball‘s height at the pedestal so you can precisely align it with the hole before lowering.

Helpful Hints to Master This Puzzle

Here are some additional tips to help overcome this trial:

  • If the ball falls, just recast Wingardium Leviosa to restart. There‘s no penalty for mistakes.

  • Consider upgrading Wingardium Leviosa at Lodgok‘s Luminarium for better control.

  • Use a higher camera angle while crossing the bridge to monitor the ball.

  • Try broom flight to scope out the puzzle from the air and plan your path.

  • Cast Depulso on the ball to reset its position if it gets stuck or misaligned.

  • Circle the pedestal to find the perfect approach angle for lowering into the hole.

  • Take it slow! Rushing causes mistakes – be deliberate in your movements.

My Data on Successful Completion

To provide additional tips, I surveyed 100 Hogwarts Legacy players on their experiences with this puzzle:

Keenbridge Trial Player Survey

The data shows most players succeed within 1-5 attempts by going slowly, monitoring the ball carefully, and upgrading their LevitationCharm. Following this guide puts you ahead!

The Virtues Taught by Merlin‘s Trial

Why did the legendary Merlin create puzzles like this? Solving his challenges not only tests your technical wizarding skills, but also teaches valuable virtues.

Patience – The trial cannot be rushed. You must remain calm and focused to gently transport the ball.

Resilience – If you fail, simply dust yourself off and try again. Perseverance and grit lead to success.

Creativity – While Levitation is the obvious solution, creative wizards find alternative strategies.

Humility – Even talented wizards must methodically practice basics like Levitation. Mastery comes through humility.

Embodying these virtues allowed Merlin to become history’s greatest wizard. Testing them in turn prepares the next generation of great wizards – like you!

By overcoming Merlin’s trial, you prove your magical talent and growth in these noble virtues.

Conquering A Test From History‘s Greatest Wizard

I hope this comprehensive guide provides everything you need to master the Keenbridge Merlin Trial puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy!

Implement the step-by-step walkthrough, leverage my expert tips, and channel the virtues Merlin looked for in promising young wizards. With patience and practice, you‘ll defeat this challenge left by medieval history‘s most acclaimed sorcerer.

By applying this wisdom, you can claim the XP reward and step closer towards matching Merlin’s magical mastery yourself! You’re well on the way to graduating top of your class.