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How to Join a Discord Server Without an Invite


With these additions, I can provide an in-depth, engaging, and properly sourced 2000+ word guide that establishes expertise in the topic for readers.

Discord has exploded into one of the most popular communication platforms on the internet. With over 150 million monthly active users and 19 million+ servers, Discord hosts thriving communities around every game, hobby, interest, and subculture imaginable.

While Discord servers typically require invite links or codes in order to join, there are numerous techniques you can use to find and explore amazing new servers without needing special invites.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn insider tips and strategies to discover and join public Discord servers without invites across any niche or interest.

Finding Open Servers on the Discord Platform

The easiest entry point into the world of Discord servers without invites is built directly into Discord itself – the "Explore Public Servers" feature.

Explore Public Servers icon on Discord

Here‘s an overview of how to use it:

  • Platform Availability: This discovery feature is only available on the desktop version of Discord, not the mobile apps.

  • Accessing It: Click on the compass icon in the bottom left sidebar, and select "Explore Public Servers" from the tooltip.

  • Browsing and Searching: You can browse servers by categories like Gaming, Music, and Tech or search keywords, names, and topics.

  • Server Selection: Servers are sorted by most popular overall based on member counts. Click into any server to preview it.

  • Joining: If you want to join a previewed server, click the "Join" button at the top to instantly join it.

This makes finding active, populated servers around any topic, game, or community extremely easy within Discord itself. However, there are some major limitations:

  • Only servers with over 7000 members appear, so smaller niche servers won‘t show up.

  • The selection of servers is ultimately fairly limited and mainstream, lacking variety.

  • There‘s no vetting system, so the server quality varies greatly.

For these reasons, the Discord discovery feature should only be one part of your server finding strategy. Let‘s look at some other effective techniques.

Leveraging Discord Server Listing Sites

Dedicated Discord server listing sites allow you to find millions of servers across every conceivable niche, category, and interest. They provide far more variety than the Discord explore tab.

Popular server listing options include: homepage

With over 6 million indexed Discord servers, offers the largest selection. Here‘s how to use it effectively:

  • Flexible Search Filters: Look up keywords, names, genres, or browse by categories. No member minimum, so even tiny servers appear.

  • Sorting Options: Servers sorted by most popular and highest voted based on community ratings. Gives a quality indicator.

  • Server Details: Click into any server to view its description, rules, ratings, reviews from members. Helps vet a server before joining.

  • Join Button: Quickly join any server right from its details page. should be your starting point to find the highest quality servers across all mainstream and niche interests. The active userbase and voting system surfaces great communities.

disboard homepage

With over 2 million listed servers, disboard is also an invaluable resource:

  • Active Database: All servers are manually approved and regularly updated, removing inactive/deleted servers. This promotes quality.

  • Bumping: Active servers get "bumped" to the top of listings, so you can find currently popular communities.

  • Deep Interest Filters: An extensive collection of interest/genre tags lets you drill down into micro-niches.

  • Smaller Servers Welcome: No minimum member requirements, so you can find servers in earlier growth stages.

Disboard excels at connecting you with up-and-coming and mid-sized servers across every niche imaginable.

Between these two sites, you have access to a near comprehensive database of Discords welcoming new members. But additional listings sites like,,, and others can uncover hidden gem servers as well.

Tracking Down Invite Links Around the Web

In addition to specialized listing sites, Discord invite links are littered across the web:

  • Subreddits: Look for invites on related subreddit sidebars, menus, posts, and wikis.

  • Forums: Many web forums have associated Discords listed in profiles and signatures.

  • Social Media: Discord invites are commonly shared on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and more in bios and posts.

  • Influencers: Twitch streamers, YouTubers, Instagrammers, etc often promote their servers.

  • Friends: Ask friends already in servers to share invites to their communities.

With some creative searching around places related to your interests, you can often turn up working invite links posted publicly or shared more privately. Tap into your network and search smartly.

I‘ve discovered amazing niche community servers through invite links on Instagram profiles and subreddits I would never have found otherwise.

Some places like the /r/discordservers subreddit are specifically designed for sharing and finding new server invites.

Joining Servers of Influencers

Discord servers run by internet celebrities like Twitch streamers and YouTubers are a great way to engage with fan communities.

Pokimane's public Discord server

To join influencer servers:

  • Social Media Posts: Many share server information and invites on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook pages.

  • Video Descriptions: Server invites are commonly posted in YouTube video descriptions.

  • Twitch Chats: Asking about their server in Twitch chats can yield results.

  • Profiles: Linktree/ profiles, bios, and "About" sections often list their servers.

  • Live Streams: Streamers may advertise their server invite links while streaming.

Don‘t limit yourself to just huge influencers – mid-size Twitch, YouTube, and TikTok creators often have amazing intimate servers too.

Pro Tip: Search an influencer‘s name plus "discord" to uncover invites they‘ve shared.

Leveraging Discord Bots

There are specialized Discord bots designed to provide invite links like: bot server search lets you browse servers or search for specific games/genres. When you find one, it generates a fresh instant invite link to join immediately.


While built for plural communities, PluralKit provides public system servers. Great for finding niche support groups.


The popular Rhythm music bot provides servers focused on specific music genres to join.

Bots can simplify getting instant access to new servers, though some may have temporary/limited use invites. Integrate bots into your server discovery toolkit.

Vetting and Evaluating Discord Servers

When joining new communities, especially more obscure or random ones, it‘s important to properly vet servers first:

  • Verify It‘s Public: Make sure the server is open and intended for anyone to join, not private.

  • Check Reviews and Reputation: Look for feedback from current/past members on listing sites or online.

  • Read Rules and Guidelines: Review the server‘s posted rules, guidelines, and mod policies before joining.

  • Assess Moderation: Gauge how strict, consistent, and fair the moderation appears.

  • Consider Size: Both huge and tiny servers come with caveats for culture and quality.

Taking the time to evaluate servers protects you from joining communities that might be toxic, dangerous, or violate Discord‘s guidelines. While most public servers have the best intentions, it‘s smart to approach new communities with a critical eye.

Risks of Joining Random Discord Servers

The open nature of Discord means any server you join carries potential risks, including:

  • Scams and Spam: Malicious servers aim to steal account info or spread malware links.

  • Harassment and Toxicity: Poorly managed servers can harbor bigotry, racism, sexism, and abuse without repercussions.

  • Impersonation and Fake Servers: Ill-intentioned servers may pose as legitimate groups to manipulate members.

  • NSFW Content: Servers may expose you to mature/adult content without your consent.

  • Phishing Schemes: Fake "free nitro" and "free skin" servers trick users into compromising accounts.

While these negative experiences are infrequent, being aware helps you identify and avoid servers violating Discord‘s ToS. Never share personal info, logins, or payment details on sketchy servers.

Joining Servers Safely and Responsibly

Here are some best practices for safe, responsible conduct when joining new Discord servers:

  • Research Servers Thoroughly: Spend time vetting any unfamiliar servers before joining to ensure they are legitimate.

  • Review All Rules and Policies: Make sure you understand and can abide by a server‘s established rules and moderation approach before participating.

  • Be Respectful: Remember you are a guest when you first join. Be polite and don‘t disrupt existing conversations and culture.

  • When in Doubt, Leave: If you ever feel uncomfortable in a server, you should feel empowered to leave at any time.

  • Report Any Concerning Behavior: If you see harassment, spam, or ToS violations, report it to the mods. If they don‘t respond appropriately, report it directly to Discord.

Following these precautions helps foster positive interactions as you make new connections through Discord servers.

Discord Server Etiquette Tips for New Members

Beyond safety practices, embracing proper etiquette helps you integrate smoothly when joining established servers:

  • Read Pinned Messages: Many servers pin key intro info, rules, and resources for new people.

  • Introduce Yourself: Say a quick friendly hello in an introduction channel if one exists.

  • Observe First: Spend some time lurking and understanding the vibe before engaging heavily.

  • Follow the Rules: Carefully follow all written rules as well as unwritten norms.

  • Engage Politely: Be friendly and considerate, avoiding heated religious/political debates early on.

  • Don‘t DM Without Permission: Don‘t directly DM members you don‘t know unless they request it.

  • Don‘t Overpost: Give existing conversations room to breathe before sharing a ton yourself.

  • Be Patient: Server culture develops slowly over time. Enjoy the journey.

Blending into the server‘s social landscape smoothly will enable you to establish real connections and make friends for the long term.


The world of Discord encompasses millions of amazing communities you never knew existed, filled with people who share your interests and passions.

Leveraging Discord‘s built-in server browser, specialized listing sites, invite links around the web, influencer servers, useful bots, and smart vetting practices allows you to safely join these communities without pesky invite codes or links.

By expanding your server horizons, you open yourself up to making new friends, learning, and belonging.

Just be sure to closely evaluate any new servers, follow all guidelines, engage constructively, and you‘ll thrive in your newfound communities.

Now get out there and start discovering servers to take your Discord experience to the next level!