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Mastering Johnny Cage: A Comprehensive Guide to Cracking Skulls with Creative Combos in Mortal Kombat 1

Get over here! After years in the 3D wilderness, Mortal Kombat makes its triumphant return to 2D arena combat with Mortal Kombat 1. This franchise reboot aims to recapture the technical innovations and visceral thrills that defined Mortal Kombat‘s meteoric rise in the 90s arcade scene.

For OG fans, it‘s a nostalgic treat. And new fans can experience the tactical combat MK pioneered in the fighting genre.

One character primed to leave his mark in MK1 is Johnny Cage, the smug movie star turned martial artist. Clad in yellow-tinted shades and impeccably slicked hair, Johnny enters the tournament seeking glory to revive his stalled career.

Beneath the superficial swagger lies an underrated fighter. Johnny blends traditional Karate and Kenpo styles with showy, improvisational techniques. This makes him a uniquely explosive and unpredictable kombatant.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll extensively break down Johnny Cage‘s combo potentials in MK1 across Xbox and PlayStation. You‘ll learn basic starters, juggle extensions, corner lockdowns and more to master one of MK‘s most ostentatious original characters.

Mortal Kombat – A Retrospective

To appreciate Johnny‘s role, let‘s rewind through MK‘s legendary journey in fighting game history.

Debuting in arcades in 1992, Mortal Kombat shattered expectations. While Street Fighter and others focused on cartoonish, kinetic combat, MK doubled down on gritty realism.

Real actors were digitized into fighters violently clashing with bone-crunching strikes and gory finishes. Controversial? Absolutely. But it was a hit.

MK‘s iconic cast struck a chord too. Johnny Cage, the cocky action star. Liu Kang, the disciplined Shaolin monk. Scorpion and Sub-Zero, the dueling ninjas. Each oozed personality previously unseen.

Sequels expanded the mythos with ever-escalating spectacle. MK went multiplayer. It went mobile. It even inspired two delightfully campy feature films!

But in recent years, the series lost its edge chasing trends like super meters and 3D arenas. A back-to-basics reboot is just what the doctor ordered.

That‘s where MK1 comes in, returning the series to its high-impact roots. The 2D, dial-a-combo gameplay that made it a legend. And Johnny Cage aims to rewrite the script by unleashing some Oscar-worthy beatdowns!

Who is Johnny Cage?

Before we break down Johnny‘s revised moveset for MK1, let‘s examine his canonical backstory.

Name: Johnny Cage

Height: 6‘0"

Weight: 190 lbs

Origin: Hollywood, USA

Alignment: Good

Variation: Fisticuffs

Despite his privileged upbringing, Cage was drawn to martial arts after being inspired by Bruce Lee films. He trained extensively before becoming a stuntman and action movie star.

But critics accused Cage of using special effects and wires instead of actual skill, harming his reputation. To prove himself, he enters the Mortal Kombat tournament.

Beyond physique and fortune, Johnny possesses genuine fighting prowess. His blending of traditional techniques with unpredictable, improvisational flair makes him a unique challenge.

Now in MK1, Cage finds himself recast in the Outworld Saga reimagining. Can his skills finally earn the respect he craves? Time to take a look under the hood at his mechanics.

Johnny Cage‘s Core Mechanics in MK1

Johnny‘s moveset in MK1 retains his signature look and feel while adding some new tricks. Here‘s a quick overview of his core mechanics:

Command Normals – Fast punches and kicks with solid range. Use F1 and F4 to control space.

Low/High Forceballs – Fire Shadow Kicks (Down, Back, 2) and Shadow Uppercuts (Down, Forward, 2) to zone opponents.

Shadow Uppercut – His Shoryuken-style launcher for starting combos.

Nut Punch – Swift groin strike that stuns enemies. Vital combo ender.

Flipkick – Bounces foes off the ground for re-launching. Extends combos.

Dash – New faster mobility options to allow dash-up attacks.

Fatal Blow – Cinematic super attack usable once per match when low on health.

With these core tools in mind, let‘s explore how to weaponize them into impactful combos. We‘ll start simple then work up to advanced techniques.

Basic BNB Combos

First and foremost, cement these fundamental BNB (Bread and Butter) combos. They form the backbone of Johnny‘s damage and are easy to perform.

1, 2, Nut Punch – Simple 3-hit punish combo. Decent damage for minimal execution.

F4, Cancel, Shadow Uppercut – Reliable punish off F4 poke. Launches for follow-up.

F1, 2, Shadow Kick, Nut Punch – Easy meterless combo off F1. Replace Shadow Kick with Shadow Uppercut to launch.

Jump Kick, Shadow Uppercut, Nut Punch – Classic anti-air combo. Works off jump-ins too.

Once these core combos become second nature, start experimenting with extensions using extra Shadow Uppercuts, Flipkicks, or Shadow Kicks before the finisher. This freely adds extra damage as you advance.

Intermediate Combos

Here are some examples of intermediate combos that incorporate meter, cancels, links and launchers for optimal damage:

F4, Cancel, Shadow Uppercut EX, Flipkick, Nut Punch – Corner carry combo. 35% damage

Jump Kick, Walk Forward, F1, Cancel, Shadow Kick EX, Nut Punch – Meter combo off jump-in for side switch. 40% damage

F3, Cancel, Shadow Kick, Jump Kick, Shadow Uppercut, Nut Punch – Link combo from low starter F3. 28% damage

F4, Run Cancel, F2, 1, 2, Shadow Uppercut, Nut Punch – Run cancel enables extended launch combo. 32% damage

Practice hit confirming into these longer combos off pokes and launchers. With smart meter usage, you can efficiently convert any opening into massive damage.

Optimal Corner Combos

When you manage to corner an opponent, Johnny truly terrorizes them. Here are some of his most devastating corner sequences:

Shadow Uppercut, Jump Kick, Shadow Uppercut, Nut Punch – Simple corner juggle. 35% damage

Shadow Uppercut EX, Jump Kick, Shadow Uppercut, Nut Punch – Use meter to extend. 42% damage

Jump Kick, Walk Under, Shadow Uppercut, Nut Punch – Walk under opponent for side switch. 37% damage

Jump Kick, Shadow Kick EX, Jump Kick, Nut Punch – Shadow Kick launches for more air hits. 46% damage

Jump Kick, Run Cancel, Shadow Uppercut 2x, Nut Punch – Dash combos enable big damage. 53% damage

The tighter space lets you connect more attacks for massive rewards. Learn Johnny‘s corner routes to maximize your punishes.

Fatal Blow Combos

Johnny‘s bone-cracking Fatal Blow provides huge damage. Here are some ways to set it up:

  • Punish Combo into Fatal Blow – Use as a combo ender for 50% damage

  • Counter Poke into Fatal Blow – Counter slow attacks with FB activation

  • Jump In Throw into Fatal Blow – Grabs enable safe FB startup

  • Anti-Air into Fatal Blow – Punish opponents trying to jump in

Fatal Blow is great for stealing rounds you‘d otherwise lose. Unlike meter, it sacrifices damage for reliability and cinematic flair.

Matchup Analysis – Applying Combos vs. Common Fighters

Now let‘s examine how Johnny‘s combos counter specific character matchups in the MK1 roster:

vs. Zoners (Skarlet, Shang Tsung) – Use Low Shadow Kicks to close space safely against projectiles. Once in range, crack them with jump-ins into full combos.

vs. Rushdown (Kano, Kabal) – Check aggressive approaches with well-timed pokes into Fatal Blows. Use Flipkicks and EX Shadow Kicks to escape corners.

vs. Grapplers (Jax, Sheeva) – Keep them at bay with ranged pokes and Shadow Kicks. Blow up predictable approaches with launcher combos. Never get cornered.

vs. Boss (Kronika) – Rely on hit-and-run tactics. Dash in for a quick punish combo after her attacks miss, then retreat. Save Fatal Blow until the end.

Adapting your combo usage for specific matchups demonstrates true mastery. Train yourself to recognize opportunities based on the opponent.

Pro Tips for Practicing Combos

Now for some pro pointers on honing your combo execution:

  • Use Training Mode – Set the dummy to block after first hit. Repeat combos until you nail the timing.

  • Record Reversals – Record the dummy reversing with common attacks like D2 pokes. React and punish accordingly with combos.

  • Focus on One Section at a Time – Break combos into shorter sequences. Master each part before linking them together.

  • Visualize Combos – Picture yourself executing the ideal combo rhythm. This mental rehearsal is surprisingly effective.

  • Review Match Footage – Watch your past online matches to audit combo usage. Are you exploiting openings effectively?

With dedicated training, Johnny‘s flashy combos will become second nature. Now get out there and make some Hollywood blockbusters!

The Future of Johnny Cage

As MK1 revitalizes the franchise, where could future titles take Johnny Cage? Here are some possibilities:

  • Exploring his family background and acting career more via story modes.

  • Introducing new technique or weapon-based variations. Dual-wielding Nunchucks?

  • Increased combo potential via aerial juggles or additional special moves.

  • Leveraging his personality by giving him more quips and flair.

  • Allowing his films to buff allies or debuff enemies through creative mechanics.

  • Higher-fidelity facial animations to showcase his expressions.

Johnny Cage constantly evolves between the cutting room and the kombat arena. His future looks bright as he cements his legacy as a fan favorite anti-hero.

Conclusion – Cage Unlocked

Thanks for reading this extensive guide to mastering Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat 1! We covered his background, core mechanics, bread-and-butter combos, advanced techniques, matchup strategies, training tips, and future outlook.

Johnny Cage perfectly blends traditional martial arts with showmanship and improvisation. His self-taught style combines fundamentals like ranged normals and projectiles with flashy launchers, juggles, and finishers.

Learning his combos takes dedication. But with training, you can convert any opportunity into a highlight-reel punish. Just focus on nailing those core BNBs first before optimization.

Now get out there and unleash jaw-dropping, Oscar-worthy combos with Johnny Cage! It‘s time to prove to the world he‘s more than just special effects.