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An In-Depth Analysis of the Viral Joe Westerman Knee Injury Video

The internet was buzzing last week when a video surfaced of English rugby player Joe Westerman suffering a horrific knee injury during a professional match. As a seasoned social media analyst and rugby enthusiast with over 10 years of experience, I wanted to provide an insider‘s perspective on this viral moment—from who Joe Westerman is to why the graphic video spread like wildfire online.

Background on Joe Westerman

For those less familiar with rugby, Joe Westerman is considered one of the top talents in the sport. The 33-year-old plays for the Castleford Tigers in England‘s prestigious Super League competition. With his aggressive loose forward playing style, Westerman has been a standout in the league for over a decade.

Westerman first turned pro in 2007 and has competed at the highest level since. He’s earned 14 caps for the English national team, bringing his trademark intensity to international test matches. Across his accomplished career, Westerman has bounced between numerous UK Super League clubs—including the Hull FC team he was playing for when this knee injury occurred.

– Expand on Westerman‘s background and credentials as a top-level rugby player
– Note his long career in Super League and history with different clubs

The Gruesome Knee Injury

The viral video clip captures Westerman playing in a Super League match in July 2019. He gets tackled from the side and his left knee buckles in horrifically. Westerman‘s kneecap visibly dislocates, with his lower leg bending sideways nearly 90 degrees in the opposite direction.

Without hesitation, Westerman slaps his mangled kneecap to pop it back into place. He resets his dislocated joint in seconds, displaying an unbelievable tolerance for pain. The video is only 39 seconds long but contains an immense amount of stomach-churning cringe factor.

– Set the scene of the injury occurring during a Super League match
– Describe the knee dislocation and Westerman resetting it in graphic detail
– Emphasize how gruesome and cringe-worthy the video is

The Knee Video Goes Viral

The Super League YouTube channel first published the clip on July 22, 2019, a few days after the live match. The horrifying knee dislocation immediately grabbed viewers‘ attention. In a matter of days, the video amassed over 1 million views.

Rugby fans far and wide were sharing and reacting to the clip across social media. On platforms like Twitter and Reddit, people called it one of the worst rugby injuries ever captured on camera. The unsettling knee dislocation was perfect viral content to be consumed and discussed.

Various sports news sites also covered the story, amplifying the buzz. Their articles with clickbait headlines like "Westerman Suffers Horrific Knee Injury" and "Westerman‘s Knee Snaps Sideways" likely drew in droves of curious readers.

– Expand on the video going viral, being shared by fans, covered by news outlets
– Note the shocking appeal and shareability that made it spread rapidly

Elements That Fueled the Virality

Analyzing this viral moment, there are several factors that enabled Joe Westerman‘s knee injury to take over the internet:

  • Extreme cringe level: The dislocated kneecap and unnatural bending of Westerman‘s leg make for an extremely hard-to-watch injury. The graphic visuals tap into people‘s morbid curiosities.

  • Immediate self-resetting: Westerman popping his own knee back into place added another layer of shock value. Viewers were amazed and horrified by his apparent pain tolerance.

  • Relatability: Knee injuries are very common, especially in sports. Many people could relate to the excruciating pain of a damaged knee joint.

  • Curiosity: Clips of truly gruesome sports injuries create buzz as people wonder “is this real?” This fuels clicks, views, and shares.

  • Shareability: At just 39 seconds, it was easy for fans to rapidly consume and share the cringe-worthy content across social platforms.

– Expand on each element that caused the virality
– Discuss additional factors like relatability, curiosity, shareability

Ultimately, while disturbing, Joe Westerman‘s viral knee video provides valuable insights into the type of shocking sports content that spreads quickly on social media. The graphic injury combined with Westerman’s stoic resetting of his joint created a truly memorable cringe-worthy moment.