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Unmasking the True Location of Jera & Jack in Tower of Fantasy

As you explore the sprawling frontiers of Tower of Fantasy, whispered legends might reach your ears speaking of a dangerous beastman warlord known only as "Jera" – along with his unhinged hyena henchman "Jack."

Few who have dared venture deep into the southern wilds seeking these notorious figures return with solid intel on their precise location. However clues scattered in the dirt point to an abandoned fortress players have dubbed The Ravager Stronghold.

Could this be the lair where Jera & Jack plot Aesperia‘s downfall? In this comprehensive guide for trackers, I‘ll unveil everything we know about pinpointing where to find Tower of Fantasy‘s most fearsome animal despots.

Delving Into The Lore Surrounding Jera & Jack

Before analyzing recent sightings placing Jera & Jack within the Ravager Stronghold, it‘s worth expanding on these antagonists‘ backstories revealed through encrypted logs and mana-infused relics.

Jera: Hammer-Wielding Warlord Of The Wastes

This towering warrior encased head-to-toe in battleworn armor has been an enduring legend passed between wasteland scavengers. As the story goes, Jera and his loyal followers were once part of a warband known as the Ravagers who terrorized Aesperia‘s borderlands decades ago.

Jera Character Model

After his marauding faction dissolved following a crushing defeat, Jera retreated from the public eye – pursued by rumors of conducting strange bio-arcane experiments in hidden strongholds.

He occasionally emerges to participate in gladiatorial combat rings, wielding his custom hammer Jera-67 forged from the fins of mighty Coelopirates. Each appearance stokes renewed fear at the warlord gathering strength before launching another assault.

Based on recovered audio logs from an abandoned lab, Jera seems fixated on creating armies of enhanced beastmen through uncontrolled genetic splicing tests.

For now, the rogue warlord Jera keeps to the shadows – but his recent resurgence suggests a major power play brewing on the frontier…

Jack: Unhinged Hyena On The Prowl

Rarely seen apart from Jera, this cackling hyena-humanoid hybrid named Jack serves as Jera‘s wildly unstable right-hand enforcer. Between his piercing laughter and psychotic outbursts, Jack terrorizes any who stray too close to Jera‘s territory.

Jack Character Model

Once presumably an ordinary scavenger surviving on the frontier‘s fringes, old research notes found in the wilderness hint that Jack was captured by Jera‘s forces to undergo brutal augmentation experiments.

The process grafted advanced weapons onto his body while warping mind and flesh – transforming Jack into a frenzied living weapon fixated on protecting his master.

Now more animal than man, Jack constantly prowls the borderlands seeking unfortunate travelers to maul as bloody tributes for Jera’s plans.

Zeroing In On Jera & Jack’s Location – Ravager Stronghold

Recent intel suggests Jera & Jack have been using an abandoned fortress south of Navua Tower as their current hideout that players refer to as “The Ravager Stronghold” – likely a former Ravager clan outpost.

I’ll walk through everything we know about homing in on their precise coordinates at this location so you can confront these menaces yourself.

Overhead Map View Pinpointing The Ravager Stronghold

Based on firsthand accounts I‘ve gathered from wasteland guides and scouts who narrowly escaped this area, the coordinates of the Ravager Stronghold can be triangulated as:

-267.6, -796.0  

Here‘s an annotated map view visualizing where players need to travel on the Tower of Fantasy terrain to arrive in the vicinity of this location south of Navia Tower:

Overhead Map View of Ravager Stronghold

As you follow the main roadways south, the pathways descend into a rocky canyon hemmed in by high cliffs and ravines on all sides. Proceed with extreme caution as you close in on the stronghold location!

Step-By-Step Navigation Instructions

Approaching the Ravager Stronghold‘s coordinates can be disorienting for first-timers. I would advise navigating here from Glacier Point or Warren Outpost to better acclimate:

Option 1 from Glacier Point:

  1. Glide southeast riding air currents towards the giant floating island
  2. Curve south once past island, avoiding hostile Coelopirate ships
  3. Approach the desert canyon and search for Ravager banners as you descend

Option 2 from Warren Outpost:

  1. Head south-southwest past the Saltbrook Channel dam
  2. Enter the desert canyon region and be alert for ambushes
  3. Locate pipe bridges crossing the ravines that lead towards a fortress

Use your minimap to target the coordinates, while keeping an eye out for telltale warning signs like chewed bones, bloody ravager banners, and maniacal hyena cackles echoing through the desert…

Terrain Details & Landmarks

As you traverse this southern waste towards the Stronghold, some notable landmarks help pinpoint you‘re moving the right direction:

  • Rusted drilling rigs and mining quarries indicative of past ravager operations
  • Gnarled pipes snaking along canyon walls dripping questionable fluids
  • Watch your step to avoid camouflaged pitfall traps hidden under shimmering dirt mounds
  • Buzzing power boxes with exposed cords – buildings must be nearby…

Once at the coordinates themselves, an imposing metal fortress towers overhead. Spiked barricades block major entry points, but sections of the fortifications have decayed enough for an agile fighter to climb over and infiltrate inside.

This is it! Jera & Jack‘s lair – The Ravager Stronghold…

Steeling yourself? It‘s time we push inside this den of beasts!

Optimal Battle Strategies For Jera, Jack & Stronghold Enemies

Now that we’ve arrived, you should expect heavy resistance from Jera, his bloodthirsty hound Jack, and any remaining Ravager experiments or security forces. Here are some high-level tactics I would suggest based on their attack patterns when confronting these adversaries:

#1 – Stack Your Squad With AOE & Crowd Control Capabilities

Given the possibility of large pull sizes and aggressive rushing enemies like Jack, invest in weapons and teams that specialize in AOE attacks to threaten backlines. Deploy crowd control grenades liberally to lockdown priority targets.

Having a Gunslinger to blind snipers or Berserker to vacuum smaller enemies together will significantly reduce the chaos. Slowing effects via Frost weapons also create openings to burst down threats.

#2 – Focus Fire Jack First To Prevent Flanking

Jack‘s highly aggressive tendency to relentlessly pursue backline damage dealers makes him a top priority. Burn him down rapidly to prevent lethal flanks. However, watch for Jack‘s Undying Vengeance mode under 50% HP granting damage immunity & boosting his threat level dramatically!

Once you deal with the rabid Jack, defeating the slower Jera becomes much more manageable.

#3 – Master I-Frame Dodging Against Jera‘s Spin2Win Combos

As expected of a notorious coliseum champion, Jera‘s moveset revolves around devastating whirlwind combos from his massive Jera-67 hammer. Pay close attention to his telegraphs:

  • Single Hammer Smash – Block or dodge sideways
  • Double Hammer Spin – I-frame dodge twice in rapid succession!

Mistime your evasions against his wombo combo finishers and you‘ll soon find yourself flattened into the canyon walls!

#4 – Utilize Weapon Skill I-Frames & Animation Cancels

Given Jera & Jack‘s tendency to attack intermittently with little openings, mastering animation cancels will help you dish out damage safely. Chaining the brief positioning evasions from weapon skills like Spin of the Storm can weave attacks safely.

Weapons with extended i-frames and low commitment combos like Ruby‘s Dual EM Stars can also stay mobile while peppering the beastmen with damage. Bring your best maneuverable multi-target weapons to topple this troublesome twosome efficiently!

Now let’s push further in and see what these guys are made of!

Loot Table – Rare Materials & Gear Dropped By Jera & Jack

Crafting Mats – Jera

  • Jera Breakthrough Material → Used to craft Jera-67 Hammer
  • Jera Death Warrant → Sellable crafting ingredient
  • Bestial Sinew → For enhancing gear pieces

Rare Skins – Achievement Rewards

  • "Jackal‘s Grin" Mask → Unlocked after defeating Jack
  • "Jera‘s Legacy" Hammer Skin → Unlocked after defeating Jera

Potential Legendary Weapon Blueprint

  • ??? Jera‘s Jera-67 Hammer ??? – While largely unsubstantiated rumors, defeating Jera apparently has an extremely small chance to drop part of a crafting blueprint for his custom spiked Jera-67 hammer weapon itself as the ultimate trophy!

Time to test our luck and skill on these notorious baddies!

Tempering Our Strength Through Battle

The trials of Jera and Jack represent only your first step in fully conquering the sprawling domain of Aesperia‘s ravager beastmen. Steel yourself for the challenges ahead!

Many more augmented abominations and territory bosses lurk in the southern stronghold wastes for us to overcome before this land is free. Each victory brings us one step closer to securing the frontier from those who would enslave it!

Now raise your weapons high, soldiers! Destiny awaits at the end of this war-torn road!

I‘ll be right there battling alongside you with wisdom and word to strike down any despots who stand in our way!

Onward for freedom and glory!