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Jbizz Get Back Revenge Video

The recent viral video showing UK TikTok star Jbizz being attacked has sparked outrage and debate online. As a social media influencer with a satirical persona, Jbizz‘s experience reveals major issues around online fame, youth violence, and the blurred lines between virtual and real life. This post will provide an in-depth analysis of the video, its wider implications, and potential solutions.

The TikTok Personality: Jbizz

Jbizz is a popular TikTok creator in the UK with a current following of 358,000 and growing. His videos feature comedic sketches portraying him as a "roadman" – British slang for a street gangster.

Donning tracksuits and hoodies, Jbizz films himself rapping about criminal activities while holding blunt objects as makeshift weapons. He uses exaggerated phrases like "the feds are onto me" and "I‘m a real certified gangster" to mock stereotypes of London crime culture.

While some viewers appreciate the satirical humor, others have criticized Jbizz for potentially glorifying violence and crime. In interviews, Jbizz has reiterated that the persona is fictional – he simply plays a character. However, the lines between his online personality and real identity have clearly blurred for some.

According to SocialBlade stats, Jbizz earns an estimated £1,200 to £19,000 per year from his videos. This incentivizes him to keep amping up the roadman persona for more views, making it increasingly extreme.

The Disturbing Attack Video

In late 2022, a video was leaked on Snapchat and spread rapidly on Twitter, depicting Jbizz being assaulted and robbed. In the clip, Jbizz is surrounded by four male teenagers who take turns slapping him forcefully across the face while mocking him.

One teen asks for his phone password while another digs through his pockets. The video cuts off as the confrontation intensifies, implying further violence occurs off-camera.

The clip garnered over 312,000 views on Twitter within days, sparking heated debate. Many blamed Jbizz for promoting a dangerous fictional persona. Others argued he didn‘t deserve such a vicious attack regardless of his videos.

Jbizz addressed the incident himself via a TikTok live stream. He revealed the attackers were four 16-year-old black teens who spat on and slapped him. Outnumbered, Jbizz was helpless to defend himself.

Jbizz‘s Perspective and Response

In his TikTok Live, Jbizz acknowledged that his outrageous roadman persona likely motivated the assault. Some fans can‘t seem to grasp that he‘s not actually a criminal. This reveals the concerning blurring of fiction and reality surrounding influencer identities.

Jbizz thanked supporters and considered deleting his account after the trauma of the attack. However, he feels a responsibility to keep posting for his 358,000 loyal followers. But the TikToker pledged to shift his focus away from the roadman character that nearly got him killed.

The live stream itself drew major engagement – over 32,000 viewers tuned in simultaneously. A re-post of the live video earned 753,000 views, showing massive interest in Jbizz‘s side of the story.

Key Implications of the Viral Video

This disturbing attack highlights crucial issues facing Gen Z and society today:

The Fiction of Online Personas

  • Jbizz portrays a fictional caricature, but some take it as his real identity
  • Social media creators often amplify personas to get views
  • Youth may lack the discernment to differentiate between satire and sincerity online

Normalization of Violence Among Youth

  • The smiling attackers slapped Jbizz with eagerness and glee
  • Social media and music lyrics regularly depict casual brutality
  • Impulsive aggression is a growing issue among teenagers

Mental Health Impacts of Cyberbullying

  • Jbizz has faced naysayers and cyberbullying over his videos
  • This hate migrated offline and led to real-world violence
  • Cyberbullying causes increased depression and suicidal thoughts in youth

Persona Attachment in Young People

  • The teens were seemingly attached to their perception of Jbizz as a gangster
  • Some youth overly identify with influencer personalities online
  • More media literacy education is needed to separate fiction from reality

Monetizing Extreme Personas

  • Jbizz earns up to £19k annually from his videos
  • Controversial personas drive higher engagement
  • But platforms incentivize dangerous stereotypes for profits

Lack of Accountability in Youth Violence

  • The smiling attackers posted their own video of the assault
  • Some youth brag about violence as if it‘s an accomplishment
  • Teens often avoid consequences for harassment and physical harm

Potential Solutions and Prevention

The viral Jbizz attack presents a teachable moment to address broader societal issues and work towards solutions:

  • Enhanced media literacy programs in schools to help youth analyze and evaluate online influencer personas more critically. This education should continue at home.

  • Increased platform moderation to discourage harmful stereotypes and extreme persona development among creators. However, censorship must not limit creative freedoms.

  • Discussions around cyberbullying for both students and parents to understand its dangerous impacts across the virtual and physical realms.

  • Public call-outs of youth violence to combat its normalization and convey that assault is unacceptable, regardless of someone‘s online persona.

  • Empathy development through curricula and youth programs to reduce impulsive aggression among teens.

  • Personal development training for aspiring creators to foster authenticity and prevent extreme persona branding simply for fame.

  • Mental health support systems should be in place to help influencers like Jbizz handle cyberbullying and trauma after dangerous encounters stemming from their personas.

The Road Ahead for Jbizz

Only time will tell how Jbizz moves forward in the aftermath of this assault. He may need to do damage control for his own safety and career longevity.

Possibilities include hosting community discussions about the event, creating anti-cyberbullying PSAs, or collaborating with youth organizations. He could also showcase more real-life vlogs to ground his audience in reality beyond the exaggerated sketches.

I hope Jbizz continues posting for fans who truly appreciate his humor and talent. But the traumatic attack should compel him to reinvent his influencer identity in a direction that disempowers, rather than feeds into, dangerous stereotypes.


This unsettling attack provides a sobering case study on issues like online personas, youth violence, and cyberbullying. As social media continues dominating youth culture, we must address these problems and work proactively towards solutions.

If any good can come from this brutal incident, let it be increased education, accountability, and empathy among rising generations. Only through thoughtfulness and care can we help ensure the safety of creators like Jbizz, as well as the millions of teens immersed in digital worlds.