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Jack Posobiec on GETTR

Jack Posobiec is a prominent right-wing political activist who has cultivated a substantial following on the new social media platform GETTR. With over 640,000 followers, he is one of the most influential figures within the GETTR universe. In this comprehensive deep dive, we’ll analyze Posobiec’s activity on GETTR to understand the narratives he spreads, his impact on the platform, and what his popularity reveals about today‘s polarized information ecosystem.

Who is Jack Posobiec?

To understand Posobiec’s rise on GETTR, let’s first examine his background. Jack Posobiec (full name Jack Michael Posobiec III) was born on December 14, 1985 in Pennsylvania. He is known as an alt-right political operative, host, author and former naval intelligence officer.^1

Posobiec first gained attention during the 2016 election for vocally championing Donald Trump on platforms like Twitter. He zealously promoted Trump‘s controversial policies on immigration, shared misleading claims about Trump‘s opponents, and cheered on Trump‘s combative tone.^2

After Trump‘s victory, Posobiec was hired by the strongly pro-Trump cable channel One America News Network (OANN) as a political correspondent from 2018 to 2021. This position expanded his mainstream visibility and clout in right-wing circles.^3

In May 2021, Posobiec departed OANN, reportedly over conflicts about the network‘s coverage of election conspiracy theories.^4 Posobiec now hosts a show for Turning Point USA, a prominent conservative youth organization. He also serves as senior editor for Human Events, a right-leaning online publication.^5

Inside Posobiec‘s GETTR Universe

GETTR is a social media platform launched in 2021 by former Trump spokesperson Jason Miller, who vowed it would be a "marketplace of ideas" with free speech for all.^6

However, GETTR swiftly became dominated by right-wing voices who felt "censored" on mainstream sites like Twitter. Far-right users flocked to the barely moderated platform as a safe haven for incendiary rhetoric.^7

Posobiec has emerged as one of GETTR‘s biggest conservative celebrities. As of February 2023, his account @jackposobiec boasts over 640,000 followers—making him nearly as popular as GETTR CEO Jason Miller himself.^8

To illustrate the scale of Posobiec‘s reach, right-wing Fox host Sean Hannity has around 185,000 GETTR followers. Donald Trump Jr. has approximately 492,000 followers. So Posobiec wields substantial influence.^9

Posobiec joined GETTR within its first month in July 2021 and swiftly built a loyal audience. His early adoption gave him a powerful first-mover advantage over competitors in the attention economy of the ascendant platform.^10

Dissecting Posobiec‘s Messaging

Posobiec‘s GETTR activity provides insight into the narratives and tactics used by today‘s far-right influencers to attract followers. Let‘s analyze his most viral posts to see what makes them engage his base.

Promoting Trumpism

Many of Posobiec‘s most liked GETTR posts center on promoting Donald Trump and the continued power of his political movement.

During a recent Trump rally, for instance, Posobiec posted:

"Trump selected as his exit music, ‘Hold On, I‘m Coming.‘ I wonder what he meant by that."

This coy post earned over 2,000 likes, fueling speculation about Trump potentially running again in 2024.^11

Similarly, after the rally, Posobiec posted:

"Guys idk about you but I feel so unified after that speech."

This snarky post generated over 1,500 likes, pushing the notion Trump still unifies the right.^12

These posts encourage the personality cult around Trump even after his election loss and January 6th insurrection. Posobiec uses Trump hype to attract clicks.

Demonizing Liberals

Posobiec frequently wields GETTR to vilify Democrats and liberals.

When President Biden gave a political speech criticized by conservatives, Posobiec posted:

"Trump made clear he and his movement stand for improving the lives of all Americans. He didn’t attack the voters on the other side. He took the high ground after Biden abandoned it at the Red Sermon."

This post earned over 1,400 likes, claiming the moral high ground for Trump.^13

In another case, Posobiec mocked Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman:

"Doug Mastriano is going to put Josh Shapiro to sleep on a MyPillow."

Demeaning Fetterman and other Democrats wins Posobiec plaudits among his right-wing faithful on GETTR.

Spreading Misinformation

Posobiec has a track record of spreading misinformation, conspiracies and false voter fraud allegations—a trend he continues on GETTR.

During the 2022 midterms, for instance, he posted:

"If you are reading this, you are the resistance."

This cryptic post got over 1,500 likes, riling up his base to potentially reject election results.^14

While subtle, posts like this feed the paranoia and denialism running rampant on far-right social media.

Weaponizing Culture War Issues

GETTR teems with America‘s culture war battles over gender, sexuality, race and more. Posobiec taps into these to generate outrage and clicks from his audience.

When the LGBTQ+ rom-com Bros flopped, for example, Posobiec posted:

"Turns out normal Americans don‘t want politically charged lectures from Hollywood elites when going to see a movie."

This post earned over 1,300 likes by framing the film‘s diversity as liberal preaching.^15

Likewise, when some schools banned the Holocaust book Maus, Posobiec posted:

"American parents don‘t want their kids educated through Holocaust cartoon animal books filled with nudity and language not suitable for minors."

Once more, Posobiec spun a cultural controversy to inflame his followers‘ emotions.

Posobiec‘s Impact and Influence

The reach of Posobiec‘s inflammatory GETTR posts reveals how alternative platforms enable the rapid spread of partisan misinformation when they remove guardrails.

According to social media monitoring platform BuzzSumo, Posobiec‘s GETTR engagement outweighs his presence on mainstream sites like Facebook and Instagram. His posts regularly gain over 1,000 reactions on GETTR, compared to often less than 300 on other platforms.^16

This shows the rapt audience Posobiec has found in GETTR‘s ideological echo chamber. His evolution into a far-right social media star illustrates how internet subcultures can quickly spiral into extremism when fed a steady diet of outrage and disinformation.^17

While Posobiec claims to fight censorship, his rhetoric indicates free speech easily turns toxic without moderation. Nonetheless, his large following shows no signs of abandoning the increasingly radical GETTR.

The Road Ahead

In conclusion, Jack Posobiec has rapidly emerged as an influencer powerhouse on GETTR, attaining over 640,000 followers. He flooding the platform with partisan takes, conspiracy hints and culture war kindling—narratives that light up engagement among GETTR‘s right-leaning core.

It remains concerning how swiftly misinformation proliferates on barely moderated platforms like GETTR. But for now, Posobiec continues benefiting from this uncontrolled environment to spread propaganda, stoke acrimony and command attention.

Posobiec‘s ascent serves as a case study for how alternative platforms designed to resist moderation can enable once-fringe voices to dominate discourse. Though Posobiec bills himself as anti-elite, his large GETTR platform empowers him to shape narratives for hundreds of thousands of people.

This demonstrates the fine line between free speech and dangerous rhetoric when oversight is abandoned. As GETTR expands, dispelling or limiting Posobiec‘s influence will prove challenging. For now, his provocations steer the network‘s interaction patterns and information flows—a troubling reality as GETTR seeks legitimacy.