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Is Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey Still Worth Playing in 2023? An Ode to its Open World Greatness

As an avid gamer and Assassin‘s Creed franchise fan from the very first 2007 title, it‘s not uncommon for me to revisit and passionately recommend notable series entries years after their initial release. With intricately crafted worlds begging to be explored long after the credits roll, I often find myself returning to these digital lands for adventure and escapism time and time again.

So when a fellow player recently asked if 2018‘s Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey was still worth diving into now in 2023, five years later from its launch, I enthusiastically responded with an emphatic yes!

As one of the most critically acclaimed and highest grossing series releases in history based on reviews and sales figures, Odyssey checks off practically every box imaginable for an enjoyable action RPG likely to withstand the test of time for this generation. Let‘s break down the key contributing factors:

A Visual Feast Bringing Ancient Greece Alive

Easily one of my personal favorite aspects upon replaying Odyssey is simply wandering its lush landscapes modeled after mainland Greece and the islands circa the onset of the Peloponnesian War in 400 BCE.

The talented world design team‘s attention to detail and commitment to historical accuracy manages to vividly bring to life the architecture, culture, famous battles and legendary landmarks of the ancient nation in an unparalleled way making it a breathtaking digital museum.

I still get chills gazing out across the sparkling Aegean sea waters towards the towering Statue of Athena guarding the walls of Athens or strolling down the streets of cities like Delphi, Argos and Sparta brimming with citizens.

And we‘re talking about a positively massive open world here – over 130 hours worth of content by completionist standards according to developers Ubisoft. In fact, Odyssey‘s Greece remains far and away the largest setting ever featured in the Assassin‘s Creed franchise to date after Origins and Valhalla.

Whether island hopping around fiery volcanic islands, venturing east into the forested Valley of King Leonidas, or braving the ominous Petrified Temples of Lesbos, players young and new are bound to left awestruck by the stunning environments brought forth with obvious passion by the artists.

Quite simply, Odyssey represents one of the most technically ambitious recreations of land and seascapes in recent memory. Harnessing every ounce of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One‘s rendering capabilities to craft such sprawling, jaw-dropping vistas that arguably even 2023‘s cutting edge titles would struggle matching.

Empowering Narrative Choices Make it Your Odyssey

But pretty backdrops alone do not an epic adventure make! Hidden behind the visual splendor lies incredibly satisfying game design elements as well for history buffs and roleplaying fans alike.

For the first time in the normally linear stealth series, full player agency over narrative choices takes the spotlight thanks to clever writing and dialogue trees enabling tangible, long lasting changes throughout the journey depending on your approach.

Will you show mercy or vengeance when confronted by certain morally questionable figures? Attempt to romance the fiery rebel Kyra or honorable mater familias Roxana? Or watch how tensions dramatically escalate between your real Spartan family versus chosen Athenian brothers in arms?

Both small and far reaching decisions abound that extensively alter cutscenes, unlock entirely new side quest chains as consequences, and ultimately enable up to nine distinct endings to wrap up the hundred hour campaign. I personally have invested over 160 hours across two completely different playthroughs alone thanks to this inventive twist breathing possibility into a fresh run!

The option to optionally toggle "guided mode" also ensures those only interested in brisker focus on the historical Peloponnesian War narrative aren‘t overwhelmed by the sheer wealth of other activities competing for attention on the map either.

Overall, Odyssey quite commendably respects player agency allowing veterans to role play to their heart‘s content while opening the doors wide enough for newcomers not to feel excluded because of the pivot to RPG dynamics compared to past series entries. Quite the remarkable accomplishment in striking that delicate balance indeed!

Unparalleled Breadth of Gameplay Styles

The Assassin‘s Creed franchise has its stealth action roots going all the way back to 2007‘s first revolutionary outing. Yet more recently both Origins and further so Odyssey successfully blended deep roleplaying mechanics as well – like player builds, gear loadouts, dialogue skill checks, levels and so on – without losing sight of that core sneaking and traversal DNA.

Satisfying climbing, sharpshooter trick shots and infiltration very much remains equal parts viable and vital thanks to Leonidas‘ iconic spear empowering the series‘ signature smooth parkour mobility, brutal area-of-effect overpower attack charges and silent assassinations upgrades respectively via the skill tree.

In my 60+ hours with Kassandra the misthios so far, I was repeatedly blown away coming across wholly original locations like the gargantuan golden fields of Arkadia, picturesque wineries of Korinthia, seaside resorts of Achaia and dreadful volcanic lagoons of Pilgrimage Island with surprises hidden around every corner. Then when you eventually need a change of pace, whistle to call your mighty steed Phobos or board the warship Adrestia to set sail across the scenic Greek seas in style!

I‘ll admit a select few grindy, repetitive checkpoint capture fort raids could potentially have used some tuning or added variety past simply killing the regional leader over and over. However, the sheer breadth of stealth, combat, parkour and naval playstyles blended together accommodates practically every sort of gamer preference. When assessing Odyssey based on gameplay diversity alone, I believe it nailed such a wide spread of strengths that any shortcomings seem negligible at best compared to them.

Continued Ubisoft Support Over the Years

Last but most certainly not least, publisher Ubisoft‘s intent supporting this jewel in the Assassin‘s Creed crown long after most primarily single player game experiences would be abandoned stands rightfully applauded.

Just within 2022 and 2023 alone we saw a string of free and paid DLC announcements continue strengthening foundations for the long haul – headlined by January‘s ambitiously sized 1.6.0 update specifically targeting next generation consoles with native 4K resolution upgrades, silky smooth 60 FPS performance modes and enhanced visuals taking full advantage of latest hardware advancements!

That‘s not even mentioning the three excellent upcoming Stories episodic crossover releases set to shed light on the Persian brotherhood‘s early beginnings and flesh out beloved legacy heroes like Darius further in self contained mini adventures. Sure to tide us over nicely until whatever grand plans the publisher surely has simmering on the horizon. Fan speculation of a fully fledged remake/remaster down the line perhaps!

Nor should it be forgotten Odyssey originally launched way back in October 2018 as part of various Gold, Ultimate and Season Pass editions bundling in three weighty expansions – The Fate of Atlantis, Legacy of the Hidden Blade and Fields of Elysium. All told, a jaw dropping amount of premium DLC quests and gear items for dedicated players still grinding away today.

That breadth keeps the game feeling perpetually fresh and ever enticing to return to with more stories left to explore freely for hundreds upon hundreds of hours combined if you let it consume your life! I suppose there are certainly worse fates for starry eyed ancient world enthusiasts such as myself.

For newcomers yet to be initiated who might read this very review, bargain sale prices packaged with all core and premium content included makes the value proposition hard to beat during seasonal promotions. No better time than 2023 to dive in really!

When I step back assessing the complete package based on those especially compelling strengths – visually arresting historical eye candy, player freedom through branching paths, combat diversity catering to all, extensive quality content updates over time etc – stacked against typical age diminishing factors, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey checks practically every box imaginable to cement its status as mandatory gaming even in the refined palate landscape of 2023 and beyond.

Greece never fails to amaze with sights untold, narrative choices further empower investment, flexibility of gameplay systems refusing to bore me even after hundreds of hours, and relentless support demonstrating Red Bull levels of developer passion in continuing to build out this platform.

Most crucially, I wholeheartedly believe even brand new players can easily dive into the world Ubisoft meticulously crafted and become equally or more so invested in the lands, legends and battles portrayed so memorably to feel that same spark urging veterans like myself to continually return.

Make no mistake, series stalwarts also reap multiplied rewards here from catching up on what many consider a franchise apex. Because honestly, who could watch the credits roll without also desperately yearning to keep scaling temples as their own legendary Deimos kicking hyper-powered mercenaries off peaks of Mt. Taygetos in glistening HDR 4K resolution? A pinnacle worthy of Athens herself!

So then if you or loved ones happen to be searching for a lavish historical tourism simulator meets personal wish fulfillment journeyhecker where checking off boxes including rags to riches, nation liberation, mystical prophecies and yes, even defeating the top of Olympus itself seem firmly on the table, accept no pale imitations or excuses. The glorious world of Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey still shines bright, beckoning new myths ready to be written by the next generation of heroes willing and able to lose themselves in all it has to offer nearly 3000 in game years and over 100 real life hours later. Just try not to let that siren‘s call sink its claws too deep without realizing the slippery slope towards open world greatness!