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Unlocking the Mysterious Invisible Stables Treasure in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

As an avid Star Wars fan and gaming expert, few things excite me more than hidden secrets and virtual treasures waiting to be discovered in the galaxy far, far away. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the highly anticipated sequel to 2019‘s Jedi: Fallen Order, promises to deliver that signature sense of adventure. Among the many surprises tucked away by the developers at Respawn Entertainment is one particularly elusive prize known as the Invisible Stables Treasure.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll provide everything you need to know to unlock this unique treasure. We‘ll cover:

  • The lore behind Jedi: Survivor and Cal Kestis‘ continuing journey
  • The vital role exploration plays in Star Wars games
  • Where to find the Invisible Stables location
  • How to acquire and stable special solid color Nekkos
  • Step-by-step instructions for acquiring the treasure
  • The rewards waiting inside and their significance
  • Expert tips and strategies for uncovering all of Survivor‘s secrets

So prepare your lightsaber, chart a course through hyperspace, and let‘s discover how to seize this rare prize!

Cal Kestis‘ Ongoing Journey Through the Dark Times

To fully appreciate the secrets hidden within Survivor‘s virtual world, it helps to understand Cal‘s quest. Jedi: Fallen Order followed the young Padawan‘s efforts to rebuild the Jedi Order while evading the Empire‘s Jedi hunters known as Inquisitors. By tapping into the light side of the Force, Cal was able to best Second Sister and restore his connections to the wider Jedi community.

Survivor picks up Cal‘s story five years later in 9 ABY. With the Empire consolidating power across the galaxy, Cal finds himself at the margins of known space. He soon becomes embroiled in a desperate fight against oppressive darkness spreading throughout the universe. Guided by his Jedi training under Master Cere Junda, he embarks on a heroic journey of self-discovery spanning multiple planets. What awaits are new Force abilities, morally complex decisions, and the necessary skills to survive tumultuous times as one of the last Jedi Knights.

Why Exploration is Vital in Star Wars Games

Easter eggs and hidden items have been a staple of Star Wars video games dating back to classics like Shadows of the Empire. They tap into that core fantasy of becoming an intrepid hero who traverses every nook and cranny of exotic alien worlds. Players feel connected to the Star Wars universe when they uncover surprises tucked away by the developers. It also provides satisfying rewards for going above and beyond a game‘s main story.

Survivor continues this emphasis on exploration and discovery in its expansive multi-region open world. The Invisible Stables Treasure is precisely the type of secret that dedicated fans love unraveling. It shows the care put into building a rich, dense fiction filled with possibilities. Uncovering all of Survivor‘s secrets often means re-exploring areas, consulting with NPCs repeatedly, and experimenting with mechanics. It‘s a game that asks you to leave no digital stone unturned in true Star Wars fashion.

Pinpointing the Invisible Stables Location

The stables themselves are situated just east of the central thoroughfare in Survivor‘s frontier-inspired hub region. Based on pre-release footage, it evokes settlement planets like Felucia with a mix of Old West and Southeast Asian architectural influences. Beyond some banthas and other livestock, nothing seems unique about this location at first glance. But recall the legacy of hidden items in Star Wars games!

From surrounding context clues, we can deduce some nearby points of interest:

  • A lively saloon where travelers gather to share stories and rumors
  • A general store peddling blaster parts and various supplies
  • Lodging where Cal can rest and advance time

These all come into play when unlocking the secret treasure. Now let‘s get into the step-by-step process!

Acquiring Your Special Solid Color Nekko

Nekkos are feline-like creatures used for transport in Survivor‘s game world. Our first step is to locate and befriend one of the special solid color variants like pink, yellow or purple. Based on previews, these can be found roaming the wilderness regions outside the main settlement.

Interact with a solid color Nekko to initiate a taming mini-game. This appears to involve soothing gestures and food offerings to gain its trust. Once the sequence is complete, you will be able to mount the Nekko and ride it as your companion.

Tip: Solid color Nekkos spawn more frequently at night and in stormy conditions. Don‘t be afraid to sleep multiple times until the weather shifts if you‘re having trouble finding one!

Stabling Your Nekko Properly

Ride your new solid color Nekko into the settlement and over to the stables. Dismount when prompted and you will get the option to stable the Nekko for safekeeping.

You should see the following message to confirm it worked:

"Your Nekko is now stabled. Stabled Nekkos will be available for pickup anytime.”  

This is an important milestone, but not the treasure itself! We need to take a couple more steps to fully unlock it.

Resting Up Inside the Saloon

With your Nekko squared away, it‘s time to pay a visit to the nearby Saloon. Head inside and you‘ll find beds available for rent. Interact with one and then select the option to sleep/rest.

This advances time in Survivor‘s in-game clock. Based on hints from the developers, we need to create this time shift to trigger the treasure‘s availability. It also ensures any stalking Stormtroopers reset their patrols.

Once you‘ve rested up, it‘s finally time to collect your prize!

Returning to the Stables for the Loot

Go back to the stables and you‘ll now be able to access the Invisible Stables Treasure chest tucked away inside. Open it up to obtain:

  • Rare crafting resources like Adegan crystals for upgrading your lightsaber
  • Unique cosmetic skins for Cal, BD-1, your ship, and other items
  • Valuable credits to spend around the settlement

This is a game-changing amount of loot, especially early in the campaign. It will give you an edge in combat, let you stand out with prestigious outfits, and grant access to other secrets that cost credits. Well done!

Tips for Finding All the Hidden Goodies

The Invisible Stables Treasure is just one of many secret items waiting in Survivor‘s expansive universe. Here are some pro tips to help uncover more as you play:

  • Speak to every NPC you encounter – they often drop hints or react suspiciously to prodding questions.
  • Fully clear each region – 100% all discoverable sectors before moving on.
  • Return to previously explored areas – context changes reveal new pathways.
  • Experiment with Force powers in creative ways – they can manipulate objects and environments.
  • Search for clues in text logs and audio files scattered across the worlds.

Embrace your inner Jedi detective! Piecing together subtle clues will lead you to epic treasures.

Discovering the Galaxy‘s Secrets as a Jedi

Part of what makes Star Wars Jedi: Survivor so magical is the opportunity to uncover hidden surprises just over the next ridge. The team at Respawn Entertainment has packed their open world with possibilities to satiate the most curious gamers. By following this guide to snag the Invisible Stables Treasure, you can be on your way to acquiring every last secret.

From solid color Nekkos to waiting inside the saloon, each step of the process immerses you in the broader Star Wars fantasy. You get to roleplay as a wandering Jedi Knight bringing light to the darkest corners of the galaxy. Here‘s hoping you discover many more incredible treasures on your own epic adventure through Survivor and the beloved far away universe. Let the Force guide you!