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How to Get the Invisible Filter on Snapchat

Snapchat‘s playful filters transform selfies into everything from puppies to aliens. But one of their most eye-catching lenses makes parts of you invisible. Just a few waves of your hand lets you fade body parts out of existence – creating snaps that seem almost magical.

As a social media marketer, I‘m always analyzing viral trends to spot opportunities. And I believe Snapchat‘s invisible filter has huge potential thanks to the "wow factor" of its visually stunning effect.

In this guide, you‘ll not only learn how to find and use Snapchat‘s invisible lens. I‘ll also share insider tips to create snaps that captivate audiences.

Why the Invisible Filter Goes Viral

Before we dive in, let‘s look at why this type of lens takes off:

Novelty Factor

Making parts of yourself disappear is an effect that intrigues people and captures attention. The brain processes images with missing pieces differently. When things don‘t look "normal", interest heightens.

Visual Impact

Floating shoes and disappearing ice cream cones simply look cool! The effect amazes both the creator and audience. Even small creative touches make the filter stand out.

Marketing Potential

For brands and influencers, an invisible body part directs eyes towards logos or products. I‘ll cover this more later. But strategic use of the filter offers smart viral marketing opportunities.

Now let‘s get to the fun part – how to find and use this popular Snapchat lens!

Locating the Invisible Filter

Many of Snapchat‘s wacky selfie lenses live right on the main camera screen. But to access the invisible filter, you need to dig a little deeper:

snapchat app interface

Step 1: Open Snapchat and tap the capture button to access camera.

Step 2: Tap smiley face icon on right of capture button.

Step 3: Select "Explore" on bottom menu bar.

Step 4: Tap magnifying glass to search lenses.

Step 5: Type "invisible" and select the official Snapchat filter (not a Creator‘s).

Once selected, you‘ll return to the camera with the invisible lens activated and ready!

Why So Hidden?

You may wonder why such a popular lens lies tucked away in Explore. Snapchat now reserves its main camera tab for sponsored and event lenses. This lets them profit from brands paying for visibility.

But for savvy users, just a few extra taps unearths the gem that is the invisible filter.

Using the Invisible Lens

Mastering the invisible filter takes some practice. But get the waving motion down, and you‘ll be snapping vanishing body parts in no time!

diagram of hand waving

Activate filter: Wave whole hand/arm across face or body part.

Deactivate filter: Wave hand back to make part reappear.

Quick, definite waves work best. Subtle movements sometimes misfire.

Once activated, the effect remains until you wave it away. So take pics, record video, and find your best angles without reapplying.

Have fun with it! The algorithm won‘t always perfectly vanish limbs. But that often makes the effect even more amazing.

examples of creative uses

Maximizing the Invisible Filter

As a social media expert, I couldn‘t resist the chance to highlight some top tips for snapping expert-level invisible pics:

✔️ Strategic Visibility

Leave key items visible – like logos, jewelry, graphics. This visually draws attention. Perfect for subtle branding.

✔️ Dramatic Angles

Shoot from creative angles and poses. This adds visual intrigue even in still shots.

✔️ Amusing Accessories

Pair floating objects with themes. A disappearing ice cream cone tells a colorfully wacky summer story.

✔️ Hashtag Habits

Use relevant hashtags like #invisibilitycloak, #vanish, #floatingfeet. This helps visibility.

Leveraging angles, props and hashtags boosts your invisible snaps‘ potential to captivate audiences.

Troubleshooting Tips

Having issues making limbs vanish? Try these fixes:

  • Wave full arm/hand rapidly across face/body
  • Check for official Snapchat filter (not a Creator‘s lens)
  • Reposition angle/distance from camera
  • Ensure adequate lighting
  • Restart Snapchat app

Still struggling? Shake it off and try again later! The effect relies on finicky algorithm mapping that fails occasionally. But when it works – magic happens!

The Future is See-Through

Augmented reality filters like the invisible lens showcase the creative potential of AR tech. Snapchat now reaches 331 million monthly active users. And a staggering 90% of daily users play with lenses.

As AR development continues, such effects will grow even more advanced. Savvy brands and marketers should pay attention to options like invisible filters. They offer the perfect blend of novelty, interactivity and shareability that takes content viral.

So whether you‘re a pro marketer or casual user, I hope this guide has revealed some insider tricks help you master Snapchat‘s invisibility cloak. Wave away and watch the magic unfold!
