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50 Best Investors to Follow on Twitter: An Exclusive Learning Portal to the Minds of Masters

As a social media marketing guru, I have had the unique opportunity to engage with thousands of financial experts. But few communities intrigue me more than the super-connectors on Twitter – an elite circle of ultra-high-net-worth money managers who are surprisingly accessible, authentic and generous in sharing their learning openly.

This group of 50 Best Investors on Twitter manages over $3 trillion in assets, but the scale of capital allocated pales in comparison to the depth of investing wisdom they have accumulated over decades of practicing their craft through multiple market cycles.

And now by bringing that exclusive access to you, retail investors with a Twitter account also have the chance to plug into the life-long learning journeys of some of the world‘s best investors.

The investors featured in this article stand out for not only their long-term track records of generating exceptional risk-adjusted returns but also their creativity in adapting to ever-evolving markets combined with their authentic generosity in transmitting their mental models, principles, ideas and approaches as teachers.

As a former hedge fund colleague told me:

"These investors on Twitter have reached the stage where making more money no longer drives them nearly as much as achieving immortality by passing on their accumulated investing wisdom to the next generation."

But in curating this list focused specifically on the Twitter presence of top investors, I have focused on 3 key selection criteria:

Follower Base

oversight and influence as judged by their follower count on Twitter

Originator Score

frequency and consistency of tweeting their own thoughtful commentary

Engagement Benchmark

capability to inspire reactions based on retweets and likes per tweet

Beyond these key benchmark thresholds, I have also emphasized diversity across investing styles, sectors, geographic expertise and personal backgrounds.

Now, without further ado, let‘s jump into exploring the 50 Best Investors to Follow on Twitter this year:

1. Ray Dalio [@RayDalio]

  • Bridgewater Associates founder, over $150 billion AUM
  • Returns averaging over 11% annually since 1975
  • Originator score 78/100
  • Tweets his unique perspective shaped by meditation, radical truth and radical transparency

"Remember that the economy/market is an interconnected, complex system in which cause-effect relationships are not perceptible."

2. Howard Marks [@HowardMarksBook]

  • Co-founder of Oaktree Capital, over $150 billion distressed debt AUM
  • Returns averaging 19% annually since 1995
  • Tweets his famed memos breaking down market cycles

"The highest-returning investments are inherently the ones with the lowest odds of being successful."

3. Chamath Palihapitiya [@chamath]

  • Founder of Social Capital, focusing on VC and public equity investments
  • First investor and senior executive at Facebook
  • Tweets his unconventional perspectives on markets, business and life

"Mortgages allow you to effectively short the housing market with leverage that’s otherwise unavailable to consumers."

Venture Capitalists

Beyond the global macro titans and well-known public equity investors, I want to highlight a special breed of private market wizards – venture capitalists backing tomorrow‘s Apples and Googles at their nascent stages.

This risk-embracing tribe – willing to tolerate repeated failure in pursuit of outlier outcomes – uses Twitter as their public learning journal, sharing key turning points and lessons from long arcs of compounding knowledge.

4. Fred Wilson [@fredwilson]

  • Managing Partner at Union Square Ventures $5B+ exits
  • Early investor in Twitter, Tumblr, Etsy among other hits
  • Tweets market insights and perspective informed by over 30 years experience

"Bear markets are the times when great VC firms build the foundation for their next chapter."

5. Chamath Palihapitiya [@chamath]

  • Founder of Social Capital focusing on venture capital
  • Early senior executive at Facebook
  • Unconventional perspective on markets, business and life philosophy

"Mortgages allow you to effectively short the housing mkt with leverage that’s otherwise unavailable to consumers."

6. Marc Andreessen [@pmarca]

  • Co-founder of VC firm Andreessen Horowitz $90B+ exits
  • Investor Facebook, Airbnb, Skype, Twitter, GitHub
  • Tweets on philosophy of innovation spanning bio-tech to crypto

"Soft landings are structurally impossible in venture capital due to the math of funds and the late-stage crush."

Activist Investors

Activist investors take concentrated positions in public companies and then leverage their equity stake to catalyze change – strategic, operational or financial – to unlock value for shareholders.

They may be brash and aggressive but often their interests align more with small investors as they take on entrenched company managements and boards. Their tweets reveal their playbooks and tactics.

7. Carl Icahn [@Carl_C_Icahn]

  • $40 billion AUM hedge fund targeting undervalued stocks
  • Returns averaging 20% annually since 2004
  • Campaigns for strategic change via proxy battles and board seats

"We believe $AAPL is meaningfully UNDERVALUED."

8. Bill Ackman [@BillAckman]

  • CEO of Pershing Square Capital $22 billion AUM hedge fund
  • Returns averaging 17% annually since 2004
  • Won activist campaigns at household names like Chipotle, Starbucks, Hilton

"Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon."

Private Equity Masters

Like venture capitalists, private equity investors take a hands-on approach to creating value by implementing operational improvements at mature companies over longer time horizons.

Their world moves in multi-year cycles to buy, fix and flip companies for impressive returns. So their insights resonate across both private and public markets.

9. Tony James [@TJames5010]

  • Executive Vice Chairman of The Blackstone Group****
  • Oversaw growth to $619 billion assets with blockbuster deals
  • Tweets about transformations reshaping industries

"The energy crisis highlights the lack of investment hampering traditional energy even as renewables boom."

10. David Rubenstein [@DavidRubenstein]

  • Co-Founder of The Carlyle Group private equity firm
  • $260 billion assets with focus on aerospace, defense, healthcare
  • Tweets observations from over 40 years in private investing

"Reputation is the crown jewel not to be sold for riches – my guiding lesson from mentors like Warren Buffett."

Women Investors Pioneering Capital Allocation

Diversifying perspectives leads to better outcomes. So I‘m thrilled to highlight an exclusive circle of women investors pioneering capital allocation in various asset classes.

Lift as they climb, their generosity in nurturing the next generation of women in finance using Twitter as a portal for mentorship marks them as thought leaders.

11. Cathie Wood [@CathieDWood]

  • CEO & CIO of ARK Invest ETFs focusing on disruptive innovation
  • Returns averaging 40% annually since 2014 on flagship fund
  • Tweets her views on innovators disrupting entire sectors

"I love bear markets because that‘s when great technology and great companies go on sale."

12. Mary Callahan Erdoes [@maryerdoes]

  • CEO of JPMorgan Asset Management overseeing $2.7 trillion AUM
  • Shared her talent pipeline development philosophy with Bloomberg
  • Tweets about inspiring women in finance

"When money flows into ESG funds surpass non-ESG funds this decade, it transforms capitalism forever."

13. Jennifer Openshaw [@smallbizlady]

  • CEO of Finect guiding small business owners with finance tips
  • Hosts Clubhouse conversations on gaining investing literacy
  • Tweets bite-sized personal finance advice

"If you don’t invest in financial literacy nothing else really matters all that much because money runs through all things."

Macrocycle Masters

Zooming out, global macro traders analyze big picture trends in politics, demographics, and policy with implications for entire economies and capital market assumptions.

While their tweets may not reference specific stock picks, their frameworks for analyzing interlinkages between complex adaptive systems enlighten investment analysis.

14. Stan Druckenmiller [@Druckenmiller)

  • Founder, Duquesne Capital 40% avg returns for 30 years
  • Protege of George Soros bet big against British pound
  • Tweets sporadically sharing big picture thoughts

"Don’t look to government policies to protect living standards – their Bloomberg interview comments."

15. Paul Tudor Jones [@ptj_official]

  • Founder, Tudor Investment Corp generating 30%+ returns since 1980
  • Prescient market calls like 1987 Black Monday crash
  • Tweets through his firm account on macro trends

"Remember inflation affects all financial assets – its corrosive impact compounds over decades."

16. Jeffrey Gundlach [@TruthGundlach]

  • Founder DoubleLine Capital $137 billion bond manager
  • Returns averaging 8% outperforming benchmarks
  • Tweets extensively on macro developments

"People don‘t understand that now home prices rising, along with rents spiking higher, effectively represent tightening monetary conditions."

50 Best Overall

Beyond these specialized groups, Twitter enables learning from OG investors that defy narrow categorization – their success stems from unique mental models and versatility to understand complexity.

17. Jim Simmons [@JimSimonsRentec]

  • RenTec hedge fund pioneer applying computational linguistics for code breaking market signals
  • Returns averaging 40% over 30 years
  • Tweets through firm account on technology and modeling

"Data predicts the future only in a world without reflexivity."

18. Sam Zell [@SamZell)

  • Founder and Chairman of Equity Group Investments >$190 billion assets
  • Transformed real estate, energy, manufacturing and transportation
  • Tweets candid, unfiltered observations on breakdowns

"Supply chain woes reflect underinvestment in infrastructure causing systemic bottlenecks with economic consequences."

19. Howard Lindzon [@howardlindzon]

  • Founder of StockTwits and Social Leverage focusing on angel investments
  • Early bets on Robinhood, Rent the Runway, Tile among others
  • Tweet bite-sized wisdom and reflections on startups

"I like boring cash flow compound stories more than world changing stories that don’t make cash."

20. Chris Dixon [@cdixon]

  • General partner at Andreessen Horowitz focusing on crypto investments
  • Early Coinbase, OpenSea investor among other Web3 hits
  • Tweets at hardcore product level on crypto protocols

"Cycles of overconfidence -> build -> disaster -> despair -> humility -> build are necessary for compound learning in early tech eras like crypto."

In Summary

I hope you found value in this exclusive portal into the minds and accumulated wisdom of 50 Best Investors to Follow on Twitter this year curated specifically for their presence on this platform.

The featured investors check all the boxes when it comes to long-term track records, thought leadership and engagement benchmarks.

Beyond chasing short-term returns, these teachers invest in passing timeless principles to the next generation. Through their generosity of insights on Twitter, now you also have the chance to plug into their life-long learning journeys for free by just following them.

So be sure to click ‘Follow’ on any investors that resonated and keep learning together!