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How to Thoroughly Investigate the Goblin Presence in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy‘s expansive open world is shrouded in mystery, full of magical secrets for inquisitive witches and wizards to uncover. One of the most complex and intriguing questlines involves investigating the suspicious activities of goblins near Hogwarts. This multi-part investigation will test your sleuthing skills while providing insight into the game‘s rich lore. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through how to fully investigate the goblin presence in Hogwarts Legacy step-by-step.

The Historical Oppression of Goblins Makes Them Dangerous When Provoked

To understand the significance of goblins in Hogwarts Legacy, it‘s important to first examine the long history of goblin oppression at the hands of witches and wizards. Goblins have faced discrimination for centuries in the wizarding world, barred from using wands and relegated to lower class professions like smithing or banking. Significant goblin rebellions against this poor treatment have erupted over the years.

The rebellion referenced in Hogwarts Legacy serves as a direct response to generations of frustration over inequality. While goblins can certainly be vicious creatures, especially when angered, their hostility comes from a place of valid anger at an unjust system. Keep this context in mind as you interact with goblins during your investigation, as your choices will influence the already tenuous relations between goblins and wizards.

Following Every Lead Takes You Deeper Into the Mystery

Early tips from Hogwarts residents point to suspicious goblin activities in the nearby woods. Livestock have gone missing, strange noises echo from the forest, and ritual gatherings appear to be occurring. Your goal is to unravel exactly what the goblins are plotting from these faint clues.

The starting point lies just outside a large goblin tent encampment deep in the forest:

  • Enter the main tent and pick up the letter sitting on the central table. This letter is critical for triggering the next phase of the quest, so don‘t leave without it!

  • After exiting the tent, you‘ll be ambushed by a squad of goblin warriors. Defeat them using your preferred combat magic to survive this first goblin battle.

  • Search the smaller tents thoroughly – they hide diaries and notes providing details about the goblins‘ plans, like coordinating attacks or crafting enhanced armor.

  • At the back of the encampment lies the entrance to a mine overrun with goblins. Exploring the mine leads to major advancements in your investigation, but be ready for intense fights!

  • Return to Hogwarts professors with your findings frequently. They will send you to new locations to further follow the goblin trail.

Hogwarts Legacy excels at gradually unraveling a mystery through exploration and piecing together clues. Take time to search for hidden items and soak up every detail!

Useful Tips and Tactics for Battling Goblins

When questing and fighting goblins, these tips can give you an advantage:

  • Prioritize stealth over aggression – goblins will lash out viciously if provoked needlessly. Use disillusionment charms and sneak modes to avoid unwanted fights.

  • Target goblin weaknesses like Confusion, Stunning, and Transfiguration to disable their defenses. Their low Willpower makes them vulnerable to these effects.

  • Don‘t underestimate goblins! Their sharp claws and spears can quickly overwhelm an unwary wizard. Use healing potions and protective enchantments during battles.

  • Solve puzzles and explore off the beaten path – this allows you to unlock shortcuts and avoid re-fighting the same groups.

  • Investigate thoroughly – notes, books, and relics contain clues that unfold the goblins‘ true plans. Don‘t rush past collectibles!

  • Touch base with professors frequently – they will interpret your findings and guide the next steps in the investigation.

Taking it slowly and using your full magical arsenal makes challenging goblin encounters very manageable. Their hidden lairs become much less daunting.

Piecing Together the Bigger Picture

While the full implications of this goblin questline remain unknown, early signs indicate it will significantly impact the overarching Hogwarts Legacy narrative. The goblin activities appear tied to an "ancient magical secret" with the power to violently reshape the wizarding world.

Your choices in how to confront or ally with the goblins will likely have major consequences. Will you find peace through diplomacy? Unite with them against shared enemies? Or will provoking the goblins lead only to hatred and war? The path forward depends on you. But one thing is clear – this mystery encapsulates core themes of prejudice and corruption of power within the wizarding world.

By deciding the fate of this marginalized community, your role as an up-and-coming wizard takes on greater meaning. With intelligence and wisdom, you may be able to break harmful cycles of oppression. But the easier path of perpetuating injustice remains temptingly open as well. Tread carefully as you uncover the goblins‘ motives in this expansive investigation that defies simplistic good vs. evil categorization.


This complex goblin questline exemplifies Hogwarts Legacy‘s strength as an open-ended narrative RPG. Take time to thoroughly explore every lead, fight tactically when needed, and interrogate your own assumptions. Lean on professors‘ wisdom while forming your own opinions. The treasure you discover may not just be loot or XP, but broader insights that enrich your role in the wizarding world. Most importantly, have fun sleuthing out the goblins‘ secrets!