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Decrypting the Secrets of the Koschei Chemical Plant

As an experienced battlefield infiltrator and decryption expert, I have extensively studied AQ fortress security protocols and chemical weapons development initiatives. Recent intelligence indicates the Koschei Complex chemical treatment plant now plays a key role in these efforts.

By piecing together scouting reports, intercepted research logs, and my expertise analyzing similar facilities, I‘ve compiled this comprehensive guide to safely investigating the plant‘s most sensitive and well-guarded secrets.

A Volatile Mixture of Challenges

Reaching the chemical plant poses exceptional difficulties that have thwarted multiple infiltration teams. The isolated locale, maze of blast doors, automated countermeasures, rotating guards, and potential for hazardous exposure makes this a 10/10 danger zone in my risk matrix.

However, informants suggest high-value intelligence and prototype chemical samples were recently transported here. This correlates with chatter of biological "upgrades" for Rovergrounds and specially-designed munitions to utilize the area‘s volatile substances.

Given the potential rewards, I‘ve designated the chemical plant as a Tier 1 target and devised advanced strategies for succeeding where others have failed.

Analyzing Fortress Security Protocols

According to decrypted security plans, the average guard patrol passes key junction boxes every 8-10 minutes. I‘ve mapped their routes and overwatch positions to enable targeted eliminations and rapid movement between cover during ingress.

Interior blast doors are linked to central monitoring systems, with average open times ranging from 1-3 minutes depending on local contamination severity levels (see table below). Disabling the automated sensors is ideal for extending safe operating timelines.

Contamination Severity Average Door Open Time
Low 3 minutes
Moderate 2 minutes
High 1 minute

I‘ve additionally acquired code keys that may delay the release of countermeasure gases from ceiling vents by up to 30 seconds – enough to escape smaller compartments if cornered.

Mitigating Chemical Hazards

While vital for the fortress‘s research efforts, the plant‘s volatile substances pose deadly risks if mishandled – especially in confined interior spaces.

Here are the most common chemical types identified, along with countermeasure best practices:

Chemical Hazard Mitigation Tactic
Chlorine Gas Use rebreather to filter air
Organophosphate Agents Inject atropine before infiltration
Blister Agents like Mustard Gas Wear full protective suit
Weaponized Opioids Carry naloxone auto-injectors

I additionally suggest locating and downloading research notes or sample manifests. This data may reveal antidotes and containment procedures the AQ have developed to operate safely here themselves.

Extracting Intelligence – And Yourself

If successfully obtained, the classified intelligence and prototype munitions samples likely housed in the plant‘s classified vaults could drastically shift the DMZ‘s balance of power when extracted.

I‘ve established two prospective extraction points – a northern bay door with minimal exterior surveillance, and smaller eastern drainage grate for a riskier but stealthier exit.

Reach either while avoiding area saturation and you‘ll validate this facility‘s prioritization among the deadliest – and most rewarding – infiltration objectives within the Koschei Complex Exclusion Zone.

Analysis Derived From Classified Dossiers X17358-C, Operation Cobalt Asset Reports, and Decrypted AQ Research Memoranda