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How to Do Into the Fire in Atomic Heart

Atomic Heart is the highly anticipated action RPG developed by Mundfish. Set in an alternate universe Soviet Union, Atomic Heart takes place in a retro-futuristic world where robots and advanced technology coexist alongside ordinary citizens. As a government special agent, you are tasked with investigating a factory that has gone radio silent. However, upon arrival you discover something has gone terribly wrong and the robots have turned against humans.

One of the earlier missions in Atomic Heart is Into the Fire, where you must cool several overheated boilers in order to progress. This guide will provide a comprehensive, step-by-step walkthrough on how to complete the Into the Fire mission.

Overview of the Into the Fire Mission

The Into the Fire mission takes place in the Hot Workshop area of Facility 3826. You arrive here after completing the previous mission in the Cooling Room.

Upon entering the Hot Workshop, you will encounter several hazards related to the extreme heat:

  • Pipes and surfaces will be hot to the touch and cause burn damage if you make contact.
  • Steam vents activate intermittently and will scald you if you stand in them.
  • There are electrified surfaces and water puddles that can shock you.

In addition to the environmental hazards, you will also face enemies in the Hot Workshop:

  • Zombot aerotroopers equip jetpacks and flamethrowers. They can quickly flank you and set you on fire from a distance.
  • Zombot flame troopers are slow but deadly at close range with their tongues of flame.
  • Zombot strikers are melee bots that charge at you wielding fiery blades.

Navigating this area safely to complete your objectives will require caution, awareness of hazards and enemy tactics, quick reflexes, and liberal use of your abilities.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cooling the Overheated Boilers

There are three overheated boilers in the Hot Workshop that you need to cool down. This is accomplished by taking cryogenic spheres from the dispensers and inserting them into the pipe entrances connected to each boiler.

Follow these steps:

Cooling Boiler #1

  1. Enter the Hot Workshop from the previous Cooling Room area. You will emerge onto an upper platform.

  2. Walk forward along the platform and turn right. You will see the first boiler on an upper level across from you.

  3. Move toward the boiler and look left to find a cryogenic sphere dispenser on the ground.

  4. Interact with the dispenser to take a sphere. Be careful not to hold it for too long, as the extreme cold will damage you over time.

  5. Look over the railing of the platform to find the pipe entrance on the floor below the boiler. It is a round opening with a red glow.

  6. Throw or roll the sphere into the pipe entrance. This will transport the sphere through the pipes up to the boiler.

  7. Watch for the confirmation message that boiler #1 has been cooled.

Cooling Boiler #2

  1. After cooling the first boiler, turn around and look below the starting platform you are on.

  2. You will see the second boiler down here protected by several enemies – strikers, troopers, and an aerotrooper.

  3. Use your abilities to clear out or stun the enemies first to make this area safe.

  4. Take a sphere from the nearby dispenser, located to the right of the second boiler.

  5. Locate the pipe entrance on the ground below this boiler, along the right wall.

  6. Throw the sphere into this pipe entrance to cool boiler #2.

Cooling Boiler #3

  1. After cooling the second boiler, move forward into the next room from the starting platform. This leads to the third and final boiler.

  2. There is a cryogenic sphere dispenser on the right wall of this new room.

  3. The pipe entrance for boiler #3 is located on the left, below the boiler itself.

  4. Take a sphere from the dispenser and throw it into this last pipe entrance to complete cooling the third boiler.

Tips for Inserting the Spheres

  • Don‘t carry spheres for too long before putting them in the pipes. The freeze damage can add up quickly.

  • Freeze or stun enemies first to safely retrieve spheres and reach the pipe entrances.

  • Watch your step to avoid the electrified water and hot surfaces. These can quickly drain your health.

  • Use the Molebot companion if you have unlocked it. It can safely carry spheres to the pipe entrances for you.

Collectibles in the Hot Workshop

There are two important collectibles to grab in the Hot Workshop, both of which are required to fully complete the Into the Fire mission:

Heat-Resistant Polymer

This is a vital crafting material required for upgrades later in the game. The Polymer container is found on the upper platform where you start the mission.

After cooling the third boiler, turn around and look for a small alcove behind the pipe entrance you used for the final boiler. The Polymer sits on the ground in this corner nook.

Make sure to collect it before moving on!

Hot Workshop Canister

This collectible canister is located on the upper level as well. After grabbing the Polymer, look for a caged area behind where the first boiler is located.

Climb the stairs to reach this platform. The Hot Workshop canister sits on the ground next to some explosive canisters.

Picking this up will complete the Into the Fire mission objectives. An elevator will now become available to take you to the next area.

Advanced Tips for the Hot Workshop

Here are some pro tips from my experience for tackling the challenges of the Hot Workshop:

  • The Molebot is extremely useful here for delivering spheres. Its small size allows it to quickly weave between hazards. Upgrade it first if possible.

  • Enemies are vulnerable to electric damage. Use abilities like the Core Discharge to stun lock them.

  • Freeze tougher enemies first to give you time to target their weak spots for massive damage.

  • Always be moving and use your environment strategically. The element of surprise is key.

  • Lure melee enemies into environmental hazards like steam vents to conserve ammo.

  • Equip the Kinetic Shield potentiator for protection against flames and melee attacks.

  • Headshots and weak point hits will melt most enemies before they can overwhelm you.

  • Never stop moving! Staying mobile is the best defense.

Mastering these tips along with quick reflexes will give you an edge in the Hot Workshop.

Detailed Breakdown of the Hot Workshop

To fully prepare you for the intense Into the Fire mission, let‘s do a deep dive into the intricacies of the Hot Workshop area:

Environmental Hazards

  • Electrified water: Found throughout on the floor. Causes shock damage.
  • Steam vents: Intermittently blast hot steam. Stand clear to avoid being scalded.
  • Hot surfaces: Platforms, railings, pipes. Cause burn damage on contact.
  • Flammable substances: Fuel canisters, explosive barrels. Can be shot to damage enemies.


Type Abilities Weaknesses
Aerotrooper Jetpack, flamethrower Headshot when fuel tank is exposed
Flame trooper Short-range flame burst Shoot oxygen tank on back
Striker Fiery melee blades Stun and target legs/joints

Map Layout

The Hot Workshop consists of:

  • Starting upper platform
  • Room containing boiler #1
  • Lower area with boiler #2
  • Forward room with boiler #3
  • Upper rear caged platform

Learning the layout is crucial to navigating quickly and effectively.

What‘s Next After Completing Into the Fire

Finishing the Into the Fire mission opens up the next section of Facility 3826 for you to explore – the Cooling Tower.

This area represents an extreme shift from the intense heat of the Hot Workshop, with frigid temperatures and icy hazards awaiting you. Teeth-chattering cold replaces risk of burns.

Some of the key objectives to complete in the Cooling Tower include:

  • Overriding safety controls to activate the Core Freeze ability
  • Investigating the giant cooling fans
  • Restoring power to reactivate the cooling system

This continues the overarching story goal of restoring critical systems across Facility 3826 to unravel the mysteries around its downfall.

The Cooling Tower also introduces new environmental hazards like lasers, icy surfaces, and deadly icicle stalactites. You‘ll encounter new enemies with cryogenic abilities and ice-based attacks.

With the tips and knowledge from this guide, you now have what you need to prevail through the intense Into the Fire mission. But your journey has only just begun. Even greater challenges and secrets are still waiting to be uncovered across the massive complex of Facility 3826.

Stay vigilant, agent. The fate of this imagined Soviet future rests in your hands. I‘ll be right here providing more insights and expert guidance as you progress through the dangers that await you in the world of Atomic Heart.