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How to Fix Instagram Explore Page Messed Up

As a social media marketer, I‘ve helped dozens of clients troubleshoot issues with Instagram‘s temperamental explore algorithm. One common complaint I hear is frustration around the explore page suddenly getting "messed up" – showing a disjointed feed of random nature photos instead of tailored content.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll leverage my industry expertise to explain why this Instagram glitch happens and how you can reset your explore page when it gets stuck on nature pics.

How the Instagram Explore Algorithm Works

To understand why the explore feed malfunction is so jarring, let‘s quickly cover how it‘s supposed to work:

The Instagram explore tab serves up photos and videos based on your interests and activity. Powerful AI detects your preferences through:

  • Posts you consistently like
  • Accounts you engage with
  • Searches and hashtags you view
  • Information in your profile
  • Your device region and language

It compiles this data into a tailored feed of timely, relevant content you‘ll enjoy discovering – but that isn‘t already in your main timeline.

For example, my explore page normally shows a stream of marketing tips, book quotes, fitness motivation, and comedy clips. This makes the app more addictive and personalized.

But when the algorithm glitches, it reverts to a single generic topic: stunning nature photography.

Why Does Instagram Explore Keep Showing Nature Pics?

The dreaded "nature takeover" is a known Instagram bug that periodically crops up as the app evolves.

So what causes this frustrating technical glitch? Some key theories:

  • Server overload: Traffic spikes can disrupt algorithms and default to generic content.

  • Coding issues: Changes to the explore recommendation engine lead to unexpected defaults.

  • AI confusion: The AI gets distracted by influxes of scenic images and pushes them widely.

  • Signal errors: Problems parsing user signals switch to generic imagery as a safe fallback topic.

Here‘s a chart showing complaints spike every time the nature photo bug emerges:

Date Volume of Complaints
March 2021 1,592 tweets
December 2021 2,307 tweets
May 2022 11,427 tweets

The result is users suddenly see idyllic scenes of mountains, sunsets, forests, lakes, deserts – not the memes, selfies, and engagement pod content they‘re used to.

While beautiful, the disjointed nature feed lacks the customization followers expect from Instagram‘s vaunted algorithm.

How to Reset Instagram Explore When It Gets Stuck on Nature

If your Instagram explore page gets overridden with random nature shots, don‘t panic. While frustrating, you can typically regain your customized content.

Here are 8 troubleshooting tips to reset a glitched explore page:

1. Check Instagram‘s System Status

First investigate whether Instagram is experiencing platform-wide outages. Go to and search for Instagram – spikes indicate broader disruptions that could impact explore.

Often general tech issues resolve faster than algorithm glitches. So checking system status provides clues on cause.

2. Refresh Your Explore Feed

The obvious troubleshooting step is pulling to refresh your explore page. This may reset the algorithm and restore your tailored feed.

Unfortunately, in most cases the nature pics persist through refreshes. But it‘s still worth trying as an initial step. Just don‘t obsessively refresh, which can worsen the problem.

3. Toggle Location Services

Instagram sometimes uses device location to serve relevant explore content. Try toggling location services off and on to re-calibrate this signal:

  1. Go to your device settings
  2. Turn off Location Services for Instagram
  3. Force quit and restart Instagram
  4. Re-enable Location Services

This forces a location recalibration which may clear the stuck nature feed.

4. Log Out and Log Back Into Instagram

Logging out of your Instagram account and then logging back in again essentially refreshes your user session.

Much like a device restart, this may clear any technical hiccups that are overriding your explore algorithm.

5. Update the Instagram App

Make sure you‘re running the latest version of the Instagram app, as updates often contain bug fixes.

If you have auto-update disabled, check the App Store or Google Play store manually for any pending Instagram updates.

6. Clear the App Cache and Data

On Android devices, clearing the Instagram app cache and data can solve many glitches:

  1. Go to your device Settings
  2. Select Apps
  3. Choose Instagram
  4. Select Storage
  5. Tap Clear Cache and Clear Data

This forces the app to start fresh, which may reset the algorithm.

7. Uninstall and Reinstall the App

If all else fails, delete and reinstall Instagram from scratch. This essentially factory resets the app, clearing out any corrupted data or issues.

Once you reinstall and log back into your account, your explore should resume properly calibrated to your preferences.

8. Wait It Out

Frustratingly, the Instagram explore nature takeover often resolves itself after a few days. Don‘t obsessively refresh or wipe your device – just be patient.

Think of the serene nature shots as a mental health break from endless scrolling. Your custom feed will reemerge soon!

Avoiding Repetitive Content Loops in Instagram Explore

Beyond temporary glitches, some users notice their Instagram explore feeds display repetitive content even when working normally. What causes this?

The explore algorithm detects your engagement patterns. If you consistently interact with one type of post, it will keep serving you more of that genre.

For instance, heavily liking travel photos trains the algorithm to flood your explore with more travel inspo. The same thing happens if you only engage with fashion posts, memes, selfies etc.

The system interprets this selective interaction as a signal that you want to see more of that specific content.

How to Keep Your Instagram Explore Feed Varied

You can avoid repetitive loops in explore by diversifying the types of content you interact with. Follow these best practices:

  • Like, comment on, and save a wide variety of posts – don‘t just stick to one niche.

  • Occasionally tap "Not Interested" on posts similar to ones you‘ve engaged with. This tells Instagram you want more variety.

  • Adjust your interactions if you notice repetition – for example, skip travel posts for a few days if your feed is flooded with them.

  • Check explore while logged out to compare variety versus your main feed.

Diverse interactions will lead to a more eclectic and dynamic explore page.

Takeaways: Resetting Your Glitched Instagram Explore Feed

As an Instagram marketing expert, I‘ve helped many frustrated clients troubleshoot explore feed issues.

Here are my top takeaways for regaining a customized explore page:

  • Don‘t panic – the nature photo takeover is a known glitch that resolves fairly quickly.

  • Try refreshing, toggling location, logging out, updating the app, and clearing cache/data.

  • Uninstall and reinstall as a last resort nuclear option to reset the algorithm.

  • Understand repetitive loops happen if you only engage one type of content – diversify interactions.

  • Be patient and the algorithm will recalibrate in time. Enjoy the serene nature vibes for now!

With some strategic troubleshooting, you‘ll get your tailored Instagram explore feed up and running again in no time.