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Getting the Missing Instagram Link Option Back So You Can Keep Sharing

As a social media marketing expert with over 200,000 Instagram followers, I get asked A LOT about the missing copy link option. Why did it disappear? How can we get this vital capability back??

I hear your frustration loud and clear. Links drive so much value for influencers, bloggers, merchants, and creators on Instagram. They allow you to share posts for sales and collabs, analyze your reach, give followers attribution, grow your readership…the list goes on!

That‘s why I set out on a mission to uncover everything around Instagram inexplicably hiding the copy link option as of late 2022 across posts, Reels and Stories. Then figure out how to restore this crucial function.

In this deep dive guide, I’ll share:

  • Recent Instagram interface changes impacting links
  • Step-by-step instructions to start copying Instagram links again
  • Advanced troubleshooting for pesky issues
  • My expert views on why the option moved and how Instagram can improve

Let’s start dissecting Instagram’s big copy link mix-up!

Why Instagram Ripped Out Copy Link From the Three-Dots Menu

Back in October 2022, Instagram suddenly moved the copy link option that historically lived under the three-dot “more” menu on posts and Stories.

Instead, it now only shows up when you tap the share icon – aka the paper airplane button. This merges link copying with the rest of Instagram‘s native sharing tools.

💡 Pro Tip: Look for the paper airplane icon at the bottom of any post or Reel to access copying links!

The change aims to simplify Instagram‘s interface by consolidating related features. But without any warning, it left many users baffled and unable to grab that valuable link for sharing or analytics tracking.

Understanding why Instagram removed the option from its longtime three-dots location is key to gracefully adapting rather than railing against the machine!

Where to Find and Access Copy Link on Instagram Now

Maybe you already tried tapping the three-dot menu out of habit and puzzling over the vanished copy link. The option still exists – Instagram just relocated it.

Here is exactly how to access copying links in the new interface:

  1. Navigate to the Instagram post, Reel or Story highlight you want the link for
  2. Tap the share icon in the bottom right (paper airplane button)
  3. Select “Copy Link” from the sharing menu

That’s all it takes! With one additional tap, you can copy that post’s unique URL to share out or utilize however you need.

Share menu with Copy Link option

💡 Hot Tip: Tap the share icon on ANY Instagram post, Reel or Story to grab the link!

It takes a brief adjustment to remember accessing links now happens through the share menu. But soon tapping that alternate paper airplane button will become second nature!

Regaining Copy Link When the Option Refuses to Show

What if you tap the share icon and still don‘t see the coveted copy link choice? With Instagram rolling out interface updates gradually, it is possible to encounter issues like missing functions.

Before panicking, run through these troubleshooting steps I‘ve found most effective:

Update Instagram to Latest Version

Check your App Store or Google Play for any available Instagram updates. Download the most recent release which should correctly reflect link changes.

Reinstall the App

Deleting and reinstalling Instagram can knock loose pesky glitches, bringing links back online. Make sure to backup your data first!

Clear Cache and Data

Too much stored clutter slowing things down? Go to phone settings > Instagram > Storage > Clear Cache + Clear Data. Then relaunch a lean, mean linking machine!

Toggle Accounts

Still no links showing? Try closing Instagram and logging back in with alternate accounts. Or uninstall completely and stick to one profile when reinstalling.

According to Instagram‘s Tweet replying to confused users, logged out accounts may not reflect updates right away.

🔗 I also recommend following Instagram‘s [Official Twitter account]( for keeping up with unannounced changes!

If all else fails, Android users can downgrade to an older 2022 APK version containing the three-dot copy function. But this routes around upgrades and security fixes, so only use as a last resort.

Now let’s chat best practices beyond just getting link access back!

Expert Tips to Optimize Your Instagram Link Strategy

With link sharing abilities restored, it‘s time to make sure you utilize them for maximum impact! I regularly post Instagram content that generates 75,000+ impressions and high engagement.

Here are my pro tips for driving results:

🔗 Cross-promote posts by linking to your best content in Stories and vice versa. This trains followers to associate your profile with value and return often.

🔗 Send links via DM to close contacts likely to share or collaborate. Personal outreach makes people feel special!

🔗 Embed links in your bio pointing visitors to lead magnets. An Instagram carousel post also works great.

🔗 Use UTM link tagging for tracking visits, conversions and ROI of your Instagram marketing. Events like IGTV video releases are perfect for URL campaign labels.

💡 Recommended read: My in-depth guide to [How to Shorten Links for Instagram Without Losing Analytics](

With 1 billion monthly active users now on Instagram, the platform‘s importance for influence and revenue continues growing. Staying on top of interface shifts while optimizing your linking and sharing strategy is crucial!

I hope mapping out the new copy link location simplifies utilizing this vital marketing capability going forward. What are your thoughts on Instagram‘s latest changes? Hit reply and let me know!