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18 Instagram Caption Ideas For Business (With Templates)

Instagram is one of the most engaging social media platforms, with over 1 billion monthly active users. For businesses, the compelling visual nature makes it the ideal channel to drive brand awareness, promote products, and engage with customers.

However, simply posting high-quality images isn’t enough. To fully capitalize on Instagram’s marketing potential, businesses need to optimize their caption strategy.

Studies have shown captions can increase engagement rates by over 50%. Yet 76% of businesses struggle with consistently creating captions optimized for their target audience.

This comprehensive guide covers everything brands need to create captivating and effective Instagram captions. I’ve included 18 examples from major companies like Apple and Amazon, as well as 7 customizable Instagram caption templates you can use right away.

Let’s dive in!

Why Are Instagram Captions Important?

Before we explore examples and templates, let’s quickly cover why captions are so critical for brands on Instagram. Here are 4 key benefits:

1. Context Behind the Visual

An image alone leaves much open to interpretation. An engaging caption provides context to reinforce the intended message and story behind the visual content.

For example, take the photo below from Burberry’s Instagram account:

Example Burberry Instagram Post

While the trench coat images are eye-catching, the caption expands on key information – when it was first invented and its British heritage. This additional context strengthens brand positioning.

2. Increase Engagement

Caption copy gives followers another way to interact with the post – through likes and comments. One study by Simply Measured revealed posts with captions generate 79% more engagement than posts without.

Driving engagement helps content reach more users which is critical for brands aiming to build awareness and followers.

3. Drive Conversions

For ecommerce brands especially, Instagram captions present a prime opportunity to incorporate calls-to-action to drive conversions.

CTAs could include:

  • Click link in bio
  • Shop now
  • Start free trial
  • Use coupon code

Cosmetics brand Glossier excels at caption CTAs to channel Instagram traffic to their online store:

Glossier Instagram Example

4. Clarify Brand Messaging

As we’ll explore later with examples, companies can reinforce key pillars of their brand messaging through Instagram captions. This helps strengthen brand identity and recognition.

Now that we’ve covered why captions are invaluable for brands on Instagram, let’s dive into real examples of effective captions across different categories.

Instagram Caption Ideas For Business

There are endless topics brands can cover within their Instagram captions. But these six categories represent ones commonly used by major corporations to drive results:

1. Product Captions
Showcase features and differentiation

2. Success Captions
Celebrate milestones and achievements

3. Tips Captions
Provide valuable advice to followers

4. Seasonal Captions
Customize for holidays and events

5. Quote Captions
Share motivation and inspiration

6. Behind-The-Scenes Captions
Give insider peek at company culture

Next, we’ll explore stellar examples of Instagram captions within each category from brands like Nike, Slack, Amazon and more.

Analyzing what works well from leading corporations will give you ideas and best practices to apply for your own Instagram caption strategy.

1. Product Captions

Product captions focus on showcasing the key features and differentiation of what you’re selling. Effective product captions follow this framework:

Introduction > Differentiation > Call-To-Action

Let’s look at some stellar examples from major brands:

Walmart Example 1

This caption from Walmart introduces the new product line from clean beauty brand Cleen. It immediately calls out two key differentiators – beautiful and affordable options all under $10.

Finally, they incorporate branded hashtags and tag Cleen Beauty’s Instagram handle to help amplify reach. This product caption checks all the boxes and provides an easy template to model.

Apple is the master when it comes to product launch Instagram captions:

Apple Example 1

Their iPhone 11 Pro caption leads with “First Look” to generate excitement pre-launch. Next, they include a consumer quotation praising key features like video quality, performance and “cinematic feel” – influential social proof.

The caption wraps up by reiterating the hashtag #ShotOniPhone to highlight the phone’s camera capabilities.

Let‘s check out one more stellar product caption example from Amazon:

Amazon Example 1

Introducing a brand new skincare line called Belei, Amazon calls out ingredients the products don’t contain like parabens and sulfates. This differentiation as chemical-free and cruelty-free is smart positioning.

They close with a clear CTA to check out the new skincare line available on

Key Takeaway: Craft product captions focused on features and differentiation. Social proof and clear CTAs help drive conversions.

2. Success Captions

Milestones are meant to be celebrated. Share company accomplishments and wins with customers and employees. Effective success captions include:

Phrase > Celebratory Statement > Shout-Out

Slack provides a stellar template for celebrating an Instagram success milestone:

Slack Example 1

Their opening phrase highlights reaching 10 million daily active users. Next, the congratulatory center section thanks customers across 150+ countries for this achievement.

It wraps up with an emphatic “big thanks to our customers!” – an impactful shout-out.

Software giant Atlassian also employed this caption formula to perfection when celebrating their IPO:

Atlassian Example 1

Their phrase lead highlights the IPO date. This transitions smoothly into a celebratory statement about the company going public.

It concludes with strong shout-outs to their employees, customers and partners for making this success possible.

Key Takeaway: Celebrating company milestones builds brand affinity. Structure captions with phrase, celebratory statement and shout-out.

3. Tips Captions

Instagram is the perfect platform for brands to educate followers through bite-sized tips and advice. Effective tips captions generally follow this structure:

Hashtag > Tip > Call-To-Action

Let‘s analyze how social media platform Buffer shares small tips with its audience:

Buffer Example 1

Their opening branded hashtag #bufferclassicsurfacing signals this post will contain classic Buffer advice. It transitions smoothly into the actual tip – ask for followers advice to drive engagement.

They close with a clear call-to-action for people to share their advice in either comments or Instagram Stories.

Productivity software leader Asana also employs this tips caption formula across their Instagram feed:

Asana Example 1

After multiple relevant hashtags, they provide the actual tip to stay productive when working remotely. Their expert, Audriana, adds quoted credibility.

It wraps up driving traffic to their website blog for additional remote work tips – an excellent call-to-action.

Key Takeaway: Educate and add value through concise tips to followers. Hashtag, tip and strong call-to-action drive results.

4. Seasonal Captions

62% of marketers say seasonal campaigns like holidays or annual events are crucial for driving business results. While visuals are key, holiday captions play a major role in success.

Effective seasonal captions often follow this framework:

Related Question > Provide Solution > Call-To-Action

For example, retail giant Walmart demonstrated this holiday caption structure to perfection:

Walmart Holiday Example

The opening question highlights a common holiday struggle – trying to figure out what gifts to buy loved ones. Walmart provides the solution, promising holiday gift ideas in upcoming Instagram posts using #WalmartTopHolidayGifts hashtag.

It concludes with a clear call-to-action for people to click the link in their bio for gift ideas based on recipients and price ranges – extremely helpful!

During the holidays, Apple also employs this engaging caption formula:

Apple Holiday Example

The iPhone 12 Pro caption starts with a holiday shopping season question around finding the perfect gift. They provide the solution – highlighting Apple products as the ultimate gift idea with emphasis emoji‘s.

It wraps up driving people to their website to explore options across various price points – stellar call-to-action placement.

Key Takeaway: Seasonal campaigns represent big opportunities for brands. Capture attention with holiday question and provide helpful solutions.

5. Quote Captions

Quote captions work extremely well across Instagram because inspirational quotes are universally popular and highly sharable.

They provide a template to leverage:

Ask Question > Share Quote > Call-To-Action

quotient offers a perfect example of how to incorporate a quote caption:

Quotient Example

Their caption leads with a question to the audience asking which business quote resonates most with them. They follow up with their choice of an inspirational Bill Gates quote.

Finally, Quotient closes driving engagement directing people to comment with their favorite quote choice. Crafting quote posts as discussion questions is brilliant!

Designer fashion brand Rebecca Minkoff posted this inspirational quote:

Rebecca Minkoff Example

It follows the quote caption formula as well with the opening question about dealing with adversity. The iconic Nelson Mandela quote provides inspiration for persevering through challenges.

Their caption wraps up with strong encouragement for people to tap Like if this quote resonates with them – driving engagement.

Key Takeaway: Quote captions should aim to inspire, spark discussion or motivate. Close with clear call-to-action.

6. Behind-The-Scenes Captions

Behind-the-scenes Instagram content gives brands an opportunity to showcase company culture and personify the organization.

BTS captions should provide the backstory and context for what’s happening in the images. For example:

BTS Example 1

In this post from growing smoothie brand Daily Harvest, the caption shares they’re volunteering with Food Bank to give back to the NY community. This behind-the-scenes view reinforces company values and showcases employees in action.

For inspiration on crafting compelling behind-the-scenes captions, this framework checks all the boxes:

Compliment > BTS Description > Call-To-Action

For example, ecommerce platform Wish shared this behind-the-scenes post:

Wish BTS Example

The opening compliment about their shoppers kicks things off on a positive note. A description follows showcasing Wish employees cooking with familiar gadgets.

They wrap up by directing people to their regional German Instagram account to see additional content – nice cross-promotion.

Key Takeaway: Bring your brand to life with insider peeks reinforced by captions with compliment, descriptive BTS details and solid call-to-action.

7 Instagram Caption Templates For Business

Now that we’ve explored over 18 examples across different categories, let‘s wrap up with 7 customizable Instagram caption templates you can apply right away.

1. Product Captions

Introduction > Differentiation > Call-To-Action

e.g. Introducing [your product name]! [Key differentiator or feature]. Head over to [your website] to explore.

2. Success Captions

Phrase > Celebratory Statement > Shout-Out

e.g. We‘ve reached [social media milestone]! Thank you to our incredible community making this possible. We wouldn‘t be here without your support.

3. Tips Captions

Hashtag > Tip > Call-To-Action

e.g. #TipTuesday: Struggling with [common problem]? [Provide solution tip]. Get more handy tips by visiting [your website].

4. Seasonal Captions

Related Question > Provide Solution > Call-To-Action

e.g. Struggling to find the perfect holiday gift? We‘re here to help make your shopping easy. Head to our gift guide [link in bio] for ideas organized by price!

5. Quote Captions

Ask Question > Share Quote > Call-To-Action

e.g. What quote do you find most inspirational? "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." – Eleanor Roosevelt. Drop your favorite motivational quote below!

6. Behind-The-Scenes Captions

Compliment > BTS Description > Call-To-Action

e.g. Huge shoutout to our amazing marketing team! Here‘s a behind-the-scenes look at planning our annual conference. Click link in bio to learn more!

We covered a lot of ground when it comes to crafting engaging Instagram captions optimized for business marketing goals. Now it’s time to implement!

I challenge you to incorporate one new caption idea or template from above each week when you post new photos. Track engagement rates before vs. after. Look for at least a 10% improvement using the caption best practices.

What other caption tips work well for your brand on Instagram? Share your thoughts in comments below!