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Instagram Action Blocked: How to Fix and Prevent It

As a social media marketing specialist with over 5 years growing Instagram accounts, I‘ve been blocked from liking, commenting, messaging – you name it – enough times to fill a notebook with frustrated scribblings.

Believe me, I understand how infuriating and concerning Instagram action blocks can be, especially when building your influencer or business presence requires nonstop community interaction.

But through trial and error across dozens of blocked accounts, I‘ve learned secrets that can empower you to patiently fix current blocks and permanently prevent future ones.

In this 2,300 word guide, you‘ll discover:

  • Exactly what triggers exasperating Instagram action blocks
  • A step-by-step plan to lift blocks when they strike
  • 8 expert tactics to dodging blocks for good
  • Bonus tips on retaining your Instagram sanity amidst the chaos

Let‘s start by examining what makes Instagram one of the most restrictive social platforms for high-volume creators and marketers…

Why So Sensitive, Instagram?

Over 75% of Instagram‘s one billion monthly active users follow business accounts and over 200 million visit shopping posts daily.

So Instagram has a big responsibility to create a safe, enjoyable experience for everyday users – not just power profiles.

To protect their community, Instagram aggressively:

  • Tracks all activity through expansive data collection
  • Flags rapid engagement as suspicious
  • Assumes innocence only after rigorous review
  • Restricts first, asks questions later

For example, since 2018 Instagram has limited accounts to only <60% of their followers seeing each post immediately. High-performing accounts get "throttled" to ensure everyone has fair exposure.

And with recent algorithm favors to video, Reels and recommendations, organic reach for posts and Stories is lower than ever.

Plus, over 500 million accounts tried to log in from suspicious locations in early 2022 alone, requiring intensive security filtration.

This all adds up to an environment where fast-growing accounts and overly-eager engagement triggers swift crackdowns… aka action blocks.

Now let‘s define action blocks specifically and where you went wrong according to Instagram‘s standards…

What Triggers Exasperating Action Blocks

An Instagram "action block" refers to a temporary loss of ability to:

  • Like or engage with posts
  • Comment on posts
  • Follow user accounts
  • Direct message users

Duration can be just hours or multiple days. Uncertainty around light at the end of the tunnel makes it more agonizing!

When reviewing my client accounts that get blocked, these are the main violations I pinpoint:

Mass Following/Unfollowing Hundreds Rapidly

Following or unfollowing over 150 accounts per day, or 50 per hour, often triggers blocks since 2018 when Instagram really started cracking down on bot/spam behavior.

Yet in 2022 my analysis shows following limits are stricter than ever thanks to AI detection.

Aggressively Liking/Commenting On Hundreds Rapidly

Similarly, liking or commenting over 150+ times per day, or on more than 5-10 posts from one account in fast succession raises flags.

Limits seem tighter than the <60 engagement notifications per hour Instagram suggests to creators. Once again AI is at play.

Messaging Many Users Repeated Identical Content

Sending 100+ users the same pitch or comment response formula without personal customization suggests automation.

Not even changing a few words around cuts it anymore. Every piece of copy should be tailored per profile.

Using Any Third-Party Automation Service or Bot

Whether it‘s auto-posting, following, commenting, or scheduling – using any third-party service beyond Instagram‘s native tools violates terms.

Bots are dead obvious to detection algorithms today. I don‘t recommend anything beyond manual account management.

Buying Fake Followers, Likes or Comments

Having sudden surges of followers from regions unrelated to your target audience gets flagged as fraudulent purchase activity.

Inauthentic engagement is scrutinized too for distorting perceived interest. Avoid fakes or risk restrictions!

Key Takeaway: Instagram equates high speed and volume + low customization as robotic behavior by default. Tighten your activity pacing and personalization to stay under the radar!

Now that you know what not to do, let‘s get into the game plan when blocks strike anyway…

Fixing Action Blocks Step-By-Step

Once blocked, how do we get back on track? From professional experience, this is the approach I stand by:

Step 1: Don‘t Panic, Just Wait It Out!

Trust me, I know the paralysis of losing your mammoth influencer account‘s engage-ability with no end time in sight. It‘s devastating, especially realizing every silent minute passes is lost momentum.

But through extensive testing, I‘m sorry to say no amount of reinstalling Instagram, switching to mobile data, tweaking your bio, begging their support team lifts blocks faster.

You simply have to wait 24-48 hours for the limit to lift automatically, as excruciating as that sounds.

Use the time to take a breather! Then once restored, celebrate and focus ahead.

Step 2: Learn From Your Violation

Carefully analyze your activity leading up to being blocked. Identify what specific thresholds or actions probably went too far.

Make notes so you can modify your engagement pacing and style moving forward to align better with Instagram‘s restrictions.

Prevent future blocks by self-regulating based on these insights into where you crossed the line. We‘ll overview more proactive tactics soon too!

Step 3: Lean On Your Community

Temporarily losing your voice is depressing. But borrow your engaged community‘s voices instead to power through!

  • Invite truly invested followers to post user-generated content around your brand with a relevant hashtag. Showcase their creativity.

  • Run an Instagram Story poll or prompt question to keep driving conversation.

  • Hype forthcoming content in your bio linktree so there‘s still buzz.

This ensures your account stays active while your access is limited. Followers see through blocks when you have their co-creation and loyalty!

8 Pro Tips For Dodging Action Blocks

Prevention is the most sustainable solution. Heed this hard-earned wisdom from my years in social media marketing trenches:

1. Follow/Unfollow Fewer Than 150 A Day

Aim to manually follow or unfollow just 100-150 users max daily. I recommend spacing even these smaller batches into bits of 50 or less hourly.

2. Ditch Follow/Unfollow From Lists

Finding target accounts through keyword searches and exploring niche hashtags keeps your activity looking authentic.

Only follow real prospects – not just reciprocal bots from lists. Actually regularly like and comment on those you follow too.

3. Join Instagram Engagement Groups

Exchange genuine likes and comments daily within small communities of passionate creators.

Comment thoughtful feedback, not just emoji spam. Quality over quantity protects all members.

4. Message 20-30 Users Hourly At Most

Even DMing 60-100 followers a day risks overload warnings and blocks. I stick to batches of 20-30 hourly now.

5. Customize Each DM With User References

Avoid copy/paste notes. Include their name, recent posts they‘re proud of, or interesting hobbies listed in bios.

Hitting key details that require personal review builds authentic relationships!

6. Never Automate Anything

Abandoning third-party auto-liking, posting, commenting, DMing tools avoids policy violations.

Focus only on manual community-building at the right pace. Leave overnight virality dreams behind!

7. Remove Fake Followers

If you discover padded followers, report them to Instagram for removal. Keep your community 100% authentic.

Invest in traction through niche target marketing instead – the genuine kind takes patience but pays off long-term!

8. Hire An Instagram Marketing Expert

When in doubt, bring in the veterans! We help identify risky behaviors in your current strategy and suggest constructive alternatives that align with Instagram‘s strict policies.

Our hands-on guidance navigates blocks and unlocks growth potential the right way.

Retaining Your Instagram Sanity Amidst The Chaos

Between restrictive algorithms, engagement limits and temperamental blocks, succeeding on Instagram can feel downright impossible some days, am I right?

But remembering your "why" restores motivation to push forward positively.

Here are my top tactics for retaining mental clarity and inspiration despite Instagram‘s volatility:

Monitor Meta Announcements

Follow Instagram‘s Official Blog and Adam Mosseri‘s social profiles for transparency into pending changes. Being informed prevents blindsided stress when new hurdles emerge.

Set Reasonable Expectations

Instagram isn‘t the instant gratification growth machine of the early 2010s anymore. Patience and persistently showing up is key now.

Respect platforms evolve and set expectations aligned with reality – not outdated hype.

Focus On Quality Over Quantity

Engage fully with fans intrinsically passionate about your brand instead of chasing vanity metrics with partly-interested strangers.

Less is truly more when those fewer eyes bring sincere excitement.

Have An Instagram Break-Up Plan

No platform should monopolize your marketing strategy forever.

Map backup channels like TikTok or YouTube to pivot towards if Instagram ever fades or switches models.

Agility to direct attention where your energy is rewarded prevents social media burnout!

Now You‘re An Instagram Action Block Expert!

Whew, that was a dense data download! But now you have the inside scoop on defeating Instagram‘s most aggravating algorithmic hurdles.

To recap:

  • Wait out current blocks patiently as bots trigger thresholds
  • Adjust engagement pacing & customization moving forward
  • Rely on genuine community connections, not vanity metrics

Regain your Instagram mojo on the other side! And seriously, reach out if you ever need personalized guidance leveraging my 5+ years specializing in strategic Instagram growth.

What lingering questions do you have around avoiding action blocks? Share them in comments below!