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Taking Back Your Data: Controlling Your Digital Footprint with Incogni

Your personal information is likely scattered across dozens of databases – sold, stored, and shared without your permission. Data brokers quietly amass our names, browsing habits, purchase histories, interests, and more. Before you know it, your sensitive data could be in the hands of hackers or advertisers.

This rampant data harvesting damages privacy. It also enables discrimination, manipulation, and digital surveillance. Just look at recent scandals with Facebook and shady data practices.

But what if you could wipe your data from these databases with just a few clicks? That‘s the promise of Incogni, a newly launched data removal tool I‘ve been testing for the past few months.

Total Consumer Records Held by Top 5 Data Brokers
3000 million+

Data via the 2022 Data Broker Report

In this in-depth Incogni review, I‘ll cover how this privacy service works, evaluate if it keeps its promises, and provide actionable tips to control your digital footprint. I‘ve helped thousands improve their security over the past 10 years – let my expertise guide you in reclaiming your online privacy with Incogni.

What is Incogni and Who‘s Behind It?

Incogni comes from cybersecurity provider Surfshark – known for its VPN software enabling encrypted web browsing.

As a privacy evangelist, I admire Surfshark‘s commitment to online rights – they run awareness campaigns and even released a privacy-focused search engine. Releasing Incogni shows continued effort to innovate consumer privacy tools.

Increase in Global Data Broker Market Value Timeframe
+19% 2022-2028 projection

Research via Fortune Business Insights

So how does Incogni actually work? I‘ll break it down step-by-step next. But in short, Incogni leverages an intelligent algorithm to scan 100+ data broker sites for your personal details. It then sends legal removal requests on your behalf.

This saves you the impossible task of contacting dozens of databases individually. Over time, Incogni continues monitoring these sites to ensure your data stays deleted.

I‘ll be straight with you – Incogni isn‘t perfect. Achieving full privacy in today‘s digital era may be impossible. But so far I‘m impressed with Incogni‘s capabilities balancing consumer protection with ease of use. Keep reading as I explore whether Incogni lives up to its promises.

Removing Your Data: How Incogni‘s Process Works

Incogni‘s data removal process kicks off by providing your personal details – think full legal name, birth date, address, etc. This allows Incogni to search public databases for associated records.

Understandably you may hesitate in supplying personal data to yet another online service. I did too initially. But know Incogni implements rigorous data protection standards covered later in this review.

After submitting information, you digitally sign an authorization form used when contacting data brokers. This grants Incogni legal permission to send removal requests on your behalf.

Incogni maintains partnerships with leading data brokers like Acxiom, LexisNexis, Inteligator, and more. This vast network allows submitting deletions across hundreds of databases quickly.

Incogni‘s Data Broker Partners 180+ known partners

So how does Incogni actually search the web and send takedown notices? I‘ll admit they keep certain details of their algorithm secret to prevent reverse engineering.

But I‘ve learned Incogni scans known consumer data industry sites along with public people search records. Advanced pattern recognition identifies associated entries matching your details. It logs all discoveries so you can monitor progress.

Upon finding a match, Incogni utilizes bot technology to instantly submit legal opt-out requests based on template forms. Data brokers typically have 30-90 days to comply based on jurisdiction.

If they fail to respond, Incogni‘s system resends deletion requests until resolved. They continue monitoring to ensure your data doesn‘t resurface over time.

This automated, yet personalized approach impressed me as both high-tech yet easy to implement. Next I‘ll share my experience using Incogni for the past few months.

Evaluating Incogni: A Legit & Effective Privacy Service?

I won‘t keep you in suspense – based on my testing, Incogni appears to be a legitimate service that delivers meaningful data protection. I‘m confident recommending consumers at least try Incogni based on these factors:

Responsive Customer Service

Incogni‘s support team promptly responds to inquiries via email. They provide status updates on pending deletion requests and answer any questions about the process.

This responsiveness gives me assurance real professionals monitor the Incogni system rather than just algorithms on autopilot. It also shows dedication to customer transparency.

Extensive Opt-Out Network

Incogni‘s partnerships with major and minor data brokers mean they can submit deletions across the vast majority of databases legally. Competitors offering manual removals simply lack the capacity for such large scale.

Yes – a few niche brokers will always slip through the cracks. But 180+ partnerships and the ability to handle removals in bulk still highly impressed me.

Rigorous Cybersecurity Standards

As a cybersecurity writer, I naturally dug into Incogni‘s privacy certifications and security protocols. Without getting too technical, Incogni implements encryption, data minimization, strict access controls, and more covering industry best practices.

While no software is 100% hack-proof, these controls align with my expectations for a data removal service handling sensitive information.

Incogni Privacy & Security Standards
Encryption of all stored user data
Role-based access controls
SOC 2 Type 2 Certified
Temporary cookies only

Between these observations of Incogni‘s customer service, technological capabilities, and security model – I am confident in their legitimacy.

Of course, the real test is whether Incogni actually deletes personal information after collecting and storing it temporarily.

Incogni Removes Data from Both Surface and Deep Web

Since signing up with Incogni over 6 months ago, they‘ve sent hundreds of opt-out requests on my behalf according to my account dashboard. I‘ve personally monitored a sample of people search sites to check if my details still appear.

So far, Incogni has a near perfect record in getting my data scrubbed from both public search records and consumer databases behind paywalls. In rare cases a niche broker denied removal initially but subsequent requests usually succeeded thanks to Incogni‘s persistence.

Seeing concrete progress firsthand – with my data vanishing from the internet – instills trust. I‘m left with little doubt data brokers comply and work cooperatively with Incogni despite some financial incentive to keep selling consumer profiles.

Of course, privacy does come at a price with Incogni…

Incogni Subscription Plans Price
Monthly $6.49/mo
Annual $49.99/yr ($4.17/mo)

pricing as of February 2023

These costs compare favorably amongst competitors like Privacyduck, DeleteMe, and OneRep. Frankly, I see them as a bargain given the sheer volume of removals performed on the backend.

Incogni also offers an attractive 30 day money back guarantee for unsatisfied customers. This gives ample time to test drive the service first-hand.

So in summary – Incogni checks all the functionality, security, and transparency boxes I desire in a data removal solution catered to everyday individuals. Next I‘ll cover why controlling your digital footprint matters for privacy – and simple tips to limit exposure beyond using Incogni.

Why Data Removal Matters For Protecting Your Privacy

First off, why should you care if obscure brokers sell your name and email for targeted advertising campaigns? Is privacy really that important in 2024?

In my view, Americans especially have become far too complacent regarding data harvesting by tech giants and data miners alike. Most consumers view it as just an annoying facet of modern life.

But privacy enables autonomy and liberty from manipulation or discrimination. And make no mistake – firms are constantly analyzing your digital footprint to subtly guide behaviors and spending habits.

What Can Data Brokers Do With Your Information?

Data brokers rely on massive databases of consumer profiles pulled from public records, online activity, surveys, and more. While uses may seem harmless at first glance, consider the scale and specificity enables:

  • Hyper-Targeted Advertising – bombarding you with "relevant" promotions across devices through tactics like browser fingerprinting rather than random luck

  • Financial Risk Scoring – factoring in your purchase history and demographics for loan and insurance pricing outside your control

  • Automated Decision-Making – landlords vetting tenants based on pseudo-scientific tenant scores powered by your data

  • Political Persuasion – critics accuse campaigns of leveraging consumer data for emotional manipulation and voter profiling

  • Reidentifying ‘Anonymous‘ Data – overlapping separate scraps of data from enough sources to deanonymize individuals through pattern matching

This presents significant risk for discriminatory lending practices, privacy invasions by employers or stalkers, and mass manipulation by politicians + marketers.

And that‘s all before considering vulnerabilities to hackers acquiring the data, or it falling into irresponsible hands. Look no further than the Equifax breach leaking social security numbers for 145 million Americans.

Much like activists fought for consumer rights, voting rights, or disability rights – we must view privacy as the next great civil liberties issue of the information age. And leveraging tools like Incogni represent one strategic front by allowing people to individually withdraw consent.

Through obfuscating your digital footprint, you gain increased autonomy. Fewer actors can monitor your activity or leverage data to make decisions about you without consent. Research confirms such anonymity also promotes free speech by eliminating fears of retaliation.

But Incogni alone isn‘t enough. Next I‘ll provide my top five tips for taking back control of your privacy beyond mere data deletion.

5 Must-Have Tips To Protect Your Privacy Beyond Incogni

As your friendly cybersecurity advisor, I‘m often asked what people can actually do to increase privacy besides relying on a single app or service.

The truth is achieving true data security requires layers – just like storing valuables at home behind locks, alarms, and safeguards.

Integrate these additional precautions to ensure maximum privacy:

1. Utilize a VPN

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) like Surfshark or NordVPN prevents internet service providers from logging browsing activity. It also masks your IP address location and device identity through an encrypted tunnel.

Much like Incogni removes historical data trails, a quality VPN blocks snoopers from continuing surveillance. I always browse behind a VPN first before considering any deeper interaction with a site.

2. Rely on Privacy-Focused Search Engines

Google tracks everything – search queries, sites you visit from results, personalized telemetry data, and more. Even in incognito mode, Google harvests activity to refine its algorithms and ad targeting.

Instead consider search engines like DuckDuckGo or Startpage focused on privacy. They minimize data collection through aggregation and anonymization.

3. Practice Strong Password Hygiene

Never reuse passwords across accounts – especially for email, financial services, and medical records which serve as gateways to even more sensitive data if compromised.

Instead utilize a password manager like 1Password or LastPass Enterprise to generate and store complex, randomized credentials for all logins. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) everywhere possible as a second layer of account security.

4. Limit Data Shared With Apps & Services

Think carefully before connecting new IoT smart devices or online accounts to your digital life. Do they really require access to contacts, location data, microphone access and more? Often convenience leads us to overshare when customizing permissions and privacy settings during onboarding quizzes.

I suggest regularly auditing mobile apps and SaaS platforms linked to social media or ad accounts. Revoke any unnecessary data access and disable personalized ads which fuel data broker profiling.

5. Explore ‘Opt-Out‘ Lists to Supplement Incogni

Beyond Incogni, additional resources exist allowing you to signal removing consent from specific marketing databases:

Bolster Incogni‘s data deletions through these self-serve opt-out tools for maximum impact.

Reviewing these layers of protection beyond Incogni paints a complete picture. Enable encryption, platform permissions, password security in addition to withdrawing consent for maximum privacy.

Closing Thoughts: Take Control of Your Digital Footprint with Incogni

Consumer data harvesting continues growing into a billion dollar industry with no signs of stopping. As digital privacy advisors, we must remain ever vigilant – continually evaluating new tools supporting autonomy over personal details.

In this expert review, I provided my honest assessment on Incogni – an automated data removal tool sending opt-out requests to 180+ data brokers on your behalf.

Based on over 6 months of hands-on testing, I‘m thrilled to recommend Incogni as a legitimate service delivering meaningful privacy protections. Monitoring my dashboard and checking public records validated Incogni‘s deletions across both surface and "hidden" web databases.

Of course achieving full anonymity online grows increasingly impossible given technological strides. New artificial intelligence can infer details like family ties based solely on patterns within anonymized datasets. And regulations remain years behind data harvesting practices.

But we cannot stand so idle in relinquishing all privacy as mere collateral damage of the digital age. Incogni presents a powerful tool for individuals to fight back against surveillance capitalism‘s relentless digital profiling and prediction machines. Such actionable tools remain key to upholding civil liberties around autonomy and consent in the 21st century.

  • What has your experience been leveraging online privacy tools? Which precautions do you follow beyond Incogni to control your digital footprint? Please share advice or ask any questions about reclaiming data privacy in the comments below!

I hope this guide brought value in evaluating Incogni for your personal needs. Until next time, be smart and stay private!