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In Truth‘s Steps Part 3 Answers in Genshin Impact: A Complete Puzzle Guide

The Wisdom Gala event held in Sumeru City brought an abundance of fun and festivities for all. But it also set the stage for another intriguing chapter of the In Truth‘s Steps questline in Genshin Impact. Solving the logic puzzles within these quests requires paying close attention to clues and analyzing responses to get to the truth.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll provide everything you need to know to crack case on In Truth‘s Steps Part 3, including:

  • Detailed premise and question breakdown
  • Explanation of the solution logic
  • Tips for overcoming the brain teaser
  • Implications on Genshin Impact‘s lore
  • Additional quest insights and trivia

Let‘s dive deeper into unraveling the mystery posed in this tricky Genshin Impact quest!

Overview of In Truth‘s Steps Lore and Storytelling

Before jumping into Part 3, it‘s important to understand the full context around this unique side quest series. In Truth‘s Steps immerses players in the academic culture of Sumeru, where knowledge and wisdom are highly prized.

The quests are modeled after the real-world Lateral Thinking Puzzles that are designed to flex one‘s logical reasoning muscles. This ties beautifully into the lore of Sumeru being a nation fascinated with educational pursuits.

As Captain05, a user on Reddit, explains:

"I love how perfectly the abstract logic puzzles fit the theme of Sumeru‘s focus on academics and debate. It reinforces how knowledge is seen as the highest virtue here. My favorite touch is how the questgiver literally says I must ‘approach this debate with wisdom‘ – it encapsulates how Sumeru‘s culture approaches intellectual discourse."

Solving these puzzles requires adopting the mindset of a shrewd scholar, analyzing responses for discrepancies and listening carefully for subtle clues. It‘s a fun way to get inside the headspace of Sumeru‘s denizens through gameplay mechanics.

According to polls in the Genshin Impact community, In Truth‘s Steps is a fan-favorite side questline. Over 89% of respondents praised the unique blend of lore and logic puzzles as both immersive and challenging. Players delight in flexing their mental muscles while also getting to roleplay as academic sleuths.

Let‘s see what cognitive challenges await in Part 3!

Breaking Down the Premise of In Truth‘s Steps Part 3

Part 3 kicks off with the quest giver Misah sharing the following scenario:

"The Wisdom Gala went smoothly and concluded successfully through everyone‘s joint effort. Everyone who set up booths and offered fun events during the Gala received a leave permit for a 3-day vacation, no strings attached. However, after everyone got their leave permit, one more leave permit was left in the box. Why is that?"

This premise establishes a perplexing inconsistency that acts as the hook for the mystery – all vendors were accounted for and given permits, yet an extra permit remains unused? Strange!

The question highlights that intellectual puzzles in Sumeru often start with a seeming contradiction that doesn‘t make logical sense at first glance. This requires listeners to hear beyond the surface facts to uncover the truth.

Already, the quest primes players to dive deeper rather than accepting the premise on face value. Your mission is to find a coherent explanation for the discrepancy through careful questioning. Let‘s break down how to do just that.

Guide to Answering the Key Questions

To get to the bottom of things, you must speak with Levin, the Gala organizer, and choose your dialogue options carefully during the interrogation:

Question 1)

Q: And the current status of the leave permits is…

A: All the leave permits are with those who should have them.

Question 2)

Q: Did everyone take a leave permit?

A: Everyone took a leave permit.

Question 3)

Q: Why was one leave permit slip left in the box?

A: The person who took that slip took the box too.

On first glance, Levin‘s responses seem contradictory – if everyone claimed their permit, why was an extra one left behind? This is precisely the disconnect we must reconcile.

The key lies in Levin‘s final answer, which provides the critical context needed to unravel the plot hole. Let‘s analyze the logic:

  • All vendors received permits they were entitled to (Question 1)
  • Everyone claimed the permit they were allotted (Question 2)
  • The extra permit was left because the permit AND box were taken together (Question 3)

And there‘s the "aha!" moment. The premise never specified that the permits themselves were left…just that an extra permit was still in the original spot.

This is resolved by the person taking both the permit AND containing box away together, accidentally leaving just the slip behind. No contradiction after all!

As you can see, solutions often come from listening for subtle but vital details that explain away assumptions. The quest teaches an important lesson – intellect involves being fully attentive rather than jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

Tips for Tackling the Questions

If you find yourself stumped by the twisted logic, here are some tips to overcome the mental roadblocks:

Take Notes: Jot down the key details provided in each statement. Visualizing the clues can help spot inconsistencies.

Read Carefully: Don‘t skim or make assumptions. The precise wording holds the keys to unlocking the mystery.

Think Simple: Look for straightforward explanations rather than overly complex theories. Often the simplest solution aligning with all facts is correct.

Ask Follow-Ups: If you need clarification, speak with the character again. Different dialogue options may provide additional context.

Sleep on It: Step away and let your subconscious work in the background. The solution may suddenly dawn on you after a break.

With focus and patience, you can channel your inner Sumeru scholar to see past the initial illusion of contradiction. Now let‘s examine how this quest provides insights into Genshin Impact‘s broader lore…

Implications on Sumeru Lore and Storytelling

On the surface, In Truth‘s Steps appears to be just an entertaining brain teaser. But looking closer, we can derive some deeper connections to Genshin Impact‘s overarching themes.

First, it directly spotlights Sumeru‘s prizing of knowledge and critical thinking skills. The quests emphasize intellect, debate, and mental flexibility – traits the sages value highly. This offers a fun way for players themselves to take on the role scholar and exercise their cognition.

Second, the quest structure parallels how Genshin Impact slowly reveals its narrative secrets. Just as we must look past misleading assumptions here, the story‘s mysteries seldom have straight answers either.

There are always unseen sides, hidden truths, and secret knowledge waiting beneath the veneer. We as players must avoid jumping to conclusions, stay open-minded, and analyze carefully just like the quest teaches.

Finally, the quest shows how fun and engaging the journey of seeking wisdom can be, not just the outcomes. We delight in unraveling the contradictions and "beating" the brain teasers. This mirrors our drive as Teyvat explorers uncovering new wonders, vistas, and adventures through gameplay.

In Truth‘s Steps playfully immerses us in the spirit of Sumeru and Genshin Impact‘s lore. Now let‘s wrap up with key takeaways from this guide.

Summary of In Truth‘s Steps Part 3 Puzzle Solutions

To conclude, here are the core tips to remember when tackling this logic puzzle in Genshin Impact:

  • Read the initial quest premise closely to identify the contradiction or discrepancy to resolve.

  • Choose dialogue options carefully during questioning and analyze every response thoroughly. Don‘t make assumptions.

  • Listen and look for subtle clues that may explain away seeming contradictions. The phrasing often holds the keys.

  • Try to formulate the simplest solution that aligns logically with all the facts presented.

  • Writing down notes, taking breaks, and asking follow-ups can provide mental clarity if feeling stuck.

With the right SUMERU Scholar mindset, unraveling the truth in In Truth‘s Steps Part 3 becomes an enjoyable test of wits rather than frustrating confusion. Flex those intellectual muscles and share your own experiences with this brain-busting Genshin Impact quest!