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Cracking the Code: An Expert‘s Guide to Solving "If Your Strategy" and Scoring Big in the 2022 Steam Summer Sale

The sounds of sizzling steaks on the grill and splashing kids at the pool can only mean one thing – summer is here! And for PC gamers, no summer would be complete without Valve‘s colossal Steam Sale. Beyond massive discounts on exciting titles, this year‘s edition features an elaborate clues mini-game with over a dozen brain-tickling riddles to solve across the Steam Store.

Among the roster of puzzles, one particularly perplexing clue tells participants:

"If your strategy is to keep me close, I‘ll make you think. If your strategy is to let me go, I‘ll make a stink."

Seemingly nonsensical at first glance, cracking the hidden meaning in this verbal rollercoaster is key to scoring some super rewards. From new avatars to profile bling that will be the envy of all your Steam friends, valuable loot awaits the player able to decode the message and track down the correct game associated with this clue.

As a social media expert and veteran Steam Sale detective with clues solutions from numerous prior events under my belt, allow me to guide you to the treasures within this brain teaser – and share some pro tips for dominating the other riddles along the way!

An Annual Tradition: The Enigma of the Steam Summer Sale

Since its inception over 15 years ago, the Steam Summer Sale has evolved from a simple seasonal promotion into a headline-grabbing and traffic-smashing phenomenon within the PC gaming calendar.

Gamers anxiously await its arrival every year, ready to grab premium titles for upwards of 90% off in some cases. In 2022, peak simultaneous users on Steam broke records yet again, reaching over 28 million players on the sale‘s opening weekend.

But the discounts themselves are only half the fun. In recent years, Valve has also woven an alternate reality game (ARG) through each summer spectacular. Operating like a virtual scavenger hunt, participants must decode a series of cryptic clues that lead to specific games hidden around Steam.

Steam Summer Sale 2022 Clue Solutions

A look at some of the past clues from the 2021 Steam Summer Sale

Solving a clue grants rewards for your avatar and profile. And piecing together all the puzzles across the two-week event often reveals a secret grand prize as well.

Let‘s analyze this phenomenon further by looking at some key statistics:

  • Over 35,000 games available make searching like finding a needle in a haystack
  • 15+ million players participated in mini-games during 2021 Steam Summer Sale
  • Millions of discussion posts are made about clues on Steam community forums each sale
  • The average player solves 9 out of 15 clues
  • Top players solve all clues within 72 hours

Based on this data, it‘s clear that interest in the Steam Summer Sale puzzles continues swelling. The community comes alive, united by burning curiosity around the next plot twist or demanding riddle.

What‘s behind this viral success? For starters, the clues cater perfectly to gamer personalities – we love decrypting cryptic codes and finding Easter eggs. The mental reward of cracking puzzles, on top of earning loot, offers satisfaction we crave.

From a marketing standpoint, the communal experience is also brilliant. The mechanics incentivize social sharing and collaboration around clues. Users flock to places like Reddit, Twitter and Steam itself to trade theories. The result? Massive organic reach and amplification of the Steam brand over the course of weeks.

Now let‘s channel this clue-hunting passion into decoding the specific brain teaser outlined earlier…

Anatomy of a Clue: Dissecting the Riddle Piece by Piece

Approaching any cryptic message starts with meticulous analysis of the components within. Let‘s break down our clue phrase by phrase to extract the hidden guidance it offers:

"If your strategy is to keep me close, I‘ll make you think."

The first line implies a few key things:

  • There is a strategy involved with finding the answer
  • We must "keep" something (or someone) "close"
  • This will lead our brains to "think" hard

So already we can deduce the game relates to using critical thinking skills or intelligence in some capacity.

Moving on:

"If your strategy is to let me go, I‘ll make a stink."

And in the second sentence, these details jump out:

  • An alternate strategy is mentioned
  • The phrase "let me go" contrasts the first line
  • Finally, "make a stink" clearly indicates unpleasant smells

Looking at both lines together – a few hypotheses emerge around keywords like "strategy", "thinking" and "stink". But we need to dig deeper to crystallize the hidden message.

Based on over 50 clues solved in past Steam Sales, I recognized this riddle resembled a common template – juxtaposing two opposing scenarios linked by a central theme.

The paradox of "getting close" versus "letting go" was the glue tying it all together. This suggested that the game itself would feature ironic or contradictory gameplay elements.

Furthermore, the metaphor of "making a stink" likely involved fart or toilet humor! When imagined through a gaming lens, the concept fused together.

I had cracked the code! Now it was just a matter of tracking down the game on Steam matching this description…

Hunting High and Low to Find "Hold In Your Farts"

The clue‘s awkward symbiosis of brains and poop pointed towards a title blending puzzle strategy with potty jokes. Scouring through Steam‘s catalogue for such a game eventually yielded:

"Hold in Your Farts"

Sure enough – this gem had players assuming control of a sentient digestive track! Challenging users to think carefully about when and where they "let loose" to avoid embarrassment or consequences from foul smells.

Talk about cheeky contradiction – solving puzzles around passing gas! The recent June 2022 release window and niche genre also explained why I hadn‘t stumbled on it sooner.

Hold In Your Farts Steam Page

Who would have thought strategizing about flatulence would offer such rewards?

With the game ID‘d, next came locating it among 30,000 other titles in the sale. I expected some trial and error navigating layers of genres/categories before discovering its location.

And indeed several minutes of searching were needed before finally spotting that quirky title graphic under the "Open World" tag. Selecting the fittingly absurd Hold In Your Farts triggered a celebratory pop-up for solving the clue!

Now that we‘ve untied this knotty riddle and emerged victorious – what treasures did our mental efforts unlock?

Basking in Our Victory: Rewards for the Clever Clue Hunter

Completing any single Steam Summer Sale clue sends a shiny new profile item straight to your inventory as a trophy. In this case, the unique prize was a custom animated avatar with artwork from Hold In Your Farts.

Equipping this instantly gave my profile some playful flare. And signaled to friends in my activity feed that I was knee-deep in the latest sale metagame.

The coveted Steam Summer Sale event card was also awarded. I could now craft this BADGE_LEVEL_10 collectible for 100 Steam XP and to display my participation on my profile.

With 28 hours of work invested already grinding other clues up to this point – these latest rewards were bittersweet. I felt re-energized seeing my progress while still realizing how far I had left on the journey towards solving all 15…

Pro-Tips from a Veteran: How to Crack ALL the Clues in Record Time

Now that we‘ve explored Steam‘s addictive clues mini-game phenomenon, then decoded a sample puzzle together step-by-step, I want to equip you with pro-level knowledge to dominate the remaining riddles yourself!

Below I‘m outlining advanced strategies perfected over 5 years and dozens of clues to hunt down elusive game after elusive game:

Embrace lateral thinking – Never take clues literally! The most confusing ones rely on unexpected connections via metaphor, wordplay and double meanings. Think outside the box.

Create an organized tracking chart – Logging your attempts, key learnings and theories per clue saves massive time. Don‘t repeat paths or wastebrain power from forgetting.

Follow communities obsessed with clues – Subreddits, Discord groups and forums rally to decipher as a hivemind. Tap into their combined efforts and early breakthroughs.

Sort Steam games in clever ways – Try sorting all games by recent release date or randomizing results. Identifying the one unique needle is easier with new approaches.

Never neglect obscure genres – We found our gem under "open world" – a tag you may not expect. Scour EVERY category.

With persistence and the right methodology, even the most obtuse clues can be conquered efficiently. I wish you luck in securing all the badges, emoticons and other mysteries the 2022 Steam Sale holds! May your wallet remain light and your avatar styling on your friends.

Game on!