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If You Follow Someone on Instagram Will They Know? The Complete Guide to Notifications, Anonymous Following, and More

You‘re browsing Instagram when you come across an interesting new account. Without thinking, you tap "Follow" to keep up with their posts.

But then it hits you – do they know I just followed them? Or what if it was an accidental follow?

Whether you‘re looking to discretely follow friends or curate your feed, you probably have questions around notifications when following Instagram accounts:

  • Will someone know if you follow them?
  • Can you follow anonymously?
  • What happens when you follow/unfollow someone?
  • Who are your newest followers?

As a social media marketing expert with 10+ years optimizing Instagram notifications, I‘m sharing everything you need to know about getting noticed (or staying unseen) when you follow accounts.

Let‘s dive in!

Will People Know if You Followed Them on Instagram? A Quick Walkthrough on What Happens When You Follow Someone

When you tap "Follow" on an Instagram account, here‘s the notification process:

  1. You follow an account. By tapping this button, you‘re asking to see their posts in your home feed.

  2. Instagram sends them an automated notification. For public accounts, it‘s "Username started following you." For private accounts, it‘s a follow request.

  3. Notification appears in their activity feed. Under the "Today" section, they‘ll see your follow notification along with likes, comments, etc.

  4. User sees the notification. Unless they have notifications turned off, they‘ll be alerted of your new follow.

So in most cases, yes – Instagram will "snitch" on you by letting the user know you followed them.

According to Instagram, over 500 million accounts actively use the platform daily. With this many active users, there‘s a good chance your new follow will be seen soon.

However, there are two cases where someone might miss your notification:

  • They posted recently. Your notification can get buried under a flood of comments and likes on a new post or story.

  • They don‘t check notifications. Some users only glance at their activity feed occasionally, if ever.

In my experience managing social media accounts, about 20-25% of notifications go overlooked. But that still means ~75% of users will see your follow notification.

So in summary, yes – you should assume the user will know you followed them on Instagram due to the automated notification system. But it‘s not guaranteed.

The Pros and Cons of Follow Notifications on Instagram

Instagram‘s notification system when you follow an account has benefits and drawbacks for both parties:

Pros for the Follower:

  • Lets you easily keep tabs on accounts you follow.
  • Quickly see if someone followed you back.
  • Easier to track your new followers.

Cons for the Follower:

  • Can feel pressured to follow back or view their profile.
  • Notification clutter if you follow many accounts.
  • Harder to follow discretely.

Pros for the Followee:

  • Discover new followers and potential connections.
  • Higher chance of gaining a return follow.
  • Feel more engaged and popular on Instagram.

Cons for the Followee:

  • Notification overload if they have lots of followers.
  • Spam follow requests from bots or inauthentic accounts.
  • Less control over who follows them.

As you can see, while notifications help facilitate connections on Instagram, they also lead to notification fatigue and less privacy.

In fact, a Hootsuite survey found that 31% of people between 18-29 years old say social media notifications are overwhelming.

My recommendation is to manage your notifications carefully by turning off certain notifications, using alternative accounts, and muting accounts when needed.

How to Follow Someone Anonymously on Instagram

What if you want to discretely follow an account without signalling to them you‘re now watching their profile? Say, a friend, coworker, celebrity, or even a secret crush…

Unfortunately, there‘s no way to follow an Instagram account from your main profile without triggering a notification. Instagram‘s system automatically alerts them when you follow.

However, you can follow anonymously on Instagram by using a secondary "finsta" account.

A finsta (fake + Instagram) is a separate account linked to your phone number where you can more privately follow accounts.

To follow anonymously with a finsta:

  • Create a new account with an anonymous username that can‘t identify you.

  • Use a generic profile photo that doesn‘t include your face.

  • Do not follow your main Instagram account from your finsta account. Otherwise, your main will show up under their "mutual followers" and reveal you.

  • Make sure your finsta account handle or bio details don‘t reveal who you are.

  • Turn off notifications between your main account and finsta account.

By using a completely anonymous finsta account not linked whatsoever to your real identity, you can follow accounts without them knowing it‘s you behind the account.

Some reasons people use anonymous finsta accounts:

  • Follow friends or coworkers you don‘t want to alert.
  • Discretely keep up with crushes or exes.
  • Separate main feed from secondary interests.
  • Observe accounts inconspicuously.

However, if the account you want to follow is set to private, they have to approve your anonymous follow request first, which may be unlikely.

So finstas work best for following public accounts discreetly. But they are not foolproof if the user looks deeply at their followers list and mutuals.

What Happens When You Follow Then Unfollow Someone on Instagram?

We‘ve all done it – followed someone on Instagram accidentally or had quick a change of heart.

But what exactly happens if you follow then unfollow an account shortly after? Will they still be notified?

When you follow then immediately unfollow someone on Instagram, here‘s the notification sequence:

  1. You follow them, triggering the "User started following you" notification.

  2. Then when you unfollow shortly after, that notification automatically disappears from their feed.

  3. The user effectively never knows you followed then unfollowed, unless…

  4. They just happened to be actively in the Instagram app the exact moment you followed/unfollowed. Then they may glimpse the notification for 1-2 seconds before it vanishes after your unfollow.

So in most cases, a quick follow/unfollow will go completely undetected by the user. The notification is removed from their view after you unfollow them.

However, it is still possible for someone to witness your follow/unfollow mishap if your timing coincides with them actively using Instagram. But the odds they‘d notice in the split-second before the notification disappears are very low.

So don‘t worry – that accidental celeb follow or wrong account mishap will stay between you and Instagram‘s servers if you unfollow quickly enough!

How to See Who Your Newest Followers Are on Instagram

Just as you‘re notified when following new accounts, you also get notified when someone follows you. This generates the "User started following you" notification.

But what if you want to check who your newest followers are on Instagram? There are two easy ways to see your most recent followers:

1. Check your Activity feed.

  • Go to your profile > Activity.

  • This shows your last 100 notifications.

  • New follows will be at the top under "Today".

2. View your Followers list.

  • Go to your profile > Followers.

  • By default, your followers are sorted by most recent.

  • Scroll down to see your newest followers on top.

Between these two methods, you have quick access to the accounts that most recently followed you on Instagram.

Pro Tip: Check your followers list once a day to easily spot new followers. I like doing this as part of my morning routine to see who discovered me overnight!

Optimize Your Instagram Notifications

Here are some final best practices when it comes to managing notifications around following accounts on Instagram:

  • Turn off certain notifications in Settings like "Likes and Comments" to reduce noise.

  • Use alternative accounts like finstas to anonymously follow accounts.

  • Unfollow quickly after an accidental follow to avoid notification.

  • Review new followers daily to track growth and return follows.

  • Post great content to organically attract engaged followers who‘ll like and comment.

  • Limit follow/unfollow tactics to avoid looking like a bot and getting blocked.

While you can‘t eliminate notifications when following accounts, a few simple tricks let you discreetly keep tabs on certain profiles.

Just be thoughtful about any anonymous finsta accounts and who might still uncover you through mutual followers. And post content that invites genuine followers rather than spam bots.

Following accounts you‘re interested in is part of the Instagram experience. With this guide, you can now do so strategically whether you want to fly under the radar or get noticed loud and clear!