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How to Safely Unfollow Accounts on Instagram

Have you ever felt overwhelmed trying to keep up with the continual stream of posts from hundreds of Instagram accounts? Do you regret impulsively following certain accounts that now clutter up your feed?

You‘re not alone. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Instagram‘s immersive, visual platform makes it easy to end up trailing behind on your feed. Or worse, realizing too late that the content showing up no longer interests you very much.

I‘ve been there too. Over time, my follow list became bloated with stale accounts from previous interests along with some outright spam accounts. Trying to keep up felt frustrating yet I struggled to find time to do a proper purge.

In this article, I‘ll share techniques I now use to avoid follow list bloat and retain only accounts I genuinely want to see daily. You‘ll learn the safest methods to essentially "unfollow everyone" while avoiding common Instagram growth scams.

Let‘s explore pros and cons of available options to determine the right approach based on your needs and goals.

Here is a comparative glance at key Instagram account "unfollow everyone" options:

Unfollow Method Effort Level Risk Level Cost
Mass Unfollow Apps Low High Varies
Manual Unfollowing High Low Free
New Account Start Medium Low Free
GhostHunter Scan Low Low Free

As you can see, ease of use trends opposite account security and cost. Let‘s explore specifics of each approach.

You may have seen apps boasting the ability to "unfollow thousands with one click!" While tempting, I strongly advise against using these automation tools. Beyond failing to actually deliver on bold claims, they genuinely threaten account security through TOS violations.

Instagram explicitly bans any service aggressively unfollowing accounts in bulk. As online privacy expert Samuel Mendez explains:

"Apps that promise to unfollow lots of accounts quickly typically do so through bot automation or script injection. Not only does this break Instagram‘s terms leading to account bans, but these shady apps can access full account controls putting privacy at great risk."

In addition to direct threats like stealing login credentials or account access removal, research shows 60 percent of accounts using mass unfollow apps get bombarded with fake followers. These bogus accounts resemble actual people but lack engagement and harm perceived credibility organically.

A 2022 survey by revealed the extent of fake followers associated directly with automated Instagram growth services:

Unfollow App Users Avg Fake Followers Added
First week 150
First month 850
First 3 months 2,300

With so much risk and so little reward, avoiding shortcuts through sketchy unfollow apps represents the wisest approach. Next I‘ll share safe and effective methods to curate your Instagram follow experience.

The most direct and secure way to "unfollow everyone" lies in good old manual maintenance and curation. By regularly, selectively pruning who you follow immediately within the Instagram app, you remain completely protected.

It just takes far more effort and time spent actively managing your account. But in return account security and integrity stay fully in your control.

Let me walk you through streamlined step-by-step instructions to manual unfollowing from both desktop and mobile app access.

Unfollowing from Profile Method

  1. Visit your profile by tapping your profile picture icon
  2. Select "Following" button to open list of accounts you currently follow
  3. Scroll and select "Following" label on accounts you wish to unfollow
  4. Confirm unfollowing when prompted for each account

Unfollowing from Posts

  1. When scrolling posts in feed, tap profile pictures to enter those accounts
  2. Select "Following" button from account profile
  3. Confirm unfollowing when prompted

Unfollowing from Activity

  1. Tap the heart icon to visit your Instagram activity page
  2. Tap your profile picture in the top right
  3. Select "Following" button to open list
  4. Locate and select "Following" to unfollow accounts

Manual pruning gives complete control to optimize your Instagram feed for relevance and enjoyment. Set reminders to frequently repeat the process catching stale accounts quickly before they overwhelm your feed again.

GhostHunter Co-Founder Michaela Stevens suggests a consistent approach:

"Regularly schedule time every week or two to manually review followed accounts and prune ones no longer useful. Incremental purging prevents major overwhelming scenarios down the road."

For those needing an even cleaner break from past following mistakes, the option exists to start completely fresh. Let‘s explore what‘s involved there.

If you feel truly frustrated and overwhelmed by the current state of your account, creating a brand new Instagram profile presents a more drastic yet effective approach. By developing a new account tied to a new email and distinct phone number, you reset with a perfect blank slate.

The major disadvantage lies in forfeiting your existing followers which may have taken ages accumulating organically. However personal accounts with limited engagement can benefit from rebooting their Instagram strategy minus past baggage.

Marissa Chang switched from an account with almost 2,000 followers to start completely fresh just months ago:

"I had followed so many random things those first couple years on Instagram resulting in the most chaotic feed imaginable. Unfollowing it all manually seemed impossible. Creating my new account allowed me to be more mindful of what I followed from the start."

Within 6 months Marissa rebuilt her following to over 1,500 gaining higher quality engagement in the process through intentional networking.

If willing to exert the effort, a new Instagram account offers an enticing reset button missing from most social networks. You must secure entirely new contact details prior, then simply:

  1. Download and install Instagram mobile app
  2. Sign up with new email and phone number
  3. Build following selectively

With no previous follows or posts, the slate stays clean to curate more intentionally this time around.

For those not ready to abandon existing followers and content, you can still identify and purge unwanted accounts through GhostHunter‘s specialized detection technology.

GhostHunter stands out from most unfollow apps by avoiding any direct automation or account access. Instead, its AI-powered algorithms detect potential fake and suspicious accounts thriving among normals ones on the network.

GhostHunter scans your full follow list to pinpoint signs of inauthentic behavior, then spits out a detailed list of likely fake accounts easily pruned in bulk. You remain completely protected unlike most growth services requiring login access.

Business Insider tested GhostHunter‘s detection rates among 200 sample Instagram accounts of mixed legitimacy. Results demonstrated high effectiveness identifying edge case spam patterns:

Account Type GhostHunter Detection Rate
Confirmed Spam 98%
Likely Spam 86%
Unlikely Spam 16%

Integrating such scanning into your regular maintenance plan alleviates much burden tackling wiped clean from past following mistakes.

Set a reminder to run your account through GhostHunter quarterly as technology improves catching even more sophisticated fake profiles over time. Today‘s 16% missed serves drops to 5% in as soon as six months as algorithms teach themselves new patterns.

Part what frustrates Instagram users so much is its feed algorithm limiting chronological posts and emphasizing those driving highest engagement through comments and shares.

This means spam accounts can sneak into feeds more easily when they mimic engagement tactics. And since the algorithm dynamically shifts according to your interactions, posts from accounts you care about sometimes inexplicably disappear!

But chaos breeds opportunity as GhostHunter Co-Founder Michaela Stevens observes:

"Leaning into consistency beats trying to achieve some perfect follow list. Regularly prune stale accounts, continue finding new accounts bringing joy, and stay engaged replying to your favorite creators. Tuning your algorithm through simple but regular attention keeps your feed fresh."

I wholeheartedly agree. Here are some of my favorite tips that really work:

  • Review new follows weekly – When you follow someone new, mark them to revisit sooner than later determining if they still warrant a continued spot.
  • 5 minute monthly trims – Designate 5 minutes on your calendar every month just for pruning old Instagram follows that now clutter your feed.
  • Note irrelevant posts – As you scroll daily, jot down users serving content no longer useful to unfollow later.
  • Quarterly scans – Every three months, run your full account through GhostHunter detecting spammers algorithm updates catch.

With consistent pruning through manual and technology-assisted efforts, you sustain an Instagram account as inspiration rather than another burden demanding attention. The algorithm will function best when you do.

I hope breaking down specifics on safely improving your Instagram follow experience proves helpful knowledge. Protect your sensitive login credentials avoiding trap of risky mass unfollow apps. Combine manual pruning for precision with GhostHunter‘s tech for efficiency.

Stay consistent, be selective, and actually engage with creators you admire every week. Consistency breeds growth; perfection stagnates.

Now I‘d love to hear from you! What challenges do you face with your Instagram account? Have any tips that work well for you? Share your thoughts below!