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How to Unblock Someone on Twitter in 6 Steps

Twitter blocking is a useful tool for controlling your feed and interactions. But what if you change your mind and want to reconnect? Unblocking someone on Twitter is straightforward – this guide covers how to do it in 6 simple steps.

Overview: Twitter Blocking Basics

With over 300 million monthly active users, Twitter hosts endless conversations – but things don‘t always go smoothly. The platform‘s blocking feature lets you restrict specific accounts from contacting you, seeing your posts, or following you.

You have the power to manage your block list and free your little Twitter prisoners. However, unblocking isn‘t always advisable. This guide explores exactly how to unblock someone, what happens when you do, and when it is or isn’t a good idea.

Step-By-Step Instructions

You can unblock Twitter users either from your account settings or directly on their profile. Here is how to do both:

Method 1: Through Account Settings

  1. Click on your profile icon in the top left of your Home page
  2. Select "Settings and privacy" from the drop-down menu
  3. Click on "Privacy and safety" from the options
  4. Select "Mute and block"
  5. Click on "Blocked accounts" to view your block list
  6. Locate the user you want to unblock and click the red "Blocked" button

Method 2: From the User‘s Profile

  1. Search for the blocked user‘s profile (you won‘t see their posts or details)
  2. Click the 3-dot menu icon in the top right of their profile
  3. Select “Unblock” from the options
  4. Confirm you want to remove them from your block list

And that‘s it! A few quick clicks and your block is gone.

What Happens When You Unblock Someone on Twitter

Once unblocked, the user can again:

  • View your profile details and posts
  • Follow or tag you in their tweets
  • Send you Direct Messages
  • See your tweets on their feed if they follow you

Essentially, it’s like you never blocked them. Filters are lifted, connections reopened.

However, the other user won’t receive a notification that you unblocked them. Twitter doesn’t alert people about block status changes.

Limitations of Twitter‘s Blocking Tools

While blocking prevents further contact, Twitter‘s system does have some limitations users should know:

  • You can’t tell who has blocked you – Twitter doesn‘t share this for privacy reasons.
  • There’s no way to track how many accounts have blocked you either.
  • You need third-party tools like Blolook to generate reports showing blocking data.
  • Twitter also won‘t notify a user if you block or unblock them.

Now let’s get into the question – when should you actually unblock someone?

Deciding If You Should Unblock

Just because you can remove your block doesn‘t always mean you should. There are a few factors to consider:

  • Why You Blocked Them Originally – Think back on their behavior. Was it harassment, spamming, or simple annoyance? If they crossed serious lines, tread carefully.
  • How Long It’s Been – Enough time might‘ve passed for hard feelings to fade. Or old wounds could still be fresh. Gauge based on your experience.
  • Offline Relationship – Real-world connections warrant more forgiveness. Prioritize salvaging bonds with people you actually know.

Essentially, unblocking is very contextual. If you value what removing the block could rebuild, it may be worthwhile. But don‘t feel obligated if you still feel wronged or unsafe.


Here are answers to some other common questions around the Twitter blocking experience:

Can someone tell if you’ve blocked them? Not directly. But if they search and can’t view your profile at all, they’ll know.

Can you unblock yourself from an account? No. For security reasons, Twitter doesn‘t allow this. You‘d need to contact support and appeal the block.

Does Twitter show who viewed my profile? No. No first or third-party tools can reveal profile views either. Interacting is the only way to know.

Can I block a user from their tweet? Yes. Simply click the 3-dot menu on their post, then select "Block". Easy account-level blocking.

Can I see who saved my Twitter photo? Unfortunately no. Twitter doesn‘t share data on who specifically saved your media. Anyone can download your public images.

The Takeaway

Blocking and unblocking are personal decisions based on your comfort. This guide covers how to unblock people on Twitter via two methods with just a few clicks.

Remember to weigh the pros and cons of removing blocks carefully based on your history and relationship. Feel free to take your time deciding. And utilize blocking without hesitation if someone makes you feel unsafe.