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A Complete Guide to Unblocking Someone on Instagram

Have you ever reacted too hastily and blocked someone on Instagram, only to regret it later? This guide will explore how to gracefully unblock other users if you change your mind after blocking them.

We’ll also analyze the appropriate situations for blocking, when to avoid it, and how to rebuild damaged connections after reversing your blocking. Let’s dive in and resolve those social media conflicts!


First, we’ll examine what happens when you block an account on Instagram. Next, we’ll detail the straightforward steps to unblock people on both mobile and desktop.

We’ll also discuss best practices around blocking:

  • Pros vs cons of blocking
  • Blocking etiquette guidelines
  • How to tell if someone blocked you

Finally, we’ll close with pro tips for resolving drama without blocking and rebuilding broken Instagram bonds after unblocking.

Equipped with this knowledge, you can navigate Instagram blocking confidently and remain accountable. Now let’s get started!

The Effects of Blocking Someone on Instagram

Blocking prevents the blocked person from:

  • Viewing your posts and Stories
  • Commenting on your content
  • Following you or seeing your followers
  • Direct messaging you
  • Finding you in Instagram Search

Essentially, you disappear from their view. They can’t interact with your profile at all until unblocked.

According to a 2022 survey by Statista, 17% of Instagram users have blocked other accounts before. Why such a common reaction? Usually blocking stems from:

  • Personal conflicts — arguments, betrayed trust
  • Unwanted flirting/advances
  • Attempted friend poaching (soliciting your contacts)
  • Feeling embarrassed by their content
  • Protecting personal privacy

How to Unblock Someone on Instagram

Had a change of heart about blocking a user? Let’s discuss how to revert this decision.

Unblocking on Instagram is luckily quick and painless. Just a few taps removes previous restrictions imposed on that user.

Ready to mend fences? Here is how to unblock on mobile or desktop:

Unblocking Other Accounts on Mobile

Pulling out your smartphone, here are the steps to unblock:

  1. Open your Instagram app and visit your profile page.
  2. Tap the three line menu button in the top right.
  3. Scroll down and select Settings.
  4. Choose Privacy > Blocked Accounts.
  5. Tap on the user you had blocked.
  6. Press Unblock to confirm lifting restrictions.

After tapping Unblock, that user has their access fully restored! But more on what that means later…

Unblocking through Instagram Desktop

Prefer managing blocking from your computer? Here is how to unblock on

  1. On Instagram through a desktop web browser, navigate directly to the blocked user’s profile page.
  2. Click the blue Unblock User button on their profile.
  3. Confirm you want to restore access by selecting Unblock in the popup.

And done! As easy as that, the user can now interact with your Instagram presence again.

Viewing Your Blocked Accounts List

To see exactly who you’ve blocked on Instagram:

  1. In your profile, tap the three line menu.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Go to Privacy > Blocked Accounts.

Here you‘ll find everyone you‘ve previously blocked on Instagram.

Access this list whenever you want to clean house and reconsider blocking certain individuals. It‘s a chance for a fresh start!

Should I Block or Unblock Someone on Instagram?

Blocking severes communication entirely with another user. But is this necessary in every conflict? Let‘s analyze the pros and cons of blocking accounts.

Potential Pros of Blocking Someone

Blocking a user provides certain benefits like:

  • Prevents harassment from aggressive or abusive accounts.
  • Stops unwanted flirting/advances from relentless accounts.
  • Protects privacy by restricting access to your content and data.
  • Removes embarrassing or dangerous individuals from visibility.

Often we block in the heat of the moment for catharsis. It can feel liberating!

Potential Cons of Blocking Users

However, some downsides also exist:

  • Damages relationships further — lacks communication and reconciliation.
  • Incites resentment or anger in the blocked individual.
  • Prevents conflict resolution since discussions become impossible.
  • Feels overly aggressive as a first resort reaction.
  • Causes awkwardness later if paths recross.

With new emotions and hindsight, we may regret blocking. Unblocking can fix this social media sin.

Weighing the Tradeoffs

According to psychologists, blocking should not be taken lightly considering these impacts.

“More communication, not less, resolves most online conflicts,” says Dr. McKenna Miller, therapist.

But in cases of harassment or privacy breaches, blocking becomes essential. Assess each situation individually. If safety is at stake, cut off contact without guilt.

Err on the side of second chances though whenever reasonable. Rather than reacting instantly, take time to process feelings before determining if blocking makes sense.

And never publicize blocks — handling matters privately causes less drama. If opting to unblock, read on for tips…

Navigating Life After Unblocking

Okay, so you caved and unblocked someone. Now what? How can the relationship get back on track?

After reversing your blocking decision, here is what the previously blocked user can now do again:

  • Direct message/text you in Instagram
  • Comment on your profile content
  • View your Stories posts
  • See your follower list again
  • Follow you and like your photos

In their eyes, it’s like the block never happened — full access restored!

But for you, anxiety may linger post-unblocking:

“Will they even accept my follow request again?”

“What if they blocked me back or don’t want to reconnect?”

This ambiguity causes unease. So take baby steps and let any hard feelings fade before rushing back into friendship.

5 Tips for Reconnecting After Unblocking

Here are some expert tips on navigating the aftermath of unblocking gracefully:

  1. Send a thoughtful apology for the abrupt block, acknowledging their likely confusion and hurt. Take ownership.

  2. Wait longer than usual before re-following them or messaging. Let wounds heal rather than reopen raw emotions.

  3. Reply openly if they reach out but avoid forcing conversations right away. Let rapport rebuild slowly.

  4. Fill your feed and Stories with positive posts — not passive aggressive jabs. Kill them with kindness through your content.

  5. Finally, reflect deeply on why the conflict happened at all. Adjust behaviors on your end to prevent repeats!

The key with mending broken online bonds is patience. Allow tempers to settle before attempting to recreate lost connections.

And if sincerely apologizing after unblocking fails to restore the relationship fully in time? Chalk it up to experience. Not all blocking damage can be undone but the effort matters most.

What If Someone Blocked You on Instagram?

Finding out you’ve been blocked can hurt emotionally too. So how do you know if someone actually blocked you on Instagram? Signs include:

  • Their comments disappearing from your pics suddenly
  • No likes from them anymore
  • Messaging failures due to their disabled inbox
  • Error screens when trying to view their profile or posts

If these sound familiar, chances are they preemptively blocked you first. This prevents you from snooping their feed or trying to explain yourself.

You do still have options to reach out though! Here is one last attempt at communication:

  1. Compose a new Instagram Direct message to them.
  2. Manually type their @username into the To: field even if it doesn’t auto-populate.
  3. Send this one-sided message to turn their handle into a clickable link.
  4. Fingers crossed block restrictions lift when you click through to reveal their profile.

If luck is on your side, an Unblock button becomes available through this backdoor access trick! Use the opportunity to apologize for whatever caused them to block you initially.

Stress that your intentions were never malicious and you value reconnecting. If your plea remains unanswered? Consider it closure and move forward knowing you tried your best.

When Should You Actually Block Someone on Social Media?

Blocking is not a decision to take lightly or based only on trivial disagreements. Reserve blocking for cases like:

  • Repeated harassment: After asking a bully to stop, block them if behavior continues.
  • Feeling unsafe: Block anyone inciting fear through aggression or threats immediately.
  • Impersonators: Shut down fake accounts imitating you or loved ones.
  • Hacked accounts: Compromised accounts sending spam/malware should be promptly blocked.

According to mental health experts, blocking qualifies as an emotional self-protection tool, not as petty retaliation. Don’t wield blocks carelessly based only on knee-jerk reactions.

Aim to resolve minor conflicts through discussion first. But if boundaries continue being crossed? Block then without guilt as a last resort.

Let’s Recap key lessons

Having second thoughts after blocking an Instagram user? Here are the key takeaways to remember:

  • Unblocking people is fast and simple through your profile’s privacy settings. Just tap a few times to undo!
  • However, think carefully beforehand if blocking is necessary — its impacts spread wider than you imagine.
  • Once reversing blocks, take care in reconnecting. Allow ample time for hard feelings to fully subside.
  • Getting blocked yourself is painful but try your best to make amends. The effort can mend ties.
  • Finally, keep blocking as an absolute last resort for unsafe situations. In most cases, talk problems out first!

I hope these tips help you unblock gracefully and handle dicey social media drama maturely going forward. Feel free to reach out with any other questions!