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Securing Every Device: Complete Guide to Setting Up NordVPN on Your Router

Connecting NordVPN at the router-level protects each and every device across your home network. In this guide, I‘ll explain step-by-step how to configure popular router brands to harness NordVPN‘s privacy superpowers out-of-the-box.

We‘ll cover everything from installing NordVPN client credentials on your router to troubleshooting connectivity issues. Follow along to bulletproof the security and anonymity of every gadget that taps into your Wi-Fi. When we‘re done here, you can browse, stream, and download across all devices safely ensconced within an encrypted NordVPN tunnel.

Why We Need to Secure Our Home Networks

Before jumping into the installation walkthrough, understanding why it‘s so important to lock down your home network is key.

Our router connects phones, laptops, TVs, home assistants, light bulbs – everything. While device-level VPN protection is better than nothing, research shows over 85% of households have no encryption whatsoever across IoT products. That means any unsecured device could allow hackers access to the entire network.

Consumer webcams and routers alone have exploded as targets:

A 2022 Imperva report found over 13,500 insecure routers are discovered online everyday. Most leverage default passwords that have never been changed.

Without a VPN, it takes just one breach to expose every connected device. Our router firewalls help, but aren‘t infallible. By installing NordVPN on your router directly, every device behind it inherits protection automatically.

Now let‘s explore how a router-level VPN keeps you air tight.

Router VPNs vs. Device VPNs: Key Security Differences

While using NordVPN on your laptop or phone is handy, router integration unlocks way stronger privacy perks:

Total network encryption – All data flowing gets wrapped in a VPN tunnel first, keeping devices from "seeing" each other. Local network attacks become nearly impossible.

Effortless expansion – Adding new phones and tablets doesn‘t require manually installing VPN clients. Just connect to Wi-Fi!

Internet of Things inclusion – Devices like smart fridges can‘t run VPN software. Router-based VPN handles this weakness.

Public Wi-Fi defense – Connecting to open hotspots won‘t expose devices since the VPN originates at home.

Streaming flexibility – Change virtual locations on the fly to access region-locked content anywhere by adjusting your router‘s configured NordVPN server.

It takes a bit more setup work compared to running NordVPN on a single laptop, but the collective security payoff can‘t be overstated.

Ok, let‘s get your home network and all devices locked into NordVPN‘s protective embrace!

How to Install NordVPN on Your Router (Step-by-Step)

The overall installation workflow sticks to the same happy path regardless of router brand or model:

✅ Access router admin dashboard
✅ Import NordVPN config file
✅ Enter credentials
✅ Adjust settings like protocol and encryption
✅ Connect to activate!

Let‘s get into the step-by-step instructions:

1. Log Into Your Router‘s Admin Interface

First we need to access your router backend. From a device already on your local wireless network:

  1. Launch your browser and visit your router‘s admin webpage:

  2. Next, enter your router admin username and password when prompted. These are on a sticker somewhere on your router chassis if unsure.

2. Navigate to VPN Client Settings

Once logged into the router backend:

  • ASUS – Visit Advanced Settings > VPN Client
  • NETGEAR – Choose Advanced > VPN Service
  • LINKSYS – Click VPN tab > Configure VPN Client
  • TP-LINK – Select VPN > OpenVPN > Client

If your router brand isn‘t listed, consult the user manual for how to reach VPN configuration.

3. Download & Import NordVPN Config File

Now we‘ll add NordVPN‘s proprietary OpenVPN configuration file:

  1. Visit NordVPN‘s config generator and log into your account.

  2. Select a server location like United States to download the associated OpenVPN file.

  3. Back in your router admin, import this .ovpn file under the Client Config or similar section.

4. Input Your NordVPN Credentials

With the config imported, add your NordVPN login so your router can authenticate properly:

  • Copy/paste or type your NordVPN username and password into the designated fields.

Voila! Your router now has the keys to access NordVPN‘s services.

5. Review Additional Settings

Before connecting, set the following options under the VPN configuration section:

  • Protocol – UDP recommended
  • Encryption – AES-128 generally preferred

Also confirm DNS lookup is checked so web browsing won‘t break.

6. Enable Your New NordVPN Router Profile!

You did it! Hit save and then connect to seal your router into NordVPN‘s secure tunnels. Visit from a device to confirm you‘re now browsing via an encrypted exit node.

Router NordVPN Running Slow? Try These Fixes

Don‘t panic if your internet feels sluggish after hooking everything up to NordVPN. A few tweaks can get you back to full speed:

  • Try TCP protocol instead of UDP for more stable throughput.

  • Reduce Encryption Cipher strength which could tax router resources.

  • Disable P2P traffic or enable "Split Tunneling" to selective route only certain traffic through VPN tunnel.

  • If using Wi-Fi, upgrade router and device wireless cards to latest AC/AX standards.

  • Tweak QoS bandwidth allocation if other device traffic saturating links.

  • Switch server region to pick faster NordVPN node location.

Still having issues? Contact their responsive customer support!

Wrapping Up Our NordVPN Router Adventure

And there you have it! We stepped through getting NordVPN handling all network traffic straight from the router level.

No more fussing with individual device configurations each time something new connects. Just link em up to your wireless as normal and they‘ll automatically route through the encrypted NordVPN tunnel.

You‘re now browsing anonymously, securing IoT devices that can‘t run standalone VPN clients, safely accessing public Wi-Fi, and more thanks to your new network security cornerstone.

Already using NordVPN elsewhere? Router integration takes things to the next level. Enjoy the fruits of your digital privacy labor!

For even more online protection techniques and tips, join my exclusive NordVPN masterclass here. Stay safe out there!