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Why You Should Care About Getting More Google Reviews

As an online business owner, positive online reviews — especially Google reviews — should be one of your top priorities for 2024. With over 2 billion monthly Google searches and 90% of people reading reviews before visiting a local business, Google reviews are make-or-break for driving new customer conversions.

This comprehensive guide teaches actionable tips to start getting more positive Google reviews to boost your business. I‘ll share key statistics, how-tos, creative ideas, and common mistakes to avoid.

Let‘s dive in!

Power of Reviews: By the Numbers

Consumers place immense trust in online reviews when evaluating a business:

  • 86% of consumers read reviews for local businesses (BrightLocal)
  • 92% read reviews before visiting a business for the first time (BrightLocal)
  • 97% say positive reviews make them more likely to buy

Additionally, reviews directly influence search rankings and conversions:

  • Each additional star rating increases conversion rates by 5-9% (Search Engine Land)
  • Businesses with more and better reviews tend to rank higher locally

Clearly, positive Google reviews are hugely influential for earning new customer trust and sales.

Here are 13 surefire tips to get more high-quality Google reviews:

1. Optimize Your Google Business Profile

Your free Business Profile establishes your brand on Google and enables customers to post reviews.

To set up your profile properly:

  • Claim or create your listing
  • Completely fill out your business information like address, hours, photos, services, etc.
  • Enable customer reviews by toggling the “Reviews” setting on
  • Actively respond to existing negative reviews

Pro tip: Run periodic searches to identify any duplicate listings and merge them into your verified profile. Duplicate business profiles can fracture review efforts.

Learn more tips in our complete Google Business Profile setup guide.

2. Display Review Badges

Once your Business Profile is ready, add review badges to your website. These prominently showcase your current average rating and number of Google reviews.

For example:

review badge example

Visually promoting your reviews this way clicks psychological switches for site visitors assessing your business. It signals others are having positive experiences worth sharing.

Badges also contain direct one-click links to leave reviews. Enable visitors to contribute reviews from anywhere on your site.

3. Proactively Request Reviews

The most effective way to get reviews is asking for them! Here are the top methods:

In-person requests are extremely effective for service area businesses who interact face-to-face with customers like restaurants, salons, contractors, etc.

Directly ask happy customers to share their experience right before or after a positive service interaction. Hand them instructions to easily leave an online review later. Expect high review response rates this way.

Follow-up emails work very well too. Send a friendly customer thank you email 2-4 days post-transaction. Thank them for their business and politely ask them to leave an honest online review using the link provided.

Printed receipts enable another seamless review request opportunity. Include your website URL, Google review link, QR code, or other digital review instructions on receipts.

Website calls-to-action grab the attention of visitors consuming your site‘s content. Use popups or banner ads to ask them for reviews before they leave.

4. Provide Review Incentives

Despite good intentions, most customers need an extra incentive to actually take time to write a review. Smart businesses provide small motivational perks.

Some ideas:

  • Discount on next purchase
  • Contest entry to win giveaways
  • Gift card, coupon, or free product
  • Faster service on next visit
  • Free follow-up consultation

Incentives yield more Google reviews, higher response rates, and increased 5-star ratings. Just ensure whatever method you use complies with Google‘s strict promotional guidelines.

For example, California-based electrical company Hiegel Electric offers a $5 Starbucks eGift card to customers who show proof of leaving an online review. They built over 130+ 5-star Google reviews through this campaign.

5. Actively Respond to Reviews

Reply to all Google reviews whether positive, negative, or neutral. Doing so reassures customers you highly value all feedback.

For raving 5-star reviews, reply simply thanking the happy customer. This gives future site visitors confidence they‘ll have an equally amazing experience.

For negative or mediocre reviews, apologize for their poor encounter and offer to resolve it. Providing sincere service recovery often convinces unhappy reviewers to update their lower rating more positively later on.

6. Monitor Review Sites

Consistently check Google, Facebook, Yelp, and any other review sites your brand appears on. This allows promptly addressing negative issues before they accumulate many sympathizing upvotes from site visitors.

Manually monitoring each platform is extremely tedious. Dedicated review monitoring software saves tons of time by automatically alerting you of new reviews 24/7 across all major sites.

7. Promote Reviews on Social

Leverage your brand‘s social media presence to request reviews from engaged followers. Frequently share standout happy customer testimonials.

Occasionally run designated hashtag campaigns around sharing experiences. For example, a restaurant might promote #MyFavoriteDish and encourage people to leave a related Yelp or Google review.

8. Send Review Links in Emails

Include handy review links in your email marketing campaigns like newsletters, promotions, order confirmations, etc. This repeatedly reminds subscribers to contribute reviews.

For example, email service Mailchimp has direct integrations with major review platforms. It dynamically generates review links to seamlessly embed in all email sends.

9. Deploy Review Buttons

Besides basic text links, deploy user-friendly review buttons that instantly launch the review modal when clicked. These 1-click gateway buttons make leaving reviews extremely convenient.

Example locations to place prominent review buttons:

  • Thank you or confirmation pages
  • Website footer navigation
  • Checkout sequence completion page

For example, shipping company has Google and TrustPilot review buttons on all its order confirmation pages and emails.

10. Limit Review Requests

A common mistake is over-asking customers for reviews out of desperation. Try to limit review requests to just 1-2 times per transaction or project completion.

Pestering customers too frequently quickly damages your brand reputation. Allow reasonable gaps between additional review asks to avoid coming across as spammy.

11. Diversify Review Sources

While Google reviews are invaluable, having too many from just one single site can seem suspicious if overdone. Pull reviews from a diverse mix of platforms and locations.

Besides Google, actively compile and display authentic reviews from sites like:

  • Facebook
  • Yelp
  • TripAdvisor
  • Relevant industry-specific review sites

This diversification across review sources lends greater credibility and trust signals.

12. Spotlight Raving Fans

When an exceptionally enthusiastic 5-star review comes your way, leverage it across your marketing. Repost the shining praise on social channels and your website.

For example, frame and proudly hang extremely positive customer quotes on your business walls. Use such fans’ rave reviews prominently in advertisements and promotional materials too.

This social proof grabs the attention of prospective customers while demonstrating existing customer love.

13. Never Buy Fake Reviews

Strictly avoid the temptation to purchase fake positive Google reviews from shady outsourced companies. Google‘s latest algorithm updates aggressively flag and punish fraudulent review activity.

Devastating consequences of getting caught buying reviews include:

  • Removal of all fake purchased reviews
  • Severe local search ranking demotion
  • Possible removal of entire Google Business Profile
  • Permanent account suspension without warning

Stick to completely legitimate review generation strategies to avoid handing Google an excuse to torpedo your company‘s hard-earned SEO progress.

Here are answers to several frequently asked questions around getting more quality Google reviews:

How often should I ask customers for reviews?

Only request reviews 1-2 times per customer transaction or project. Any more than that risks aggravating people with constant review pestering. Allow reasonable gaps between additional review asks.

What percent of customers typically leave online reviews?

According to BrightLocal’s exhaustive surveys, only around 37% of customers leave online feedback after a positive experience. And just 14% will leave a review following a negative encounter. Most people simply don’t think to review unprompted. That‘s why proactively asking them directly is so crucial.

Can I legally offer incentives like discounts for Google reviews?

Yes, small discounts, gifts, and contest entries are acceptable ways to incentivize more reviews according Google‘s policy. Just don’t make receiving the incentive expressly contingent on leaving a positive 4-5 star review. Everyone should feel comfortable leaving honest feedback whether extremely positive or negative.

I hope this guide gives you ample ideas to build your Google review count. Business owners seriously underestimate the pivotal impact positive online reviews have for converting new organic website traffic into loyal customers.

Aim for 25-50+ high-quality Google reviews, ideally accrued consistently over many months for an authentic flow. Compelling customer advocates directly translates into more sales. Remember, each additional star rating lifts conversion rates by +5-9% per Search Engine Land research!

Now you‘re armed with actionable tips to commence getting more 4-5 star Google reviews to dramatically grow your local business. Let me know if you have any other questions!